A great time was had by all! An unanimous desire to repeat the event, possibly quarterly, so any other UK players keep your eyes open on this board.
A brief battle report since that seems to be the thing to do. Not checked with anyone else whether they feel this is a fair reflection so they may want to get on this thread and passionately correct me! :-D
Rookies (including me) given Axis. No bids.
Game 1: Credulous and Dukla passer - Allies vs NFP1 (non forum player) and NFP2 - Axis
Declared as an Allied victory. US & UK had achieved dominance against J in the Pacific and taken the money islands. India swapped hands a couple of times, but culminated in a UK victory driving north through Asia.
G failed to take Africa but kept the Allies at bay on all fronts for an extended period, gradually being worn down.
Game 2: wittman - Allies vs Private Panic and NFP3 - Axis
No victory cities taken. J lost two major naval/air engagements to the UK in the Indian Ocean, failing to remove the UK’s carrier or fighters. Darn those dice! Finally got them at the third attempt, but the loss of naval and air materiel dragged J production away from land units for Asia. J and the US at a stand off in the Pacific with huge fleets.
G took Africa, but found itself swapping eastern European rather than Russian territories with R, who retained Asian ipcs J would normally have taken. Big US/UK fleet off western Europe. Would G manage to swing its additional African ipcs against Russia or have them sucked away by US/UK amphibious assaults?
The game ended without finding out, due to time, although wittman (with 25 years of A&A experience) was sure that he had the edge. Private Panic, benefitting from a lack of knowledge to interfere with his preferred reading of the game, believed things to be finely balanced. :-)