Interesting thread.
I recall that when Global was being playtested, it was put to LH that even though bombers had been reduced to 12$ since aa50, players still strongly preferred 10$ fighters, and nobody was SBRing because it was usually overly risky. So the average SBR damage was raised from 3.5 to 5.5.
This might have been a bit too much. Even though SBR remains dicey and risky, it is now almost always a solid play economically, provided there aren’t better targets or there aren’t too many interceptors. This means that as along as there are unbombed factories, bombers always have a target.
Another factor improving bombers are airbases. Given their badass range, bombers can usually land on an airbase, which just increases their effectiveness all the more.
The main thing Allies can do to protect themselves is combine their defensive stacks–on land, at sea, and at airbases.
You omit to mention also that Fg interceptor was reduced to @1 also.
While StB was given @1 attack also.
And finally, after A&A50,
IC’s AA gun @1 was fired after interception phase and against StBs only,
instead of before the interception phase and against all StBs and escorting Fgs.
So many changes were made by Larry H. to entice SBR.
Personally, I believe he shouldn’t have lowered the Fighter interceptors to @1.
@2 could have work better to gives a little advantage to the defender.
I would even agree to give StB 2D6 damage instead of D6+2 (7 IPCs on average instead of 5.5 IPCs), if only agree to raise the Fighter defense to @2.
And this will not be unbalancing on a statistical POV.
If you wish to compare with OOB G40 SBR, you will see that OOB was still more advantageous than giving 2D6 damage against Fg Def@2.
Global 1940 SBR HRules SBR damage 1D6+2 / Interceptor Def @2
Global40 SBR HRules : 1 StB doing SBR without interceptor, damage 1D6+2 / HR SBR = Damage 2D6 (avg 7 IPCs)
Sum: + 4.583 - 2 = +2.583 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: + 5.833 - 2 = +3.833 IPCs damage/SBR run
G40 SBR HRules :1 StB A1 regular vs 1 Fg D2
Sum: + 4.723 - 5.333 = - 0.61 IPC. damage/SBR run Sum: + 5.556 - 5.333 = + 0.223 IPC. damage/SBR run
G40 SBR HR: 1 StB A1 regular doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: +3.704- 7.556 = - 3.852 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: +4.260- 7.556 = - 3.296 IPCs damage/SBR run
G40 SBR HR: 1 StB & 1 Fg A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: + 7.408 - 8.667 = - 1.259 IPC damage/SBR run Sum: + 8.519 - 8.667 = - 0.148 IPC damage/SBR run
G40 SBR HR: 2 StBs A1 regular doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: +9.445 - 10.667 = - 1.222 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: +11.112 - 10.667 = + 0.445 IPCs damage/SBR run
G40 HR: 1 StB & 1 Fg A1 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: + 7.639 - 5.333 = + 2.306 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: + 8.889 - 5.333 = + 3.556 IPCs damage/SBR run
G40 SBR HR: 2 StBs A1 regular doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: +10.639 - 7.334 = + 3.304 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: +12.722 - 7.334 = + 5.388 IPCs damage/SBR run
To give everyone an opportunity to make his own mind about which SBR rules is his prefered one, and their impact and odds, here is a complete summary of all the calc results about various SBR rules with different combination of units:
OOB G40 SBR: damage: 1D6+2
1 StB doing SBR without interceptor
Sum: +4.583 - 2 = +2.583 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 StB A1 against 1 Fg D1
Sum: + 5.486 - 3.667 = + 1.819 IPC damage/SBR run
1 StB A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D1
Sum: + 4.85 - 5.056 = - 0.206 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 StB & 1 Fg A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D1
Sum: +7.775 - 5.33 = + 2.445 IPCs damage/SBR run
2 StBs A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D1
Sum: +10.973 - 7.334 = + 3.639 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 StB & 1 Fg A1 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D1
