Yeah, I was figuring that if they were allowed to double their capacity, then they would need the logistical support of a working air base. If they just take one infantry, then they can drop him off in a dusty field.
Same thing with paratroopers. Since it is a combat move, I think they would need to start off at an air base but once they dropped the paratroops, they could land in any friendly territory. Of course, if they want to do another paratroop drop, it would have to wait until they got back to an air base unless you happened to buy an air base that round and place it in the territory that the transport plane landed in.
We also allow paratroops to be dropped in enemy controlled unoccupied territories. A “behind the front lines” sort of thing. This kind of makes for a sort of infantry blitz tactic. This would be a good way of preventing enemy retreats but if your attack on the front line territory fails, then that paratroop will probably be wiped out on your enemy’s next turn.
I think allowing them to be dropped into an unoccupied enemy territory as a combat move is one of their main attractions. This means that the attacker needs to be looking for the possibility as well as defenders making sure it doesn’t happen. Adds a tactical twist.
I’ve been wondering if we should make capital territories exempt from paratroop drops.
Perhaps if the capital is unoccupied it could be exempt. But if it is occupied I see no reason it couldn’t be allowed. More than likely it would be part of a larger attack so it allows for an extra inf to be part of the battle. I suppose one paratroop, by itself, going against one or two units in the capital is also a possibility and it is even a small possibility the dice roll in your favor and you take it with the one paratroop. That’s really not much of a difference than a transport doing the same thing.
I think, at least for the first few times, I’d allow it to be used against any unoccupied enemy territory including a capital. Keeps everyone on their toes!
Attack 1 (2 on first combat round), Defense 2, Move 1, Cost 4
I like the idea of having paratroops as separate units from infantry. I’ve not read all the rules for all the different editions, is this one of the rules/options? Or is this a HR you guys use? Either way I like it. Paratroops are different than mainline infantry so costing 1 IPC more is reasonable. I like the attack at a 2 on the first round as well. Gives them a little something unique. I would suppose that if a paratroop was dropped into a territory that you also had an artillery attacking that they would continue to attack at 2 like infantry?
By the way, I think that is a good idea to cut the range to 5. However, they still get the extra movement boost from an air base.
About incorporating air and naval bases into 1942.2, I think in that case you should remove the extra movement bonus for both of them. That map is quite a bit smaller than Global and has less territories and sea zones. Giving any unit an extra movement point would be overpowering.
Air bases could still have the scramble capability and allow transports to carry paratroops on combat moves or increase their capacity on non combat moves.
Naval bases could still repair capital ships (you might consider making carriers capital ships as well in 1942.2). I can’t think of what naval bases do besides the movement bonus and repairing capital ships. Some people like to use naval bases in conjunction with an industrial complex and say that capital ships can only be launched from a naval base, and perhaps cruisers as well. Destroyers, Submarines and Transport ships can be launched from any territory with an industrial complex and don’t need a naval base. Just an idea.
I’ve also heard an idea of naval bases giving that sea zone some sort of extra defensive power.
The differences between the 1940 and 1942.2 map was not something I had considered, glad you brought it up. I will need to take a look at where the naval/air bases are on the 1940 map and make a reasonable conversion to the 1942.2 map. I was looking at the 1940 global board, and if I counted right there are 36 convoy routes as well. I’ll have to take a look at this along with the naval/air bases.
I was thinking about it and at some point we may consider printing out a 1940 global map and using it instead. Of course, since I don’t have the 1940 games I don’t have France, China, Italy or the Anaz (sp?). However, I still have my classic pieces so I could always substitute them for those countries. Let’s see, Germany is now black so the classic grey could be Italy. China, I would imagine, doesn’t last all that long so if there is enough contrast between the old and new Japan pieces I could use them perhaps. Same with G.B. and France, I’ll have to see if there is enough contrast. For Australia, perhaps if there is enough difference in the Russian pieces? IDK, it’s a thought that might be workable. And if I just keep the 1942.2 map as the one we use it shouldn’t be all that difficult to make a reasonable conversion in the number of air/naval/convoy spaces.
Things to ponder :-)