I now think a similar idea could apply to Finland.
Its 4 infantry can only move in the following territories:
Sweden (not if the Axis are at war with the strict neutrals)
The G40 Delta Deck
The G40 Delta card deck is an accessory for playing the Delta house rule set which can be found here…
Rough draft pictures of all the Delta Strategic Advantages and Progressive Advantages are posted below, don’t mind the grammar errors as they are all subject to editing and refinement (Strategic Objective cards have yet to be designed).
Universal Strategic Advantage for R1
German Strategic Advantage for R2
American Strategic Advantage for R3
British Strategic Advantage for R4
Japanese Strategic Advantage for R5
American Strategic Advantage for R6
German Strategic Advantage for R7
Russian Strategic Advantage for R8
Japanese Strategic Advantage for R9
Universal Strategic Advantage for R10
German and Russian Progressive Advantages
Japanese and American Progressive Advantages
Italian and French Progressive Advantages
British Progressive Advantage
These are awesome. I love the style.
Couple comments on picture accuracy, which I am sure is becoming annoying.
The Trans Siberian railway card looks like the train is being destroyed, though it is hard to tell. Not sure if that is what you want to convey. I thought you had a different pic for that, you must have changed it.
SP Artillery card is not really showing a SP Artillery piece. Looks like a German command car with some machine guns on it. This is what you are looking for, though something fitting your style of pictures:
Long range aircraft card is showing a picture of what looks like some sort of experimental German flying wing. To me that does not say “long range aircraft” and is a little misleading… but that is personal opinion. Maybe a picture of a P-51D with drop tanks would do the trick. Those are pretty popular so I am sure you could find one. Like this!
or this! a classic.
Ok look up Artscow.com. You can upload all these cards and they print entire deck of 52 cards for like $12. Its not different than how Djensen sells those AA t- shirts.
That way we get professional looking cards.
If you dont have 52 unique card ideas, fill the rest with tech cards, neutral army cards, etc.
Ok look up Artscow.com. You can upload all these cards and they print entire deck of 52 cards for like $12. Its not different than how Djensen sells those AA t- shirts.
That way we get professional looking cards.
If you dont have 52 unique card ideas, fill the rest with tech cards, neutral army cards, etc.
Will do, gotta convert my illustrator file when I’m done designing it.
If you can’t tell if the train is being attacked or not, than that’s ok… as far as I’m concerned, its a train going through snow. I thought I would put a spin on long range aircraft with a futuristic concept (considering that it’s round #10 in the game), but I agree now with sticking to conventional perception. I like those suggestions, The SP artillery pic is what I’m looking for, I just wish it was Italian. Here are some more long range aircraft pics to consider…
Also found a better 1-400 class sub while looking for a japanese destroyer.