Sum: + 7.639 - 3.667 = + 3.972 IPCs damage/SBR run
2 StBs A1 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D1
Sum: +11.459 - 5.666 = + 5.793 IPCs damage/SBR run
Here is a link to NightBombing SBR various approach and stats:
Comparison of this HR with Triple A SBR for 1942.2 and below with the OOB SBR optional escort and intercept rules of 1942 2nd edition
HRules with StB A0 and Fg A1 D1 : damage 1D6+2 Triple A SBR for 1942.2: all planes A1 D1, damage 1D6
1 St Bomber doing SBR against no interceptor 1 StB doing SBR without interceptor
Sum: + 4.583 - 2 = +2.583 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: +2.917 - 2 = +0.917 IPC damage/SBR run
1 St Bomber A0 doing SBR against 1 interceptor D1 1 StB A1 against 1 Fg D1
Sum: + 3.819 - 3.667 = + 0.152 IPC. damage/SBR run Sum: +3.69 - 3.667 = + 0.023 IPC damage/SBR run
1 St Bomber A0 doing SBR against 2 interceptors D1 1 StB A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D1
Sum: + 3.183 - 5.056 = - 1.873 IPC. damage/SBR run Sum: + 2.025 - 5.056 = - 3.031 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 Fighter A1 and 1 Strategic Bomber A0 doing SBR against 2 interceptors D1 1 StB & 1 Fg A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D1
Sum: + 6.123 - 5.334 = + 0.789 IPC damage/SBR run Sum: +6.155 - 5.33 = + 0.825 IPC damage/SBR run
2 St Bombers A0 doing SBR against 2 interceptors D1 2 StBs A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D1
Sum: + 7.639 - 7.334 = + 0.305 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: +8.195 - 7.334 = + 0.861 IPC damage/SBR run
1 Fighter A1 and 1 St Bomber A0 doing SBR against 1 interceptor D1 1 StB & 1 Fg A1 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D1
Sum: + 6.250 - 3.667 = + 2.583 IPC damage/SBR run Sum: + 5.973 - 3.667 = + 2.306 IPCs damage/SBR run
2 Strategic Bombers A0 doing SBR against 1 interceptor D1 2 StBs A1 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D1
Sum: + 8.403 - 5.666 = + 2.737 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: +8.403 - 5.666 = + 2.737 IPCs damage/StB
OOB SBR rules for 1942.2: Fg and StB attack @1 first strike and Fg defend @2
1 StB doing SBR without interceptor damage: 1D6
Sum: + 2.917 - 2 = +0.917 IPC damage/SBR run
1 StB A1 first strike against 1 Fg D2
Sum: + 3.8 - 4.8 = - 1 IPC damage/SBR run
1 StB A1 first strike doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2 / damage 1D6
Sum: + 3.071 - 7.185 = - 4.114 IPC. damage/SBR run
1 StB & 1 Fg A1 first strike doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: + 6.018 - 7.555 = - 1.537 IPCs damage/SBR run
2 StBs A1 first strike doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: +7.547 - 9.556 = - 2.009 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 StB & 1 Fg A1 first strike doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D2
Sum: + 5.973 - 5.159 = + 0.814 IPCs damage/SBR run
2 StBs A1 first strike doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D2
Sum: + 8.214 - 6.315 = + 1.899 IPCs damage/SBR run
There is many statistical tables in this thread to compare with various SBR system.
1942.2 SBR House Rules :
1 StB doing SBR without interceptor, damage 1D6+2
Sum: + 4.583 - 2 = +2.583 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 StB A1 regular vs 1 Fg D2
Sum: + 4.723 - 5.333 = - 0.61 IPC. damage/SBR run
1 StB A1 regular doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: +3.704 - 7.556 = - 3.852 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 StB & 1 Fg A1 first strike (due to combined arms with Fg escort) doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: + 7.554 - 7.564 = - 0.01 IPC damage/SBR run
2 StBs A1 regular doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
Sum: +9.445 - 10.667 = - 1.222 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 StB & 1 Fg A1 first strike (due to combined arms with Fg escort) doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D2
Sum: + 7.639 - 5.159 = + 2.48 IPCs damage/SBR run
