G40 - New UK Pacific Nation

  • '17 '16


    You should provide something for poor Italy against all Convoy Raids.
    Something like:
    +5 IPCs if any Russian territory is controled by Italy.
    Theme: National Prestige of Fascist superiority over communist power.

    Might be to powerful considering #5 in my list

    If you find this too high, just make it +3 IPCs bonus instead.
    It is not a bonus for each Russian territories hold.
    It is a single bonus even if there is multiple Italian territories in USSR.

  • '17 '16

    6. The following new Japanese NO will replace “outer perimeter”

    • 5 IPCs if Japan controls 2 of the following 3 territories, Guam, Midway, and/or Wake Island.

    I like this one, it is more reachable and provide an incentive to act against USA as according to real WWII history.

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    4. During their purchase new units phase of every turn, the United Kingdom may attempt to roll a 6 in order to replace all French units on London with their own.

    Make it a more simple NO such as when all three France, Southern France & Normandy has been captured for the first time by Axis, then all French units (keeping their color) can work as a UK unit (on UK’s turn) until Paris is liberated.

    Theme: Anglo-French joint command effort

    I’ve thought about that, but there are some who don’t attack Normandy in order to deny the Allies an IC if they land… and that NO would give the Axis more reason not to attack all three. Also, I wanted the UK to at least have an oportunity to use the French fighter as their own on UK1. This would help them take out a damaged German battleship as well as the Taranto raid… they could even threaten the German navy.� Â

    Allow French to collect IPCs each turn after Paris has been taken and all their IPCs given.
    But when Normandy is also taken, their money cannot be stole away.
    So French would be able to buy a minor IC eventually, or wait till Normandy or Southern or France is liberated to buy something with their IPCs.

    To tell you the truth, I’m just trying to figure out an easy way to give the Brits an extra fighter. I like France as it is and I don’t think they should have exta powers personaly, I’m even thinking about letting Germany try for a die roll @6 each round to see if the French troops in Africa become German troops.

  • '17 '16

    Then let them do something a la Xeno War:

    Each group of unit in the same SZ or territory must roll to know which side they are.
    In Uk: 1-2 Stay French / 3-6 Becomes UK’s unit
    In Bordeaux or Southern 1-4 Stay French, 5-6 becomes German units.
    In Africa and SZs, 1-2 Stay French / 3-4 under UK’s / 5-6 Becomes Germans.

    Besides that, I’ve no idea…

  • Sponsor


    Then let them do something a la Xeno War:

    Each group of unit in the same SZ or territory must roll to know which side they are.
    In Uk: 1-2 Stay French / 3-6 Becomes UK’s unit
    In Bordeaux or Southern 1-4 Stay French, 5-6 becomes German units.
    In Africa and SZs, 1-2 Stay French / 3-4 under UK’s / 5-6 Becomes Germans.

    Besides that, I’ve no idea…

    At this point I think I’m just gonna go with a propaganda roll for both Britain and Germany during their Purchase new units phases in which Paris is under Axis control.

    If the UK rolls a 6, the French units on London immediately become UK beige and under British control.

    If Germany rolls a 6, any French units in North Africa and the territories they’re on immediately become German black, and under German control.

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    Just setup the table for tomorrow’s game… it has become clear to me that a collective Europe and Pacific UK as outlined in post #1 would be way to much for one player, and way to long for one turn. I have now separated the Europe UK, and Pacific UK into 2 separate nations as suggested by others in this thread, this new UK Pacific nation will use ANZAC gray pieces, but UK roundels… and replace ANZAC in the order of play. I am restricting the UK Pacific’s movement from crossing the lines that divide the Pacific and Europe boards. West India is now part of the Europe UK nation, and the infantry unit there will be UK beige, British Columbia is now part of the UK Pacific nation.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    Sounds awesome!

    Also, YG, what do you think about this off the wall idea…

    New Rule:

    Liberated Capitals do not restore ownership of other originally controlled territories.

