• The US never sees much action in our games. My thought was take Alaska and the Canadian territories then build a minor ic there. I didnt put much thought into it. So far Japan has won every game since we started playing

  • @dukbrand:

    The US never sees much action in our games. My thought was take Alaska and the Canadian territories then build a minor ic there. I didnt put much thought into it. So far Japan has won every game since we started playing

    Are you playing Global or Pacific only?

  • @IKE:


    The US never sees much action in our games. My thought was take Alaska and the Canadian territories then build a minor ic there. I didnt put much thought into it. So far Japan has won every game since we started playing

    Are you playing Global or Pacific only?

    Global 2/3 Japan won the war

  • @knp7765:

    Meanwhile, Germany took out the Royal Navy round 1 and purchased a CV, DD and SS (looking like a typical Sealion buy).

    Thus, when they sailed to the U.S. coast, they had a lot of transporters, but not many battleships. And only two planes. Couldn’t the US player simply have bought navy and used his planes (on carriers and scrambling) to deny the invasion easily? Of course, San Francisco would still fall, but as you stated, this can easily be repaired because Japan cannot keep pouring forces to North America.

  • Customizer



    Meanwhile, Germany took out the Royal Navy round 1 and purchased a CV, DD and SS (looking like a typical Sealion buy).

    Thus, when they sailed to the U.S. coast, they had a lot of transporters, but not many battleships. And only two planes. Couldn’t the US player simply have bought navy and used his planes (on carriers and scrambling) to deny the invasion easily? Of course, San Francisco would still fall, but as you stated, this can easily be repaired because Japan cannot keep pouring forces to North America.

    Yeah, that is one of the things that could go wrong with this plan and keep it from working. One part of this plan is a kind of surprise. Basically, the US or other Allies for that matter won’t be expecting it. When Germany goes down to SZ 91 and takes Gibraltar round 3, US is still neutral with Minor ICs. Then when Japan goes over and takes Alaska and W Canada, this puts the US in the war with Major ICs, but they still only have 52 IPCs to spend (rather than the 77 IPCs they would get for being at war).
    With 52 IPCs, you really couldn’t buy a lot of navy because warships are expensive. Germany will have a CV, BB, CA, DD and 2-3 Subs plus 2 planes. With any luck, that is still enough to overcome whatever the US manages to put down, plus whatever the Italians can take out on their round 3.
    With most players, if you see your capital in danger, the first thing you think of is buying defensive land units to protect it, not warships to sit off the coast. You have a pretty good idea though. If there is enough naval and air power available, it might stall the invasion and the 22 land units for Germany would never touch ground. In that case, it doesn’t really matter how weak the land defenses are.

  • Good posts knp7765, I enjoyed reading 'em.

  • @knp7765:

    We have tried this twice before. One time it was a spectacular success and the other a dismal failure.
    In the success, Japan built transports the first two rounds. I think they had 9 or 10 by round 3. Japan used existing forces in China for some attacks and moved a lot of it’s fleet down to make it look like they were getting ready to go after the DEI. Then on Round 2, they moved everything back to SZ 6. Then on Round 3, Japan took it’s entire navy plus all the transports full of men and equipment and zoomed over to SZ 1, landed a couple of troops in undefended Alaska and the rest in Western Canada ready to hit Western USA round 4.
    The US was planning on hitting Japan, but they were buying warships to take out the Japanese navy first. NO LAND UNITS. So Western USA was woefully under-defended.
    Meanwhile, Germany took out the Royal Navy round 1 and purchased a CV, DD and SS (looking like a typical Sealion buy). They also took France, Normandy, Yugoslavia, Finland and Bulgaria. Round 2 Germany buys the 10 transports and gets all their land units into position in Western Germany. Britain, fearing Sealion, buys defensively (infantry and fighters on London). Round 3, Germany shoots down to SZ 91 and takes Gibraltar with all their land forces.
    Italy manages to clear the Med of Allied ships (with some Luftwaffe help) and keep a battleship and cruiser. Since the UK was fearing Sealion, they did not try the Taranto raid and was fairly conservative in Africa. They position their warships in SZ 92 waiting for Germany to take Gibraltar and provide them access to the Atlantic.
    When the US sees Germany take Gibraltar round 3, they do try to place blockers in SZ 102 and 89 on round 3. However, the Italian BB and CA come out and paste the US blockers clearing the way for Germany.
    Then Round 4 Germany invades the US East coast. The US was simply not able to place enough units to defend against 22 German land units and the US capital was taken. Then Japan hit an equally under-defended Western US and took San Francisco. The US Navy played havoc with the Japanese Navy, but that really amounted to nothing since the US was pretty much taken out of the game now.
    Even though Russia could attack Germany on round 4, Germany was able to purchase land units round 3 and had a good defensive force along the Eastern border that Russia was not strong enough to get through except up in Finland. The UK was sitting there with a big stack of men and some fighters on England but no navy so they couldn’t really do anything.
    As for Japan, it was a little rougher for them. The US Navy pretty much wiped out the Japanese Navy so they had to rebuild. India and ANZAC were having a good time in the Southern Pacific taking all the DEI and moving on original Japanese Islands. Also, Japanese forces in China were getting whittled down, plus Russia attacked Korea and Manchuria. On the plus side, they were making an extra 18 IPCs per round (Western USA = 10, W Canada = 1, Alaska = 2, and $5 for holding San Francisco). Also, in attacking the Japanese navy, the US navy was pretty depleted as well (one HUGE naval battle there) and there would be no new US ships coming. Even though India and ANZAC were making extra $ from NOs and the DEI and were pretty much unmolested for the first 4 rounds, their navies still weren’t all that big and Japan would be able to match them in a couple of rounds or so.

