• What does everyone think is the best German build first turn in basic A&A 2nd edition? I go with choice 2 personally but the others all have merits as I’ve seen people discuss here. Ideas?

  • 2007 AAR League

    10 inf is the way to go for me. You have to build inf from the start, in order for the inf to reach the East Front by the time you launch the big attack on Russia.

  • 6 armour is the best buy for offensive play but if you like taking your fighters as hits instead of navy units you would buy 4 armour 1 fighter. It all depends on the style of game you play, 10 inf if the allies players are good players it takes longer to win but if you like to win as quickly as possible which is usually germans best chance of victory all armour is best.But it all depends on personal preference. I like all arms inf and armour, you need to by inf for defence. 8)

    “All right we’ll start the war from here”

  • There are a couple of good builds. 9inf arm, 4inf 4arm, and even 4arm ftr sometimes. It just matters what circumstances you do which in.

  • Germany needs to build infantry in a hurry so I pick 10 inf. However, there are situations where you could go with 8 inf and 1 transport for the Med sea.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I like the 9 infantry 1 armor path. It utilizes all your resources (something Germany should really consider doing all the time) replaces a tank you MIGHT loose if Russia attacks Fin/Nor, or Ukr, or E Euro and adds another one if they do not.

    Also, an extra tank is just as good in defense as an extra infantry, but gives significantly more umph in an offensive action. (Not to mention it can get to the front faster then infantry.)

  • It utilizes all your resources (something Germany should really consider doing all the time)

    Yes, but don’t you keep the 2ipcs for the next turn? Why not spend it then?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    You could keep them until round 2, but you loose the opportunity cost of the tank you don’t build and the extra defensive roll should it get attacked. Especially if you get good intel (ie over hear the allies) saying they’re going for Pac battles or bomber only fights.

    With the extra tank you can dump all available units into Karelia first round and have another tank to add after that round. Sure, it leaves Norway open, but the goal is to destroy the Russian army and get moscow out before the UK can build enough bombers to annoy you and before the US can turn around and come back to the Atlantic.

    Not to mention, then I have money on my hands too….I like stuff, not money. grin or did you not know that about us girl types?

  • Germany needs to build infantry in a hurry so I pick 10 inf. However, there are situations where you could go with 8 inf and 1 transport for the Med sea.

    I think 9inf arm is as good as 10inf, not having enough armor can be a liability to the Germans.

    You could keep them until round 2, but you loose the opportunity cost of the tank you don’t build and the extra defensive roll should it get attacked. Especially if you get good intel (ie over hear the allies) saying they’re going for Pac battles or bomber only fights.

    First of all Jennifer you’ve never played against a person who actually played a bomber strat so perphaps you’d better watch the assumptions you make. The armor is handy for that turn 4 lurch by Germany into the Ukr and into Cauc. If the economics are done just right, Germany should be able to take and hold Ukr/Cauc and EEuro at the same time, putting major pressure on the Russians.

  • @APolaris:

    What does everyone think is the best German build first turn in basic A&A 2nd edition? I go with choice 2 personally but the others all have merits as I’ve seen people discuss here. Ideas?

    Germany should buy 1 aircraftcarrier and 1 transporter on 5 and 4 men plus 1 artillery on Germany. Place 2 fighters on the aircraftcarrier and you might attack England in round 2 or easily retaliate Norway with 2 men and 2 artillery and planes.

  • W/o bid…
    A) 10 INF
    B) 9 INF, 1 ARM or
    C) 8 INF, 1 TRN

    With a bid
    I like a little variety… :wink:

  • We’re not talking about A&A europe, so the artillery thing would be impossible. As for the carrier, I can’t picture Germany wanting a carrier for any purpose whatsoever. Care to explain your position?

  • I’d say never build a transport on G1 as it is just a waste of income as it will be destroyed in 1-2 turns.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I could see a German carrier, but only after you have Moscow. Carriers are wonderful ways to protect trannies for use in Operation SeaLion.

  • I’ve always had success with the 9 INF. and 1 ARM. deal!!!

  • I’d say never build a transport on G1 as it is just a waste of income as it will be destroyed in 1-2 turns.

    In a no-bid game, it can pay for itself to help Germany with Africa.

    Otherwise in a bidding game, you could just place whatever you wanted in Africa, or try a power Europe approach.

  • Whatever the style of game a smart Allied player will go after that build especially with the UK, and in essence you are just throwing money down the toilet.

  • There are two ways I’ve seen the transport played

    1. Keep BB and original transport by Italy along with the purchased transport which makes for a moderate sized Navy. Assuming success with the Luftwafe/sub attacks taking out the UK Med fleet, the UK won’t have much with which to attack this fleet, maybe 1 sub, 1 bomber? The US to follow up with 1 bomber? Unless I’m forgetting something this isn’t real good odds for the UK/US, although I can see it being attempted as its not great for Germany either.

    2. Keep the bought transport at Italy (of course, its the only option for placement) and the original BB and transport near Egypt. The UK won’t be able to attack both with great odds, maybe bomber against the Italy transport and 1 fighter against the BB and original transport. The UK sub should have easily been sunk with the BB and perhaps a fighter although there is the chance of a hit by the sub in defense. If Russia attacks, they could lose a valuable fighter that they need to help strafe Japan later in the game and to help hold Karelia.

    Either way, this most likely extends the life of the Germany Navy in the Med by at least one turn. In a no-bid game, this might enable Germany to move a couple additional inf to Africa which will be crucial for any chance for victory, the 8 ipcs will be more than recovered by either a longer span in holding Africa, or by forcing the Allies to retake Africa strong, thereby weakening the reinforcement to Karelia.

    In a bid game, this could enable the German Navy to escape into the Indian ocean which opens up different options (Madagascar, India?, Australia?, New Zealand, or how about Brazil with the bonus of the German navy in S. Atlantic to prevent shipment of troops to S. Africa by transport?). While this is somewhat duplication of what Japan could do, it could force the Allies to react to a situation they have not seen before.

    1. Keep BB and original transport by Italy along with the purchased transport which makes for a moderate sized Navy.

    But it will certainly end up a waste. As the Brits I would land ftrs in Cauc, and reinforce with Russians once this happens this fleet is toast. If it moves to the Atlantic its killed and if it stays in the med it is also killed. The problem I have is what does this do get you 2more infantry in Africa. By the way Germany doesn’t need or shouldn’t place large amounts of troops in Africa. Africa should be a distraction/sidebar, so that when the Allies go to retake it Germany can squeeze Karelia. Anymore than that is a waste. Further if you miss my sub I will send a bmb sub versus this fleet, and you’ll end up getting very little for your investment.

    In a bid game, this could enable the German Navy to escape into the Indian ocean which opens up different options (Madagascar, India?, Australia?, New Zealand, or how about Brazil with the bonus of the German navy in S. Atlantic to prevent shipment of troops to S. Africa by transport?). While this is somewhat duplication of what Japan could do, it could force the Allies to react to a situation they have not seen before.

    No way. No good Allied player is going to let that fleet just roam around. I would advise to always make it priority number one in the first few turns. If it costs 1-2 aircraft sobeit.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I think most tend to leave it in Italy as a land bridge to Afr and to dissuade a weak attempt at invading Italy by the allies.

    If you move it, then you risk a quicker invasion. Of course, if you can get it to Japan to bolster their defenses, that might be worth something….

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