• I’m not sure I can see opening fire for the Tiger. The units that have it fire in a circumstance that justifies opening fire. Subs fire a salvo from stealth, AA guns shoot as the planes are enroute to the target and battleships soften the shore before the ground troops hit it. From your post, Tigers are just tanks that are bigger and better but not necessarily first-strikers?

    No blitz and produce-in-Germany-only are both good. Sounds like Tigers don’t have the range or speed of regular tanks.

    I like #3. It is simple, which is good, and the cost vs. advantage would be worth it to me as a German player and acceptable to me as an Allied player.

    If any other advantages are given to the Tiger, what about also tacking on the disadvantage of reduced effectiveness vs. fighters, such as defending at a 3 instead of a 4?

    Additional wording option:

    You may build Tiger tanks. Tigers are tank units that attack and defend on a 4 and cost 6 IPCs. You may build one per turn only in the Germany territory, unless you already have three. Tiger tanks must be clearly designated.

  • What about transport ability? Can 1 tiger still be transported with an infantry or does its larger size and heavier weight restrict the transport’s ability to the Tiger only?

  • What about transport ability? Can 1 tiger still be transported with an infantry or does its larger size and heavier weight restrict the transport’s ability to the Tiger only?

  • @Ring:

    I’m not sure I can see opening fire for the Tiger. The units that have it fire in a circumstance that justifies opening fire. Subs fire a salvo from stealth, AA guns shoot as the planes are enroute to the target and battleships soften the shore before the ground troops hit it. From your post, Tigers are just tanks that are bigger and better but not necessarily first-strikers?

    No you are wrong, cause that is exactly what they are, first-strikers! In tank to tank combat, the Tigers were incredibly good at killing other tanks, reaching kill ratios up to 13:1 in many cases. Allied tanks could only knock out a Tiger at point blank were as the Tiger could take out any allied tank in a respectable range. However, because of the immobility and limited numbers of the Tiger tanks, it was possible to avoid confronting them with tanks, and instead, Allied forces would try to bypass and isolate them, or destroy them with heavy artillery or airpower.


    No blitz and produce-in-Germany-only are both good. Sounds like Tigers don’t have the range or speed of regular tanks.

    Yes, I think so too!


    I like #3. It is simple, which is good, and the cost vs. advantage would be worth it to me as a German player and acceptable to me as an Allied player.

    It is simple but don’t represent a super weapon to me, and that is what I would like it to be! I want it to be super cool like Superfortresses! Don’t you?


    If any other advantages are given to the Tiger, what about also tacking on the disadvantage of reduced effectiveness vs. fighters, such as defending at a 3 instead of a 4?

    Well, my suggestion was that the opening fire ability is cancelled if defending fighters are present (talking about variant #1). But a change like that is first of all based on game balance, history comes in second place!


    Additional wording option:

    You may build Tiger tanks. Tigers are tank units that attack and defend on a 4 and cost 6 IPCs. You may build one per turn only in the Germany territory, unless you already have three. Tiger tanks must be clearly designated.

    Well, this is exactly what my option #4 says

  • @KCgamer:

    What about transport ability? Can 1 tiger still be transported with an infantry or does its larger size and heavier weight restrict the transport’s ability to the Tiger only?

    Only one Tiger per transport sound reasonable to me! What do you think?

  • I like # 3…If you play with the NAs,then you MUST have some sort of tank NA for the Germans.Even though,historically, their tanks were initally inferior to the Russians’ T-34/76,the Germans need “something” to represent the later models that were so superior to anything the Allies had.

  • I supppose I am thinking of this differently. If you and I are shooting at each other from the same distance, but I can’t penetrate your armor while you can penetrate mine, I don’t really see that as first strike. I see that as a 4/4 vs. a 3/3. First strike would mean to me that you are shooting at me before I can even shoot at you. I can see the argument of ‘I can shoot at you effectively before you can shoot at me effectively’ but really that still means 4/4 vs. 3/3 to me. Just my viewpoint, not necessarily right.

    I’m not so sure if I would want them to be that cool. Superfortresses are pretty dern powerful.

    The wording was just to give you an alternate way to say it. I was hoping for simpler wording, don’t know if I achieved that or not - it was pretty clear from the get go.

  • The first strike ability is difficult for me, because even though the Tigers had outstanding kill ratios, those were in relatively close combat. A battle in Belorussia or the Ukraine, for example, covers vast distances. It is not so realistic to me that entire divisions of infantry (represented by the one or two casualties of the Tigers’ opening round fire) could be destroyed without response in such huge territories. The dice roll represents so much more than just shell range or armor- it also factors in weather, leadership, supplies and other logistics, intelligence etc. So therefore I don’t see the capacity for a Tiger unit to do that much damage without retaliation.