    Now, the failure was something else. First, Germany did not commit enough to taking Paris and lost the battle. Italy ended up taking Paris so they got the treasury. So Germany was not able to buy enough transports. Instead of 11 transports, they only had 7 and most was made up of infantry because they lost tanks in the Paris battle. By the time they got to Eastern USA, they didn’t have a strong enough force to take it so the invasion failed. Without the extra money they usually got, Germany didn’t have enough to properly defend the eastern border and Russia just steamrolled into Eastern Europe.
    Italy did give UK a hard time in the Med and Africa, but soon was threatened by Russia. The UK didn’t go quite so heavily defensive and had already started rebuilding navy.
    Japan did manage to take Western US, but since US was still in the game, they took it back in a couple of rounds. The Navies clashed with the US coming out on top, barely. However, once Japan lost Western US and were pushed out of North America, their income started to dwindle as the Allies moved on them on all fronts.
    I think the Axis let this go through round 5 before calling it quits.

    So, an Axis attack on the US could work if done right. If it does, it’s pretty much an Axis win. However, if things don’t work, you commit so much to it that you get creamed everywhere else and no extra income to show for it. It won’t take long then for the Allies to finish you off.

    This is allmost exsactly the same as what my friend and I Did!!!

    Germany R1:
    My R1 buys was 2 Subs 1 transport 1 Bomber
    I did basic normal round 1 attacks took France, Normandy, I took out Seazone 111 with battleship a SB, TB, 1 Fighter, and 1 sub from 24! What I did with this battle is I destroyed everything but the battleship and retreated keeping my sub,battleship alive but it’s crippled. Basicaly lost the fighter and the battleship got hit so it’s crippled. (He didn’t scramble)

    I took seazone 110 with 2 sub, 3 fighters and 3 TB’s and 1 SB. Didn’t scramble lost both subs
    (He also didn’t scramble)

    Took out both destroyer and transport in seazone 106. Didn’t lose any subs

    I also took Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Finland also

    Moved my cruser and Transport to seazone 112 with my Crippled battleship and sub so I place my units and have 3 subs 1 cruser and a crippled battleship in seazone 112

    Japan R1:

    Normal attacks  nothing to special 3 transports bought and placed etc.
    America R1:

    Took all 54 bucks and bought ships for the Pacific side that’s it.

    England R1:

    England was torn cause he don’t know what to expect!
    So he gambled!

    He attacked seazone 112 with 1 battleship(crippled) 1 SB, 1 Cruser from 91 3 fighters from England, and 1 destroyer from 109!

    And lost!! I was left standing with 1 crippled battleship and 2(scrambled fighters)! Crushing blow to England he did his best and truthfuly I would have done the same also.
    Did the standerd destroy 96 destroyer and moved to 92!

    I think he bought 1 fighter and a a few men and something for South Africa!

    Germany R2:

    10 transports!

    Combat attack on England! Stratigic Bombed London with 3 bombers! 18 points of damage!
    4 TB’ Knocked out the airfield!

    The rest was non combat movements placing units in position for transport!

    Now I didn’t mention the Sovs till now because they think I was gonna do a Barb but I’m not so they now moved there units to Russian border waitin to push in!