    Right now the liberation rules create a weird disincentive, which encourages players not too liberate an ally capital, for fear of losing the income you’ve gained with your primary nation during the interim period. The game shouldn’t support this behavior. Instead if you liberate a capital, only the capital territory should return to the original owners control. The rest of the territory can stay under the control of the ally occupying army that just liberated you. This is how it worked in the real war anyway, and it would be better for the gamplay.

    Under the rule above, if your land was occupied directly by your ally during the time when your capital was lost, it is considered “under you ally’s military control” for the duration of the war. Any additional territory outside the Capital, is considered nominally liberated, but for gameplay purposes, liberating your ally’s Capital only effects the liberation of the capital territory itself and no others.

    Ex. if the Americans control Normandy, and then liberated Paris, only France itself is returned immediately to French control, not Normandy or any other originally french territory, that is currently occupied by their allies. These territories are considered part of the overall war effort, and to be returned only after the War is fully won. Or until the liberated power is prepared to re-occupy, by simple declaration. This leaves the option to the Liberator/Liberated, about when to restore other territories beyond the Capital, based on the needs of the War.

    I have been thinking a lot about the proposal you made elsewhere to have “China” rules apply to any vanquished nation (e.g. after their capital falls.) It occurred to me, in order to make the rules consistent, and to avoid having special rules exclusively for China, what if we just said that China’s capital is occupied Kiangsu?
    Kiangsu =VC Shanghai and Wartime capital Nanking.

    So under this logic, the reason why China has separate rules, different from all other nations, is because they begin play with an occupied capital. They’re not a special case, they just work the way all players do when their capital is lost. As part of a tweak to support this rule, you could include a free minor factory in Kiangsu if China manages to liberate this territory. Similar to the way USA can upgrade their Minors to Majors for free, just something that happens. Or you could do this as part of an overall restricted factory scheme, where the factory unit is removed from the purchase roster, but more minor factories are included at the outset. Either way would work. Production tweaking is an idea I know we’ve kicked around before. For the liberated unit roster though, you could still keep the roster restricted to infantry and artillery, or maybe add in the fighter to the roster at this point, just for kicks, and a reason to get the capital back!

    It is entirely possible to do something similar for the Dutch. Although Holland lacks a VC, one could still say that the Dutch National capital is here. I always find it strange how no matter what happens in G40, Holland can never be liberated. What would be ideal is if we could somehow create a set of rules, that was consistent for these three powers, the Chinese, the Dutch, and the French. Right now they all play according to their own rules. France behaves like a normal nation, but is designed to die on G1. China, well we all know how that works, and then the Dutch who have their own specialized rules and exceptions. Wouldn’t it be cool to design a scenario where all 3 of these nations, and everyone else, behaved according to the same master set of rules?

    I think you could do this, by first saying that China and the Dutch are just normal powers, that have occupied capitals at the start of play. Whatever rules apply to them, the same rules should apply to a power like France, once Paris is occupied by Germany. Basically something consistent for all the player nations, and the one non-player nation =Dutch.
    Just something to think on. I’d love to hear your thoughts. I believe it could be done, all that is required is perhaps the idea that the Chinese capital is Kiangsu, and the Dutch capital is Holland. And then in the case of liberation, they get a free minor at their capital at which to place their infantry and artillery according to the normal mechanics. The minor is mainly for show and prestige and to make sure all players can work the same way. You could still keep the unit roster restricted to infantry and artillery, using Chinese inf scultps and american or lime green brits to stand in for the Dutch if they are liberated. If you want to include the fighter in the liberated unit roster, that would be cool, there are plenty of lime green spitfires out there, or other air sculpts from previous boards. Seems like kind of a sham, that the Dutch are on the board with territories, and were liberated in the War. They had a cool resistance same as France, and they cheered and kissed the allies in the streets as liberators too. Why not give them this small nod, and allow Holland to serve as a mini victory territory.

