AP I use McD map utility V.2, sorry.
AABATTLE 1.1 is at AAMC,supply depot, downloads.
“Your aunt is riding a bicycle today.”
AP I use McD map utility V.2, sorry.
AABATTLE 1.1 is at AAMC,supply depot, downloads.
“Your aunt is riding a bicycle today.”
AP go to AABATTLE 1.1 to see combat results.
Also check out http://dicey.net/other/login.html
login and you can test the dicey by only entering your E-mail,dont put a opponets E-mail or AAMC game number.
With the battlemap to change from europe to full map view F3. :D
“We will be victorious,because we must be victorious,
for otherwise there would be no sense any more to world history.”
I meant that the allies lost but the 2 other capitals were captured ending the game and my capital survived! :x (usually the USA).
“Never have so few been commanded by so many.”
Either way Im happy, sealion or more inf for karelia!
But it can only be done once,and your right it needs to be a russian restricted game.If you re-force england,it means less in karelia but if you retreat to moskow,it means more inf to defend karelia with.I take that every time. :D
Cut up italy and australia.Give them 10 ipcs each.Add italy’s original score to germany(6ipc’s)and australia’s original score to UK(2ipc’s).Play them 6th and 7th. Or just bring in Italy to even the sides up(3 teams each). :D
As the allie’s my capitol surviving while the other two capital’s are captured by the axis. :cry:
No matter what you did you just couldn’t stop the gerry’s and jap’s. :x
“Your aunt is riding a bicycle today.”
In theory this should be impossible, simply because (1) with the UK building the right ships, you’d eventually lose so many planes you couldn’t keep attacking, but more importantly (2) if nothing else, the UK could simply build a bunch of infantry. Even if Germany has a production of 42 (and if they’re not aggressive against Russia or at least taking back lost territories, they definitely should not have this) and the UK is as low as 18 (again, unrealistic) the UK would still be able to defend itself. They could build 6 infantry in a turn with 18 IPCs. Germany would not be able to use planes they had lost, and after several turns of attacking carriers and possibly American fighters they most likely have lost the majority unless they stopped hitting UK’s fleet. So they’d be attacking only with infantry and/or armor they could transport - even assuming that the UK didn’t have a fleet that turn to destroy first somehow - the UK would still be building 6 infantry per turn directly on London, while Germany would have to spend 14 IPCs for a transport and 2 infantry to transport them with. Even if you use some of the infantry you start with - an asinine idea in my opinion since it begs of Russia “Take me!” - you’re still only getting the ability to go with 6 infantry a turn (3 transports and 6 men = 42 IPCs) or, even worse, substituting a tank (one unit instead of 2) for 2 men, something I think should never be done in a direct amphibious assault on a one-territory island. 6 offensive men should never match up against 6 on defense, and that’s not even including the fact that the UK will be at least 2 turns’ building ahead of you, since to move transports from Italy to UK will take 2 turns. So in theory, you’re facing a minimum 12-men disadvantage with a lower firing rate, less hits for you to get killed, and the fact that Russia will take your capital without any difficulty should you actually play this idea.
As for hitting the US with Germany before Russia, you’d better hope Japan has heavy bombers, long range aircraft, a laughable number of bombers, transports and men just outside WUSA, and the US player is the dumbest you have ever met. The only times I ever took the US with Germany were against that dopey AI and against a kid with ADD, and only against the AI (not even the kid with ADD) have I ever claimed UK before Russia.
Yes it is impossible against a good player in a standard game, but if you play RR bid game you can bid for transport. Just say 16 ipc bid 2 transports in the baltic.Then if the russian player believes you will use the 2 transport to move more inf to karelia and doesn’t re-enforce UK with 2 inf. You can do OP Sealion first turn, before UK can build inf up.
BTW I have won it before with 1 inf 1 fitgher and 1 bomber. 8)
See OP sealion can it be done?
Also AP why even play against AI ? :-?
And AP, Jen go to AAMC go to the supply depot and download the maptool
its the A&A board at starting point and you can change it as you make a move. Check it out!
I would like to get rid of rockets and replace with a good development!
Any suggestions please.
Every time I get a 6 on development I get a 2.
I always roll 1 die first turn with USA and when I get a 6 I roll a 2 rockets.
Rockets are no good they cant change the game like HB or IT.
BTW I all ways get the most useless development for the country.
SS for germany, UK or russia and Rockets for USA or Japan.
Does any one else dislike rockets?
“All right, we start the war from here” 8) *
None of the leaders of wolrd war 2 were good stratigests best left to the generals.
Also Rommel was the best!
Patton was the best american general.
The best lead from the frontline.
“All right, we start the war from here”
6 armour is the best buy for offensive play but if you like taking your fighters as hits instead of navy units you would buy 4 armour 1 fighter. It all depends on the style of game you play, 10 inf if the allies players are good players it takes longer to win but if you like to win as quickly as possible which is usually germans best chance of victory all armour is best.But it all depends on personal preference. I like all arms inf and armour, you need to by inf for defence. 8)
“All right we’ll start the war from here”