CWO Marc,
––To paraphrase a well known saying,…"Great A&A minds think alike". (Although I certainly DON’T think of myself as great by any stretch of the imagination.)
––I had the same thoughts as you concerning “Unit Identification” of A&A units. With all of the new OOB and
2nd Edition units plus the new HBG and eventually FMG units that I will have in my A&A set-up,….and my desire that any player be able to quickly and correctly identify all units, including my 89 year-old Dad,…I came up with much the same thought as you have. Although my Unit ID Charts will have color pics from a 3/4 high view, showing not only the shape/size of the unit,…but it’s National Insignia as well. IMHO this will come in handy especially for the “Neutral” and
“New Country’s” units.
----In order to differentiate all of the aircraft types from one another,….I organized a “Alpha-Designator” to signify the type of each aircraft which will be applied it to their fuselages with decals (see pic, below, for a “D”, Dive Bomber).
The designators are:
E….Early Fighter
L…Long-range Fighter
J…Jet Fighter
D…Bomber, Dive
M…Bomber, Medium
H…Bomber, Heavy
----Also, for “gameplay” issues I have decided to standardise my 105 Artillery and Sea Transport units to the SAME SCULPTS. These “common” sculpts will be clearly marked with the Flag/Roundel of their owning country. IMHO this is such a small concession and will much simplify a lot of unit confusion possibilities at only the small cost of all nations sharing a much detailed but “common” Artillery piece or Sea Transport. These are the Artillery units that Wil Tan has been modifying/detailing (see below, Blue unit on right). All Heavy Artillery or other Ship units will obviously be country-specific.
––As it will be quite some time before ALL of my detailed and/or painted units will be completed, I will probably will go ahead and make “interim” Unit ID Charts" and update them as new units are completed.
----I really like your idea of using a monochromatic profile of all of the units like was done for units in World War 2 and think your talent in doing so is to be commended. They look real “Cool”. :-D
“Tall Paul”