Put all house rules threads in …ready…house rules.
That would also include some 18 threads in 1914, as well and a number that need to go to customizer, or software.
I think that 1914 thread on different ways of using units or modified rules should be treated differently.
This game is the first on his series, have a lot of distinctive feature and many players giving ideas are not talking about fantasy rules or unit.
This game need adjustment and many share their play-testing while discussing a point.
For helping people which desire specifically improve 1914 experience, please open a specific sub-forum on 1914 Game modification, improvement and all other HR related to this game board. Something like the sub-forum of AA50 Anniversary…
Please don’t put them in the melting pot of House Rule forum. House Rule forum is already an overwhelming chaos, don’t add to the mess.
As for the HouseRule forum, it will not help either less experience player having to guess which set of rules is the background OOB of a specific thread.
I hope it is the place for the people who care about this kind of problem of categorization.
And people which can do something about it, have at least the occasion to read.
If it’s not the case, at least tell me where I should post it. Thanks.