I will try to summarize the options for the New or No casuality transport (TTn) presented in this tread.
TTn0 (OOB 1940) @0 C7, no hit value.
Optional rule for Transport develop upon this first base rule:
Transports are chosen last.
These options are ordered upon the nearest from TTn0 (100% casualities & no defense, no hit value) to the farthest (1 regular attack/unit @1 to @4 & TT Def@1 vs specific unit, 1 hit value/TT).
TTn0.5 Krieghund @0 C7, 1 hit value. Transport unit can be chosen as casualty when TPs number is above number of combat units.
TTn1 Knp7765/BJCard/KimRYoung/Gekkepop @0, no hit value but max: 3, 2 or 1 TT per attacking unit is destroyed. (All auto-kills.) Can escape.
TTn2 Baron [Cow] A0D1C7, 1 hit value, can survive if no enemy after 1st round. No escape, auto-kill. Variation: Each attacker’s unit destroy 1TT instead of rolling D, if TTs hit all of them.
TTn3 Cow A1D1C7, 1 hit value, can survive on defense, if no enemy after 1st round. No escape, auto-kill. Historical background: Attack Cargo Ships, or AKA (KimRYoung)
TTn4 Cow/Uncrustable 1AA@1, no hit value, treat as 1AAA preemptive shot per TT. No escape, auto-kill.
TTn5 Admirable Admiral @0, no hit value. @1/TT against aircrafts only for 1 round, if any warships: auto-kill. No escape.
TTn6 KimRYoung/Toblerone77 @0, 1 hit value each, no defense. Can escape.
TTn7 Spendo02 1@1 as a group of 1+, 1 hit value as a group. No escape.
TTn8 Baron Mun 1@1 as a group of 2+, 1 hit value each. 1 TT alone is @0. No escape.
TTn9 Spendo02 1@1 as a group of 1+, 1 hit value each. No escape.
TTn10 Elevenjerk 1@1 as a group of 1+, 1 hit value each. Must flee after 1st rnd.
TTn11 Uncrustable @1 for 2 TTs, 1 hit value for 2 TTs. Last single TT: autokill, no hit value. No escape.
TTn12 Baron Mun @1 for 2 TTs, 1 hit value each. 1 TT alone is @0. Attacker: 2D or 3D/ attacking unit. No auto-kill: can escape.
TTn13 Baron Mun @0, 1 hit value each. Low defense fire: each TT is @1D but 2 hits @“1” to kill 1 attacking unit. No auto-kill: can escape.
TTn14 (Philip Schwartzer & Gamers Paradise) @0, 1 hit value, @1/TT against aircrafts only. No escape against aircrafts until downed, or escape if only warships are present. Attacker: 2D/ attacking units. No auto-kill.
TTn15 Uncrustable/Spendo02/Toblerone77/Gargantua @1, 1 hit value each, cost 8. No escape. Classic TT taken last.
TTn16 Cow @1, 1 hit value each, cost 7. Can escape… (…instead of rolling D, Gargantua 7+1 IPCs).
TTn17 Uncrustable @1, 1 hit value each, against Aircrafts and Destroyers. Auto-kill vs other warships. No escape.
When escape is possible, it is either:
Escape 1: take the form of “Scattering” in the same sea-zone.
Escape 2: take the form of “Fleeing” in the next sea-zone (if not ennemy’s control).
I tried to be genuine but if you see any mistake:
Send a message or simply write a post (it could be erase after correction made.)
I can let you a question for the sake of the discussion:
According to you, which TTn seems able to be a somewhat less defenseless TT and to keep better the balance, no matter how imbalance are the initial settings?
Which one will increase risk, decision making, fun without affecting other important aspect of the game?