    Japan R2:

    Japan buys 2 transports 1 carrier and push a further into china and consolidates all it’s ships in Sea of Japan at this point it has 7 waiting with 3 carriers 2 battleships and the rest of its ships!

    America R2:

    Buys a small navy now in the Atlantic side collects Income!

    England R2:

    Now it’s shitting it’s self only thing it could do is buy units for it self repaired the absolute minimum to maximise the amount of units it could build! Also from England R1 it moved its transport to Canada then round 2 it loaded it up and brought over 1 infantry and 1 Tank to England no combat round 2.

    Italy R2

    The med is clear and Italy saved its IPCs from round 1 and has around 30+ Ipcs total round 2 and buys 2 tanks and like 7 men and moves all the men from Southern Italy to northern Italy

    Germany R3:

    Attacks England with 12 transports!
    12 infantry 3 Artiliary and 9 tanks! I conquered it with 1 Artiliary left and all 9 tanks! I lost all 12 infantry 2 Artiliary and 2 fighters due to AA!

    I bought 9 tanks which I placed in Germany! Germany has around 15 -20 infantry and now 9 tanks at the end of its round 3!

    Russia R3:

    So Russia rush’s in but only takes over Poland, Slovakia and Romania! And leaves 1 man in each teratory?! Has 2 army’s army group north and South!

    Japan R3!

    Takes all it’s ships from seazone 6 attacks western Canada in sea zone 1! Drops off 6 transports worth if mixed troops in western canada and 1 in Alaska! Takes over Philliapines with the ships and units from Caroline Islands aswell!

    Buys 2 SB’s 1 industrial Complex and some men! And pulls back the other half of its Airforce to Japan also!

    America R3:

    Dosnt know what to do has 12 men sitting in Canada and the Japanese navy in seazone one buys as many men it can to hold SF!

    Consolidates it’s navy in the pacific to seazone 10 and braces it self

    England R3: done and gone some minor movements in Africa but the rest is history!

    Italy: R3

    now Italy need to shine with what it can! It starts pushing some of the sovs out of Slovakia and Romania! Can’t reach Poland that’s fine moves the bulk of its army to Yugoslavia!
    Buys more men and dose it’s best in Africa but it’s lost at this point and a side show!

    Germany R4:

    Now has another horde of cash and buys 22 Infantry! Moves 7 tanks to Germany leaving England with 1 art 3 tanks!
    Germany takes back Poland but leaves 1 infantry there and Consolidates all it’s men from Germany to Slovakia with some Italian forces and also lands all 6 TB’s there plus 3 AA since the Bulk of the Russian Army is in Baltic states it can’t reach me and I have all my Orignal country’s back again!

    To make this long ass story short cause I dunno. If you guys enjoy reading it this way, but Japan took SF with out losing more then 3 men or so it lost half it’s Airforce as fodder cause I didn’t want to be pushed out of SF! I brought over the rest of my planes and landed in Western canada!

    America attacks my navy and destroys it but it canceled each other out no biggie!
    It buys men for Central US and some for East coast.

    Russia dose the same exact thing again and leaves a guy behind Italy pushs them out of German and consolidates it’s force in with mine in Slovakia.

    All the minor world world powers grew but Calcuta became a small thorn but it was a joke and it was only half of its former self. China grew big and liberated it self down around Round 7 or so but it’s moot if Japan is now in Central Us…

    Anzac is a joke and it’s economy is so small and so far away by the time it makes enough ships men planes etc it’s to late in the game.

    Germany eventaly matached and passed Russia with the aid of Ilitay constantly punching a hole in the Russian gap and since America is pressed deep and England is gone I can focus 100% of my income into russia and made it a 1v1 game eventualy My army ad the Russian army passed and I had around 25 tanks or so… It pushed for Germany and I went for Moscow

    I ended up gettin to Moscow before he got to Berlin and took over Moscow
    But in his next turn he attacked me in Berlin I needed all my. Planes infantry and even some Italians to Germany to hold him off ! I basicaly won with 2 fighters left but he had I think 15 men more then me but I had mostly tanks cause in was building up base defense and had the income. He had like 40men 20art and some 10 tanks and 4 TBs I had around 15 tanks 6 fighters including the Italans  20 men and 6 TB’s also on defense and like 5 AA some Italan and German. I basicaly won with 2 fighters left and had London under my
    Boot and Now Moscow!

