Gore knew that the majority of people who were too stupid to know how to punch a hole in a ballot had to be his.
The worst part of the last elections here was that the right started to show a similarily “democratic” conscious about their “enemies”.
If you can’t beat them fair and by arguments, denounce them …. that is exactly what Rove does, and not the “grass roots movement” that Linkon talked of (i hope it is not)
This is not an argument, I stated 2 facts. The military, the people who have taken it opon themselves to protect this country (reguardless of whatever war they are in, many I am sure thought somalia and serbia were not wars we should be in, but they fought anyway). They have charachter.
Gore knew a recount of the “intelectualy challegened” of the state would show that people who could not master the art of punching a hole in a card would be people who voted for him.
As far as not being able to beat them in an argument. I have a college degree, I think I can support my reason for voting the way I do a lot better than the people of florida who just could not figure out that darn tricky punch card! They sure are confusing aren’t they?
I’m not saying there aren’t idiots on the right, but at least our idiots know how to vote.
The left loves to make themselves out as victems, maybe they should start a support group for the punch card challenged. Or maybe have some classes down there comeplete with cards and punchers. They can get a little certificate after compeltion of the class. Probably the best thing people that stupid could put on a resume.