I’d argue that “Mechanized Blitzkrieg” is redundant because Blitzkrieg tactics inherently depend on the use of mechanized ground forces: tanks, mechanized/motorized infantry and vehicle-towed or self-propelled artillery. Blitzkrieg tactics can’t be carried out with foot soldiers and horses because they lack the required speed and punch. Great picture, however – it conveys better than a single vehicle the massing of forces which Blitzkrieg requires.
I certainly agree, however since we are playing Axis and Allies I was hoping the term “mechanized” would be viewed more as a noun than an adjective… since mobile infantry units in the game are called “mechanized infantry” and denoted by half-tracks. My intent was to form an association between game play terms and those used on the cards. Though, in reality, it is redundant.
Even an experienced player such as myself, (assuming I had never heard of Delta before) would be more comfortable in grasping the point of any Advantage if it related to and used words already in the game. If I read “Mechanized Blitzkrieg” I think, oh, okay like for Mechanized Infantry? If I read “Blitzkrieg Tactics” I think, Well that sounds kind of boring and I can already blitz anyway. Not that I or anyone else would not read the card and figure out what it pertains to, but a quick association through words and images is best whenever possible.
This raises an interesting point. Should the cards be designed on the assumption that A&A enthusiasts are a typical cross-section of the general population when it comes to their familiarity with WWII, or on the assumption that they probably know more about the war than the average person?
Well, I think that to even be an Axis and Allies player (let alone enthusiast), one is by default more knowledgeable about WWII than the average person. However, that knowledge level varies considerably from person to person in my experience. My feeling is that the use of certain terms should be accurate, but also obvious and consistent; and weighted more towards a layman’s understanding for the purpose of clarity and mental association. (Which is why I suggested “Mechanized Blitzkrieg”)
For example, a boob off the street may not even know the difference between a battleship and an aircraft carrier, but I routinely play A&A with guys who, while somewhat knowledgeable (and very intelligent otherwise), don’t know the difference between a cruiser and a destroyer. Let alone know the names of certain ship classes or aircraft types. Plus, they routinely get rules confused or don’t remember them. In this way, having terms that relate back to specific ones used in the game would be helpful whenever possible.