    You could call such rules “Market Garden” since it handles rules for Liberation and Capital loss, but also gives a nod to the Dutch/Holland thing. After a capital falls, we could make empty territory (no defending units) behave something like the Dutch territoires do OOB, after a capital falls. Making them easier to activate, in the case of Russian land after Moscow falls, or French land after Paris falls, or Italian land after Rome falls, or, you get the idea. But I think it might be fun for a Pacific themed scenario too.

    Basically once the capital is liberated, all nations should play according to the same normal, OOB rules, with the exception of that new one mentioned above.

    If a capital is occupied, all nations (and territories they control) should play according to the same consistent set of New rules.

    That’s my proposal anyway. I think it would work for the British Pacific Empire theme, since at some point this scenario like all others will deal with the liberation aspect of the game. Here is an idea that might play, say India falls. Instead of a “back up” capital, just have the game play the way I suggested. After the capital is dead, Anzac can be liberated by USA, they occupy the land the same way they would dutch territory OOB. And you could do the same thing on the Europe side of the board, allowing UK to occupy French territory in Africa, just as if it was dutch (ie territory owned by a vanquished player.) And you could do the same with China, Russia or America or the British could occupy China for themselves or for the Chinese at the liberators discretion. Have all these territories behave the same way when the capital has fallen.

    If you like, units already present in a territory of a vanquished nation, could  be activated by an ally, and could join the ally force, the same way friendly neutrals join their armies to the occupying force. Or they could just be disbanded, with territory ownership going to the ally power that just moved in. This would allow for a real Dunkirk type play, as Britain could activate French units left behind after the initial fall of France, or at least activate the land for themselves. (No incentive for players to Metagame and leave France unoccupied, just so other Allies can’t take it, as sometimes happnes now with an exploit of the current rules.) In general France would be a much more interesting power to play under such rules, since they could mobilize infantry the same way China does. For Axis this will be a disadvantage granted, but Axis already have the acknowledged advantage OOB anyway, so this might just be a balance, definitely no allied bid. Or even if Axis need a leg up under such rules, you can always come back to that afterwards. First though, make fun rules for all nations under all conditions, whether capital is lost or restored.

    And then if the capital of this nation is liberated, and the nation itself is restored to normal play, you let the Liberating player choose when to return other specific territories based on the needs of total Victory in the greatest war in human history.

    Also, I dig the NOs you proposed. Hope your game is glorious tomorrow :-D

  • Sponsor

    You may be on to something, I’ll have to revisit your ideas after the weekend.

    Hoping to post some in game notes here throughout our game, as of now… gonna call UK west Great Britain, and UK east United Kingdom just for identification purposes, gonna ask CWO Marc for help on names later.


  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    Sounds killer man, I’m going to repost that last idea in a separate thread so as not to distract too much from the main aims of this one. Since I think it works for standard G40 too. But I think I might try it using the British Pacific Empire set up, since this set up intrigues me a lot.

    Have a great game tomorrow :-D

  • Sponsor

    Just modified post #1 to reflect the game rules we will be using today.


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    Black Elk,
    I am curious about your liberation idea. So if Paris is taken by Germany, and Italy takes Morocco, then the US takes Morocco from Italy, then Paris is liberated, the US keeps control of Morocco, right? This only happens to French territories that were taken by Axis powers then retaken by Allied powers, correct? In other words, If the US lands in Morocco while Paris is captured but Morocco was never taken by Axis, in that case Morocco is still French, right?

