Question for you: how did you get the “CUSTOMIZER” tab on your profile?
Marc has your answer pretty much there. The link kind of shows why, what, when ,where and who made this happen.
There are people here a lot better than me on a lot of subjects involving customization and HRs/game ideas, and I was surprised I even received it.
“Customizer” covers a lot and I’m sure in time others will be awarded this badge. For myself I nominated a few who really showed they were doing a lot for the game. Most notably “Most Holy” and “alllworkandnoclay” they both paint and Most Holy is the host of Dicestruction podcast. This to my knowledge is the only podcast which features Axis & Allies exclusively. These guys were just a couple whom I nominated. I asked a few people to move allworkandnoclay’s thread to customizations to help all those who paint and customize their units as a tool.
The credit for much of this goes to YoungGrasshopper who suggested the badge for Der Kuenstler initially, whom I also nominated for his war room and his HR work.