Hello folks,
I wanted to show my table I built. � It is for A&A 1940 2nd Ed. (Global). � I was inspired by some of the other tables I’ve seen, but one thing I wanted to incorporate is rigid borders so all boards are locked in. � I also thought it was important to have all the ancillary stuff on the sides, as opposed to the front, which is common. � The board is already so big that to reach from front to back is difficult enough as it is. � I made a “roll box” for the dice, plus you’ll see the battle strips, casualty zone and R&D board are framed in as well. � Separate compartments for every power’s units, plus two small ones for chips and IC/bases. � I also included underneath a shelf for the two game boxes, rule books, etc. which work like drawers. And last, but not least, in the front, a ledge to lean on and place any adult beverages, as well as a 2-inch high rail to make sure no drinks are spilled on the precious board. � I was originally going to build a full-on table with legs, but then I decided I needed to leave the option to put it away easily, so I decided just to build a tabletop and place it on two sawhorses. � It works great. � It looks great. � Hopefully I attached the pictures correctly.