    It took till round 8 America to kick out Japan but by then Germany had grown into a monster and no one would stop them

    But by Japan keeping America locked down 100% America couldn’t free England! And with England and America not bothering Germany catch up with Russia in troops with the coffers of France and London raided! All and all a amazing and unconvential game and it was great!

    I’m sorry for the massive wall of text but it’s funny how we had the same Idea ( allmost ) :)!!

  • Nice strategies   8-).

    Afaik, knp is absolutely right: Attacking the USA is a gambit. It is easily countered and after that the axis may as well resign. If all the axis powers are ganging up against the USA, it should move ALL its ships into Europe against Germany and let Japan have a party in the Pacific. If the allies know what they are doing China, India and ANZAC are growing into a dangerous thorn and yes, Japan takes SF and Hawai and Alaska. But the USA will just kick the Japs out of SF every turn again and again if it has to. In the long term, I guess people can see where that is going. Not very well for the Axis I can assure you. USA doesn’t even need good dice! And remember, the US fleet (or elements of it) is not bound to one map! At all times during the game it can move to another map and back again. Either entirely or a split off task force. If round x (usually round 2) sees Japan in range of Hawai/Alaska/Canada with a lot of TRS and Germany with a lot of ships in SZ112 as well, the US must relocate its fleet towards somewhere around Panama. Able to go into either Europe or Pacific whatever is needed. And WHAT is needed will be determined by the axis’ actions, ofc.

    As long as the USA can keep its head cool and its priorities right, it should be game over for the axis. But here is the difficulty! From what I have seen, lots of allied players just don’t (seem to) know how to split the USA’s efforts. As long as that is the case, ganging up on it should pay off.

    Long story short (still my humble opinion):
    NO axis strategy guarantees victory. The allies can counter each and every strategy the axis try. IF they do it right, the allies should always win. And that is exactly the difficulty with the allies, especially in team versus team: IF. Because if they do not get the right idea about what the axis are planning they can be outmaneuvered into game loosing positions  :wink:.

    All warfare is deception and THAT is where the axis’ chances are: fooling the allies and exploit it! Well… against an equally strong allied opponent, that is  :-D

  • @Whitshadw:


    We have tried this twice before. One time it was a spectacular success and the other a dismal failure.
    In the success, Japan built transports the first two rounds. I think they had 9 or 10 by round 3. Japan used existing forces in China for some attacks and moved a lot of it’s fleet down to make it look like they were getting ready to go after the DEI. Then on Round 2, they moved everything back to SZ 6. Then on Round 3, Japan took it’s entire navy plus all the transports full of men and equipment and zoomed over to SZ 1, landed a couple of troops in undefended Alaska and the rest in Western Canada ready to hit Western USA round 4.
    The US was planning on hitting Japan, but they were buying warships to take out the Japanese navy first. NO LAND UNITS. So Western USA was woefully under-defended.
    Meanwhile, Germany took out the Royal Navy round 1 and purchased a CV, DD and SS (looking like a typical Sealion buy). They also took France, Normandy, Yugoslavia, Finland and Bulgaria. Round 2 Germany buys the 10 transports and gets all their land units into position in Western Germany. Britain, fearing Sealion, buys defensively (infantry and fighters on London). Round 3, Germany shoots down to SZ 91 and takes Gibraltar with all their land forces.
    Italy manages to clear the Med of Allied ships (with some Luftwaffe help) and keep a battleship and cruiser. Since the UK was fearing Sealion, they did not try the Taranto raid and was fairly conservative in Africa. They position their warships in SZ 92 waiting for Germany to take Gibraltar and provide them access to the Atlantic.
    When the US sees Germany take Gibraltar round 3, they do try to place blockers in SZ 102 and 89 on round 3. However, the Italian BB and CA come out and paste the US blockers clearing the way for Germany.
    Then Round 4 Germany invades the US East coast. The US was simply not able to place enough units to defend against 22 German land units and the US capital was taken. Then Japan hit an equally under-defended Western US and took San Francisco. The US Navy played havoc with the Japanese Navy, but that really amounted to nothing since the US was pretty much taken out of the game now.
    Even though Russia could attack Germany on round 4, Germany was able to purchase land units round 3 and had a good defensive force along the Eastern border that Russia was not strong enough to get through except up in Finland. The UK was sitting there with a big stack of men and some fighters on England but no navy so they couldn’t really do anything.
    As for Japan, it was a little rougher for them. The US Navy pretty much wiped out the Japanese Navy so they had to rebuild. India and ANZAC were having a good time in the Southern Pacific taking all the DEI and moving on original Japanese Islands. Also, Japanese forces in China were getting whittled down, plus Russia attacked Korea and Manchuria. On the plus side, they were making an extra 18 IPCs per round (Western USA = 10, W Canada = 1, Alaska = 2, and $5 for holding San Francisco). Also, in attacking the Japanese navy, the US navy was pretty depleted as well (one HUGE naval battle there) and there would be no new US ships coming. Even though India and ANZAC were making extra $ from NOs and the DEI and were pretty much unmolested for the first 4 rounds, their navies still weren’t all that big and Japan would be able to match them in a couple of rounds or so.

