i think I might have confused you with GabeNASA in my comments. If this caused any confusion I apologize.
Why is Italy an allied power?
The Austrians have a choice to DOW against Italy on the first turn. And this neutral Italy first turn may not hurt the Austrians if they wanna hit Romania hard.
The Austrians have a choice to DOW against Italy on the first turn. And this neutral Italy first turn may not hurt the Austrians if they wanna hit Romania hard.
Maybe true, but I think that Austria needs to hit Italy hard and fast or Americans will be in Rome to fight before Austria can take it.
Okay, guys. Â You play whatever crazy alternative reality game you want to. Â You can even roll for wormholes, through which AA1940 units can enter the game in a nod to The Final Countdown. Â I’m going to play the game with the rules as written, in which Italy is a member of the Allied powers, because no other alternative is plausible. Â Anyone arguing the contrary either lacks enough understanding of the political situation (despite the best efforts of many here to educate them) or is wilfully ignoring history.
Don’t act like some benevolent instructor who is helping us understand the keys to history, helping us idiots out of our ignorance. The question is not whether Italy would have jumped at easy, quick gains in North Africa in the case that Germany offered them after the war might have tipped decisively in CP favor, it’s whether or not Austria and Germany would have even bothered to make that offer to Italy.
I’ll make it simple. France is overrun, Russia is being pushed back. France cannot defend its North African colonies. Italian leaders have concluded that the CP is winning decisively, and the war will be over soon.
The CP offers those North African colonies to Italy if they help against the British in Africa.Do you honestly still guarantee that Italy would have just snubbed the CP and said “no thanks?”
Words matter.  If you don’t understand that, you don’t understand how to construct an argument.  They are the building blocks of analysis.  If you don’t understand the definition of words, you don’t have ���� for an argument or analysis
…and you don’t have an argument that fits this forum topic.
Just because your arguments start to fail does not make it a proper thing to do to start claiming the posts you don’t like to be off-topic. That is a bad habit of yours.
I’ll make it simple. France is overrun, Russia is being pushed back. France cannot defend its North African colonies. Italian leaders have concluded that the CP is winning decisively, and the war will be over soon.
The CP offers those North African colonies to Italy if they help against the British in Africa.Do you honestly still guarantee that Italy would have just snubbed the CP and said “no thanks?”
That could happen, but the reality of that achievement would need to be made before the first 10 months, which makes the point moot. Suvorov is entirely correct. He reads History and it shows.
And for those events to happen ( France falls, and Russia is near death) is really pretty much game over or event over. What does it matter if Italy joins…the war is over and the game too.We can only point out that it makes no sense to even speculate…it is crazy.
Just because your arguments start to fail does not make it a proper thing to do to start claiming the posts you don’t like to be off-topic. That is a bad habit of yours.
They don’t fail. They win every-time because they are based on solid evidence. Care to find the evidence that Italy would happily join AH? You wont find it.
Except he didn’t say Russia was near death… only that it was being pushed back. Why do you insist on mischaracterizing other people’s arguments?
Instead of trolling here or responding to my posts to another person, perhaps you might want to actually make an argument with supporting facts? That argument might be something more than “Italy does have a chance to fight with AH as her ally…and here is some note, conference, or literary citation to support such claims”.
Instead what you do is continually stick with weak ideas “you’re a dick”, “Why do you insist on mischaracterizing other people’s arguments”, “two people emailed me you’re a dick” , “you don’t understand how to make data” ,etc. i got nothing but this gibberish in 50 of your posts.
Wow… are you this much of a walking asshole in real life?
Do you make an argument or just troll?
I think Germany should have a choice to join the Entente on turn 2
Maybe WW1 is a good time for US payback on England. The US can just declare war on England turn 1 if they want.
That could happen, but the reality of that achievement would need to be made before the first 10 months, which makes the point moot
Why is it moot?
Yes, we should be on the opposite side to America.
Then, when we lose, the Yanks will pay us Marshal aid, and make their German allies foot the bill.
While were at it why not just flip coins for each power at the start of the game.
Heads = Entente
Tails = Central PowersSo i have just done so and it looks like this
Entente = Russia/Austria/UK/Germany/Italy/USA
CP = France/TurkeyThis is fun!
Allow players to bid for powers.
Give each side 100 IPCs. They each secretly assign a bid of cash to each power. Highest bid wins control of that power. Tied powers are neutral. Unspent cash is shared out among starting money of the powers you do win.
No, but Germany would only have finished paying of their war debts 4 years ago.
Yes, we should be on the opposite side to America.
Then, when we lose, the Yanks will pay us Marshal aid, and make their German allies foot the bill.
Yeah… that’s not how the Marshall Plan worked.
You did mischaracterize his post and you have shown no indication of understanding the differences between evidence, fact, analysis, etc., so why should I let you dictate the terms of argumentation? Especially when you continue to be obnoxious?
Sock Puppet account formed 48 hours ago and out of 45 posts used 42 of them to argue with IL and says “you’re a dick” and calls me obnoxious…. let me look at this as a whole and get back to you. I’m quite sure some troll who asks for facts and yet does not himself provide anything could be in the right. After considering this for the few seconds it requires, i’m sure you are just a nice guy who uses that account for good purposes, no doubt.
I do offer arguments, but since you seem to suffer from epistemic closure, I don’t know why I bother.
You offer arguments like 99% of your 60 posts in two days, but you don’t offer EVIDENCE to support anything you post. You just make “dick” comments instead of facts. That goes for you and the other sock puppet account.
You, without any evidence, believe I am a sock puppet.
Ok, I retract what I said about you. You are not a dick. You are a paranoid, obnoxious asshole. Feel better?
And still no supporting evidence. For somebody who claims only he understands what evidence is, sure has a way about not providing anything and just trolling.
While were at it why not just flip coins for each power at the start of the game.
Heads = Entente
Tails = Central PowersSo i have just done so and it looks like this
Entente = Russia/Austria/UK/Germany/Italy/USA
CP = France/TurkeyThis is what this is coming too. Soon peeps will argue for Japan and Godzilla to form an alliance.
Serious question: how does it feel the new member of the board took about twelve hours to figure out what others have decided? That you are an obnoxious asshole?
You don’t offer anything serious, only dick or asshole commentary and at a few times entertainment. Sock Puppets do just that.
Stop hijacking this thread and offer something, anything in terms of factual evidence or leave.
What are you talking about no supporting evidence? I have been providing evidence since the first couple pages that you have been making dickish comments… jeez… go back and read the thread.
The evidence you provide is non-existent in terms of anything dealing with Italy and AH having close enough ties to fight as aggressors.
I mean, you seem like the kind of guy who thinks that the Zimmerman telegram is evidence that the US would get into the war, not the sub war.
Thats what a sock puppet account that Vonwhatever1914 created would say. But we all now know the note triggered the war.
But still no evidence from you or the account master was ever provided.