Can Germany invade the UK first and win?

  • So is it not worth trying then?

  • that depends on your style of play ;-)

    if you want to play a game based on luck … go ahead and try.
    i prefer to try to minimize the influence of luck on the outcome of battles.

    If it would be that easy that you might invade england in your first turn right before the uk player ever did a single turn, the whole game would be quite inbalanced at least for the uk player.

  • i say play that way when you play anyone with knowledge of the game and you will fall

  • Hey, I just took this battle to a battle sim that I just downloaded. Germany had a 5.7% chance of pulling it off. If the AA gun misses all 3 times (2 fighters, 1 from Western Europe, 1 from Norway, plus the bomber from Germany), it becomes a 9% chance.

  • that means if you try it 20 times you may once win this battle, statisticly speaking.

    but consider loosing this battle will most certainly end up in 19 times loosing the games from thos 20 trys ;-)

  • All right, so I cant do it on the first turn. What if Germany works on destroying almost all of the UKs fleet and then attacking on turn 2 or 3 depending on how the navy battke goes? Do you think Russia will gain enough momentum if Japan works from the east?

  • Go ahead, do it tomorrow if you get germany. I DARE you!

  • Germany can invade first turn, and win the game… its easy.

    First turn for Germany it depends on whether or not Russia destroyed many German Fighters (1-2 destroyed is ok, 3-4 is a lot) then Germany can decide whether or not to do Operation Sealion. Germany first turn spends 40$ to get the Long Range aircraft technology (high chance of getting it). And then all fighters are in range of Britain… and you invade with 1 tank and 1 infantry and all your planes and your bomber… ALMOST ALWAYS you will win. Take some uboats and block off/kill the canadian transport, and american seacoast. Germany collects 70 bucks at the end of their turn. :)

  • Hmm, i guess i’ll have to take that one to the battle sim. But just let me point out, if you’re someone like me and have terrible luck, you’ll spend all your money trying to get the long range aircraft, but you’ll miss. Then you’re screwed. Also, it still would be possible to lose the battle w/ Britiain. If that happends, you’re screwed again because you’ll have no troops to place that turn, then Britain and Russia will be able to roll right over you. Point being: Only one thing has to go wrong for you to be screwed.

  • Last game my teammate and i decided to try this out.

    Advice: don’t do it.

    Reason: It completely ruins the game.

    Here’s what we did: Spent all of the money on weapons development, and got long range aircraft.

    Sent the fighter from Western Europe to take out the tranny by eastern canada. If we won the Britain battle, Germany will have only one land unit left, and britian could use that tank to take it back. We left the north atlantic sub there so U.S. couldn’t take it back during their turn. We sent all 5 of the other fighters, the bomber, a tank, and an infantry against w/e britain had (i think it’s 2 infantry, an artillery, a tank, 2 fighters, and a bomber). we had a 60% chance of winning. Of course we got bad luck, and everyone on both sides was killed, so Britain kept it.

    But since the odds were with us, it was, in theory, a good strategy. But here’s how it ruins the game

    If odds play out and Germany wins:
    Germany keeps Britain, will have enough income their next turn to reinforce it, and buy enough troops to take back what Russia took while Germany had no troops to place. U.S. helps Russia out a lot, and not on Japan, so the Japs roll right through Asia. Y’all can finish the story. Axis wins.

    Summary: Why finish the game if you know the Axis will win after Germany’s first turn

    If germany gets bad luck and Britain wins:
    Germany will place no troops during his first turn. Russia will take over 3 or 4 territories over it’s first 3 turns. When germany finally has reinforcements to use it’s 3rd turn, it’ll take one of those back. Of course Russia has taken quite a bit of income from Germany. Within a few turns, and with a little help from the Brits and americans, they roll right over Germany.

    Summary: Why finish the game when you know the allies will win after Germany’s first turn.

    So if you’re playing solely for bragging rights, and like leaving everything up to luck, then do this. You’ll also have a lot more time to do other stuff because the game is as good as over in 20 minutes. If you want to have fun and decided the winner mainly on his/her strategies, then don’t do it.

    If you’re an allied player and think germany will be stupid enough to do this and want to defend against it. Make sure Russia takes over a country with a fighter in it, so that’ll be one less for Germany to lose. Also fly a fighter to Britain to give him a better chance of winning, or discourage Germany from doing it.

    That’s all I have to say. Have a nice day

    you can do it but plan to lose your ftrs.
    this is what you buy G1
    -aircraft carrier
    move 4 tanks, 4 inf, and 4 ftrs to france, send 2 ftrs to germ (for the AC), keep the er in range, and move your subs up so that the british navy cant block you. the acc is needed to protect the trannys and repel america’s navy after you take it.
    G2 attack uk with
    -4 inf
    -4 arm
    -6 ftrs
    -1 bmbr

    that should work :D try it!