    Basically the only unit in the game that can do it is subs, and they have been mitigated by destroyers and vulnerability to aircraft.

    And also- so that people don’t get into a lather about “Tigers could actually do this and actually couldn’t do that…” why not just call them Heavy Armor units or something like that? Make them a little more generic so that the purists out there don’t pull their hair out… (insert emoticon implying that I’m not mean-spirited)

  • By the end of the war the US developed their own heavy tank the Persing, which they produced in 1945 at higher numbers than the Germans were able to produce during the entire war for their Tigers. Yet in Korea, the US still used Shermans. Hmm, things that make you go hmm.

  • @The:

    I like # 3…If you play with the NAs,then you MUST have some sort of tank NA for the Germans.Even though,historically, their tanks were initally inferior to the Russians’ T-34/76,the Germans need “something” to represent the later models that were so superior to anything the Allies had.

    Well, try this one if you just want your German tanks to be more important! It represent the supreme tactics and doctrine that German units possesed.

    German warfare combined the use of mobile units with the close support of airpower into a steel juggernaut emphasize speedy movement and maximization of battlefield opportunities.
    Each of your attacking fighters give one matching tank an increased attack factor of 5 or less. This pairing is on a one-to-one basis. The increased attack ability is for the first round only and is cancelled if defending fighters are present.

    If you want more NAs please take a look at “Revised Weapons Development & National Advantages” in this forum, A&A R.

  • Looks like #3 will be the most favored variant. I would rewrite this variant like this:

    3. Tiger Tank Battalions
    The massively powerful Tiger tanks were assigned to heavy tank battalions to support other units for special operations, to be deployed en masse for decisive shock action.
    You may build three tank units as Tiger tanks, but only one per turn. A Tiger tank attack and defends on a 4 or less. Each Tiger tank costs 6 IPC’s and may be rebuilt if destroyed. Tigers have a movement capability of 2, but cannot blitz as regular tanks.

    Any comments?

    However I will wait for at least 15 votes before any decision will be taken. But I like it! :D

  • From the posts, I gather that Tiger tanks showed great superiority vs other tanks.

    I think it would be fair to treat them as ordinary tanks when the battlefield opponents do not have tanks.

    These special units should only have a bonus feature when fighting opposing tanks.

    You should also allow hits by their special ability to target opposing tanks at the Ger player’s discretion.

  • @Linkon:

    From the posts, I gather that Tiger tanks showed great superiority vs other tanks.

    I think it would be fair to treat them as ordinary tanks when the battlefield opponents do not have tanks.

    These special units should only have a bonus feature when fighting opposing tanks.

    You should also allow hits by their special ability to target opposing tanks at the Ger player’s discretion.

    Well, they were superior to anything on ground. Figthers were the only true threat and the machine it self, these tanks were very unreliable for mechanic failure!

  • Bill, I think your idea is great and it reminds me of the WAW rule on SS panzers….except they defended on a 5 or less.

  • Personally, I don’t like the idea of a limited unit that you have to keep extra track of.

    What about this:
    The last generation of german tanks were prone to mechnaical failures but when not required to risk themselves by moving, they performed quite well in defense.

    All tanks German tanks in grey territories or an immediate adjectant country defend on 4 on the first turn only.

    Kinda the tank version of Festung Europa, I know.

  • @thestor:

    Personally, I don’t like the idea of a limited unit that you have to keep extra track of.

    What about this:
    The last generation of german tanks were prone to mechnaical failures but when not required to risk themselves by moving, they performed quite well in defense.

    All tanks German tanks in grey territories or an immediate adjectant country defend on 4 on the first turn only.

    Kinda the tank version of Festung Europa, I know.

    I agree upon the idea of that the least of all this game need is more pieces of units on the game board! Tiger Tanks is the only exception, since they were legendary for WWII. I don’t like the idea of yours since it really doesn’t represent the Tiger Tanks. I want Tiger Tanks to be what they were, high end super-weapons.

  • Just label the idea in a more generic format and give the same benifit to the Soviet Union.

    Example: Tiger becomes Heavy Tanks….because the Germans had many different tanks that had the same attributes of a Tiger tank not to mention Jagdtiger, Kingtiger, tiger 1 and tiger 2…

    On the Soviet side of things they also had some goodies and should be represented as well.

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