2 StBs A1 regular doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D2
Sum: +10.639 - 7.334 = + 3.304 IPCs damage/SBR run
Here is some maths evaluation to compare with other actual rules (provided in the above quote) :
Global40 SBR HRules : 1 StB doing SBR without interceptor, damage 1D6+2 / damage 2D6
5/6 StB survived * 5.5 IPCs = 4.583 IPCs 5/6 StB survived * 7 IPCs = + 5.833 IPCs
1/6 StB killed *12 IPCs = -2 IPCs
Sum: + 4.583 - 2 = +2.583 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: + 5.833 - 2 = +3.833 IPCs damage/SBR run
G40 SBR HRules :1 StB A1 regular vs 1 Fg D2
StB roll /Fg roll / AAA roll = odds casualties
1/62/66/6= 12/216 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg killed: 5.556%
1/64/61/6= 4/216 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg killed: 1.852%
1/64/65/6= 20/216 no casualty vs 1 Fg killed: 9.259%
5/62/66/6= 60/216 StB killed by Fg: 27.778%
5/64/61/6= 20/216 StB killed by AAA: 9.259%
5/64/65/6= 100/216 both survived: 46.296%
Bombard on IC 120/216= 55.556% * ((1+2)+(6+2) IPCs)/2= +5.5 IPCs) = + 3.056 IPCs / +7 IPCs = +3.889 IPCs
killing Fg 36/216= 16.667% *+10 IPC = + 1.667 IPC
StB killed 96/216= 44.444% *-12 IPCs = - 5.333 IPCs
Sum: + 4.723 - 5.333 = - 0.61 IPC. damage/SBR run Sum: + 5.556 - 5.333 = + 0.223 IPC. damage/SBR run
G40 SBR HR: 1 StB A1 regular doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
StBs rolls/interceptors Fgs roll/ AAA roll = odds casualties
1/620/366/6 = 120/1296 1 StB killed by Fg vs 1 Fg
1/616/361/6= 16/1296 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg
1/616/365/6 = 80/1296 no casualty vs 1 Fg
5/620/366/6 = 600/1296 1 StB killed by Fg vs no casualty
5/616/361/6 = 80/1296 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty
5/616/365/6 = 400/1296 no casualty at all
Bombard on IC: 480/1296= 37.037% * ((3+8) IPCs)/2= +5.5 IPCs) = +2.037 IPCs / +7 IPCs = +2.593 IPCs
Killing 1 Fg: 216/1296= 16.667% +10 IPCs = + 1.667 IPCs
1 StB killed: 816/1296= 62.963%-12 IPCs = - 7.556 IPCs
Sum: +3.704- 7.556 = - 3.852 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: +4.260- 7.556 = - 3.296 IPCs damage/SBR run
G40 SBR HR: 1 StB & 1 Fg A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
StB+Fg rolls/interceptors Fgs roll/ AAA roll = odds casualties
1/364/366/6 = 24/7776 1 Fg and 1 StB killed by Fgs vs 2 Fgs
1/3616/361/6 = 16/7776 1 Fg killed and 1 StB killed by AAA vs 2 Fgs
1/3616/365/6 = 80/7776 1 Fg killed vs 2 Fgs
1/3616/361/6 = 16/7776 1 StB killed by AAA vs 2 Fgs
1/3616/365/6 = 80/7776 no casualty vs 2 Fgs
10/364/366/6 = 240/7776 1 Fg and 1 StB killed by Fgs vs 1 Fg
10/3616/361/6 = 160/7776 1 Fg and 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg
10/3616/365/6 = 800/7776 1 Fg vs 1 Fg
10/3616/361/6= 160/7776 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg
10/3616/365/6 = 800/7776 no casualty vs 1 Fg
25/364/366/6 = 600/7776 1 Fg and 1 StB killed by Fg vs no casualty
25/3616/361/6 = 400/7776 1 Fg and 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty
25/3616/365/6 = 2000/7776 1 Fg vs no casualty
25/3616/361/6 = 400/7776 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty
25/3616/365/6 = 2000/7776 no casualty at all
Bombard on IC: 5760/7776= 74.07%* ((1+2)+(6+2) IPCs)/2= +5.5 IPCs) = + 4.074 IPCs / +7 IPCs = +5.185 IPCs
Killing 2 Fgs: 216/7776= 2.78%+20 IPCs = + 0.556 IPC
Killing 1 Fg: 2160/7776= 27.78% +10 IPCs = + 2.778 IPCs
Fg killed: 2880/7776= 37.04%-10 IPCs = - 3.704 IPCs
StB killed: 576/7776= 7.41%-12 IPCs = - 0.889 IPCs
StB & Fg killed: 1440/7776=18.52%*-22 IPCs = - 4.074 IPCs
Sum: + 7.408 - 8.667 = - 1.259 IPC damage/SBR run Sum: + 8.519 - 8.667 = - 0.148 IPC damage/SBR run
G40 SBR HR: 2 StBs A1 regular doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D2
StBs rolls/interceptors Fgs roll/ AAA roll = odds casualties
1/364/3636/36 = 144/46656 2 StBs killed by Fg vs 2 Fgs: 0.309%
1/3616/366/36 = 96/46656 1 StB killed by Fg and 1 StB killed by AAA vs 2 Fgs : 0.206%
1/3616/3630/36 = 480/46656 1 StB killed by Fg vs 2 Fgs : 1.029%
1/3616/361/36 = 16/46656 2 StBs killed by AAA vs 2 Fgs : 0.034%