  • I just bought the game and actually haven’t played a game yet, but I don’t see how Germany can get land units to UK in 2 turns. If you buy transports on turn 1 they are placed on the board at the end of the turn. On turn 2 you would load the transports, but the units could not attack until turn 3. I though the rules said that you can’t bridge two territories with a transport on one turn.

  • now if you do bids, and you bid 1 trn inbaltic sea, then maybe…

  • 2007 AAR League


    I just bought the game and actually haven’t played a game yet, but I don’t see how Germany can get land units to UK in 2 turns. If you buy transports on turn 1 they are placed on the board at the end of the turn. On turn 2 you would load the transports, but the units could not attack until turn 3. I though the rules said that you can’t bridge two territories with a transport on one turn.

    Actually in G2 Germany can both LOAD their trannies, TRANSPORT the land units by boat to North Sea and ATTACK United Kingdom by unloading their land units.


  • @Commissar_Adam:

    you can do it but plan to lose your ftrs.
    this is what you buy G1
    -aircraft carrier
    move 4 tanks, 4 inf, and 4 ftrs to france, send 2 ftrs to germ (for the AC), keep the er in range, and move your subs up so that the british navy cant block you. the acc is needed to protect the trannys and repel america’s navy after you take it.
    G2 attack uk with
    -4 inf
    -4 arm
    -6 ftrs
    -1 bmbr

    that should work :D try it!

    Well i don’t think that works.

    Why? Engeland is hopefully for the allied players not blind or stupid and knows what Germany wants to do with the transporters. So as a reaction by’s 8 ground units, then ask USA to moves his 2 transporters with 2 tanks, 2 inf. + his ftr and bomber into Engeland.

    Now in G2 Germany has:
    4 inf
    4 arm
    6 ftrs
    1 bmbr

    And Engelands defense is at least:
    3 figts (1 USA)
    2 bmbrs (1 USA)
    3 arm (2 USA)
    5 inf (2 USA)
    1 art
    Anti air (7 dice, so let say one hit)
    and the 8 ground units you just bought with Engeland.

    You can buy one transporter en 7 inf. instead of 8 ground unit. Then in G3 you can put 6 ground unit on Germany or Norway. And if the Germans don’t kill the 2 USA transporters they also can do nice things.

    So i think, forget it, its not posible in this way.

    It’s only a way to get rid off you’re fleet/frts quickly.

  • A few days ago I tried to invade Britain turn one with Germany. I got long range aircraft and send all my aircraft and the transport with one inf and one tank. I was successful, but lost all my ftrs and US just toke back in there turn, so I don’t really think its worth it.

  • Worth pointing out that the Turn 1 UK invasion is feasible (using the Long Range research) only with the box rules.  If you’re using LHTR (where weapon techs don’t become active until following turn), that strategy is out.

    That said, before our group starting using LHTR, the Turn 1 UK invasion was tried once.  It worked, but UK was able to come back in on UK1 with the Canada tank (only 1 Ger ground unit had survived the assault).  They still got their income for Turn 1, and had lost only their initial money.  So, it wound up being a good IPC hit for the Axis (Germany got UK’s 30 initial IPC + income for UK on G1, while UK lost their UK1 buy), but lost their air force and their G1 ground unit buy in the bargain.  Germany used their stack of 80ish IPCs on G2 to replenish Luftwaffe (2 or 3 fighters) and a horde of ground units to send vs Russia.  Axis DID wind up winning the game by crushing Russia, but it wasn’t quite the inevitable victory as earlier suggested in this thread.

    Since adopting LHTR, no one in our group has tried a G2 UK invasion…but I probably will next time I draw the Huns, just to see how it works out.

  • If you really want to find out,just do it!! This isnt reality.If you lose,you just pack the game up or play again…You dont have to shoot yourself in your “bunker”…I cant stand when people say not to take incredibly risky chances because you may lose.Like I said,you can always play again.Thats part of the fun of this game…Who cares what peole say about the odds :roll:…Just play and see what happens…Stranger things have happened if you play this game long enough…

  • @Real:

    If you really want to find out,just do it!! This isnt reality.If you lose,you just pack the game up or play again…You dont have to shoot yourself in your “bunker”…I cant stand when people say not to take incredibly risky chances because you may lose.Like I said,you can always play again.Thats part of the fun of this game…Who cares what peole say about the odds :roll:…Just play and see what happens…Stranger things have happened if you play this game long enough…

    Yeah, but why bother playing at all? If you are planning a very risky move on round 1 and are going to give up if you lose, then you are basically saying that you are willing to spend 15 minutes setting up a game, letting russia move, and then gamble on your 30% chance (or whatever it is). I have another game for you, it’s called roulette.

  • Wow …  a whole fifteen minutes wasted!! How wiil I ever recover! Its not like you have to do it every time… What happens if you try and pull it off?  That was a dumb reply dude…

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