I find it funny that we went from discussing ridiculous rules for the game, to which AA gun rule is better.
Anyway, I found capital rules in each game to be more and more lackluster.
I’d prefer instead, if you lose your capital, for just that one round you may not make any movement of sorts, including scrambles. After that, you may produce only infantry, but on any territory you control, but up to 3 only. China has a capital now, Shanghai, their situation regarding it, is that their “paralised” round has already gone by. If your capital is liberated, you produce up to 12 IPCs of non-Infantry units if you’re an allied power, if you’re an axis power, it is 20 IPCs worth, this is for the first time only when this particular capital is liberated. The French objective is disabled and replaced with a +10 IPC objective for controlling all of their original territories on the Europe side (in case France survives round 1, to allow Germany to save face). National Objectives may still activate even if your capital is occupied. The country that takes your capital may still plunder your IPCs for the same round they took it.