1/3616/3610/36 = 160/46656 1 StB killed by AAA vs 2 Fgs : 0.343%
1/3616/3625/36 = 400/46656 no casualty vs 2 Fgs : 0.857%
10/364/3636/36 = 1440/46656 2 StBs killed by Fg vs 1 Fg: 3.086%
10/3616/366/36 = 960/46656 1 StB killed by Fg and 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg : 2.058%
10/3616/3630/36 = 4800/46656 1 StB killed by Fg vs 1 Fg : 10.288%
10/3616/361/36= 160/46656 2 StBs killed by AAA vs 1 Fg : 0.343%
10/3616/3610/36= 1600/46656 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg : 3.429%
10/3616/3625/36 = 4000/46656 no casualty vs 1 Fg : 8.573%
25/364/3636/36 = 3600/46656 2 StBs killed by Fg vs no casualty : 7.716%
25/3616/366/36 = 2400/46656 1 StB killed by Fg and 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty : 5.144%
25/3616/3630/36 = 12000/46656 1 StBs killed by Fg vs no casualty : 25.72%
25/3616/361/36 = 400/46656 2 StBs killed by AAA vs no casualty : 0.857%
25/3616/3610/36 = 4000/46656 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty : 8.573%
25/3616/3625/36 = 10000/46656 no casualty at all : 21.433%
2x Bombard on IC: 14400/46656= 30.864% * ((6+16) IPCs)/2= +11 IPCs) = + 3.395 IPCs / +14 IPCs= + 4.321 IPCs
1x Bombard on IC: 23040/46656= 49.383% * ((3+8) IPCs)/2= +5.5 IPCs) = +2.716 IPCs / +7 IPCs = + 3.457 IPCs
Killing 2 Fgs: 1296/46656= 2.778%+20 IPCs = + 0.556 IPC
Killing 1 Fg: 12960/46656= 27.778% +10 IPCs = + 2.778 IPCs
2 StBs killed: 9216/46656= 19.753%-24 IPCs = - 4.741 IPCs
1 StB killed: 23040/46656= 49.383%-12 IPCs = - 5.926 IPCs
Sum: +9.445 - 10.667 = - 1.222 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: +11.112 - 10.667 = + 0.445 IPCs damage/SBR run
G40 HR: 1 StB & 1 Fg A1 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fgs D2
StB+Fg rolls/interceptors Fgs roll/ AAA roll = odds casualties
11/362/61/6= 22/1296 1 Fg killed and 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg
11/362/65/6= 110/1296 1 Fg killed vs 1 Fg
11/364/61/6= 44/1296 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg
11/364/65/6 = 220/1296 no casualty vs 1 Fg
25/362/61/6 = 50/1296 1 Fg and 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty
25/362/65/6 = 250/1296 1 Fg vs no casualty
25/364/61/6 = 100/1296 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty
25/364/65/6 = 500/1296 no casualty at all
Bombard on IC: 1080/1296 = 83.333% * ((1+2)+(6+2) IPCs)/2= +5.5 IPCs) = + 4.583 IPCs / +7 IPCs = + 5.833 IPCs
Killing 1 Fg: 396/1296 = 30.556% +10 IPCs = + 3.056 IPCs
Fg killed: 360/1296 = 27.778%-10 IPCs = - 2.778 IPCs
StB killed: 144/1296 = 11.111%-12 IPCs = - 1.333 IPCs
StB & Fg killed: 72/1296 = 5.556%-22 IPCs = - 1.222 IPCs
Sum: + 7.639 - 5.333 = + 2.306 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: + 8.889 - 5.333 = + 3.556 IPCs damage/SBR run
G40 SBR HR: 2 StBs A1 regular doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fgs D2
StBs rolls/interceptors Fgs roll/ AAA roll = odds casualties
11/362/66/36 = 132/7776 1 StB killed by Fg and 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg
11/362/630/36 = 660/7776 1 StB killed by Fg vs 1 Fg
11/364/61/36 = 44/7776 2 StBs killed by AAA vs 1 Fg
11/364/610/36 = 440/7776 1 StB killed by AAA vs 1 Fg
11/364/625/36 = 1100/7776 no casualty vs 1 Fg
25/362/66/36 = 300/7776 1 StB killed by Fg and 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty
25/362/630/36 = 1500/7776 1 StBs killed by Fg vs no casualty
25/364/61/36 = 100/7776 2 StBs killed by AAA vs no casualty
25/364/610/36 = 1000/7776 1 StB killed by AAA vs no casualty
25/364/625/36 = 2500/7776 no casualty at all
2x Bombard on IC: 3600/7776= 46.296% * ((6+16) IPCs)/2= +11 IPCs) = + 5.093 IPCs / +14 IPCs= + 6.481 IPCs
1x Bombard on IC: 3600/7776= 46.296% * ((3+8) IPCs)/2= +5.5 IPCs) = + 2.546 IPCs / +7 IPCs = + 3.241 IPCs
Killing 1 Fg: 2332/7776= 29.999% +10 IPCs = + 3.00 IPCs
2 StBs killed: 576/7776= 7.407%-24 IPCs = - 1.778 IPCs
1 StB killed: 3600/7776= 46.296%*-12 IPCs = - 5.556 IPCs
Sum: +10.639 - 7.334 = + 3.304 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: +12.722 - 7.334 = + 5.388 IPCs damage/SBR run