    An idea popped into my head concerning French territories in Africa as well as Syria and FIC. Most of the French forces in these territories became Vichy once Paris fell. The French in Morocco and Algeria did resist the Allied landings in Operation Torch, even if most of it was token resistance. The British had to fight hard against the French in Syria because they were afraid of the Luftwaffe using Syria for air bases. In FIC, the Vichy French allowed Japan to pretty much move in and take over.
    So I was thinking of this idea. What if all French territories outside of the 3 main territories in Europe became Pro-Axis Neutrals after Paris falls? If an Axis power moves into one of these territories (for example: Italy moves from Libya to Tunisia), the French infantry there becomes Italian and Italy gains control of that territory. The Allies would have to fight those French units to take those territories.
    Now, the 2 French infantry and 1 French fighter in England would still work for the Allies. Perhaps they could turn into British units like YG suggested. Either way, they stick with the Allies.
    I’m not sure about the French naval units. I’m thinking they would also stick with the Allies. Only the land territories and whatever units are on them change to Pro-Axis neutrals (except for England). Or you could end up making the naval units into “Strict” neutral units but I’m not sure what that would really end up accomplishing. Then you would just have a few ship pieces on the board that don’t do anything. I think it would just be better to leave the French ships sticking with the Allies. Unless you want the Axis to get a few more ships.

  • Sponsor

    Had a great game today after trying out this new UK Pacific nation, of course we have some tweaking to do, but our group really accepted it and it should be a major part of our regular gatherings going forward. Of course there will be many strategies to execute as well as counter in regards to this house rule as only so much can be assessed from one play test game. However, there were some obvious structural benefits that became clear immediately.

    In a group of 5 players as we had today, this new UK nation allowed the game to flow extremely smooth. No longer was the UK player waiting for Japan and United States to finish their turns before effecting both Europe and Pacific maps with their own turn. Japan and the United States could play while UK Europe and Italy worked through thier own turn sequences. No more separate piles for 2 UK purchases… the UK player was able to focus on one side with one purchase per turn. The UK turns went faster than usual allowing Italy to start their turn sequence more efficiently without waiting for UK battles on the Pacific side to end. I can’t stress enough how fluid or game was and we managed to break a group record for rounds vs. time played with 9 rounds in 11 and a 1/2 hours.

    Now like I said some tweaking is needed as there was a lot of discussion about National Objectives, and what ever works for our group may not be what others here agree upon. Therefore I don’t want to get into long discussions about them because I realize as much as it would be great to have a universal set of NOs… it’s just to ambiguous of a subject, my suggestion is to use what works for you and house rule it. In our game today we decided that with the combined income of ANZAC and UK Pacific being spent in Calcutta, and the ability to jump on Islands totaling 8 IPCs… it was best to limit the NOs the UK Pacific received to just 1 achievable NO for fear of a dominate UK force in India.

    Today, the UK player used their income for tanks and fighters which allowed them to extend out, but not very much in the end because Japan was so effective building factories and bombing India. Perhaps next time there will be a focus on naval units, and it will be interesting to see if the US goes 100% on one side as there was an equal American presence on both boards today. I highly recommend the ideas in post #1 which allow both ANZAC and UK Pacific to attack and spend as one… I’m excited for our group members who love the new ideas here.

  • '17 '16 '15

    Glad you guys had a fun game YG.

    What impact did the special Russian infantry rule have?

  • Sponsor


    Glad you guys had a fun game YG.

    What impact did the special Russian infantry rule have?

    We didn’t use it… The Pacific side seemed more balanced, and the new UK nation had a better advantage over the old Allied Pacific system, so we decided to not give the russians the free Infantry… just the split “National Prestige” NOs and that’s it. We used the out of box production unit rules… but the group really wants the mid level factory system, so I’ll have to fit that in.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    This sounds really encouraging! Can’t wait to check it out in a FtF game.

    Oh also to Knp, I dig that idea, not least because it might offset some of the allied advantages to the system I proposed. I migrated the discussion to a new thread (a few posts down in this forum) to keep the focus here on the British Pacific Empire idea. But I actually dig that proposal a lot, and I think it would be cool as a way to represent Vichy in the game.

  • Sponsor

    Modified post #1 to reflect decisions made after our play test yesterday.

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    With the political exile option for the UK, our group has decided to give Germany a 10 IPC NO for control of London.

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