    Now, the failure was something else. First, Germany did not commit enough to taking Paris and lost the battle. Italy ended up taking Paris so they got the treasury. So Germany was not able to buy enough transports. Instead of 11 transports, they only had 7 and most was made up of infantry because they lost tanks in the Paris battle. By the time they got to Eastern USA, they didn’t have a strong enough force to take it so the invasion failed. Without the extra money they usually got, Germany didn’t have enough to properly defend the eastern border and Russia just steamrolled into Eastern Europe.
    Italy did give UK a hard time in the Med and Africa, but soon was threatened by Russia. The UK didn’t go quite so heavily defensive and had already started rebuilding navy.
    Japan did manage to take Western US, but since US was still in the game, they took it back in a couple of rounds. The Navies clashed with the US coming out on top, barely. However, once Japan lost Western US and were pushed out of North America, their income started to dwindle as the Allies moved on them on all fronts.
    I think the Axis let this go through round 5 before calling it quits.

    So, an Axis attack on the US could work if done right. If it does, it’s pretty much an Axis win. However, if things don’t work, you commit so much to it that you get creamed everywhere else and no extra income to show for it. It won’t take long then for the Allies to finish you off.

    This is allmost exsactly the same as what my friend and I Did!!!

    Germany R1:
    My R1 buys was 2 Subs 1 transport 1 Bomber
    I did basic normal round 1 attacks took France, Normandy, I took out Seazone 111 with battleship a SB, TB, 1 Fighter, and 1 sub from 24! What I did with this battle is I destroyed everything but the battleship and retreated keeping my sub,battleship alive but it’s crippled. Basicaly lost the fighter and the battleship got hit so it’s crippled. (He didn’t scramble)

    I took seazone 110 with 2 sub, 3 fighters and 3 TB’s and 1 SB. Didn’t scramble lost both subs
    (He also didn’t scramble)

    Took out both destroyer and transport in seazone 106. Didn’t lose any subs

    I also took Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Finland also

    Moved my cruser and Transport to seazone 112 with my Crippled battleship and sub so I place my units and have 3 subs 1 cruser and a crippled battleship in seazone 112

    Japan R1:

    Normal attacks  nothing to special 3 transports bought and placed etc.
    America R1:

    Took all 54 bucks and bought ships for the Pacific side that’s it.

    England R1:

    England was torn cause he don’t know what to expect!
    So he gambled!

    He attacked seazone 112 with 1 battleship(crippled) 1 SB, 1 Cruser from 91 3 fighters from England, and 1 destroyer from 109!

    And lost!! I was left standing with 1 crippled battleship and 2(scrambled fighters)! Crushing blow to England he did his best and truthfuly I would have done the same also.
    Did the standerd destroy 96 destroyer and moved to 92!

    I think he bought 1 fighter and a a few men and something for South Africa!

    Germany R2:

    10 transports!

    Combat attack on England! Stratigic Bombed London with 3 bombers! 18 points of damage!
    4 TB’ Knocked out the airfield!

    The rest was non combat movements placing units in position for transport!

    Now I didn’t mention the Sovs till now because they think I was gonna do a Barb but I’m not so they now moved there units to Russian border waitin to push in!

    Japan R2:

    Japan buys 2 transports 1 carrier and push a further into china and consolidates all it’s ships in Sea of Japan at this point it has 7 waiting with 3 carriers 2 battleships and the rest of its ships!

    America R2:

    Buys a small navy now in the Atlantic side collects Income!

    England R2:

    Now it’s �����ing it’s self only thing it could do is buy units for it self repaired the absolute minimum to maximise the amount of units it could build! Also from England R1 it moved its transport to Canada then round 2 it loaded it up and brought over 1 infantry and 1 Tank to England no combat round 2.

    Italy R2

    The med is clear and Italy saved its IPCs from round 1 and has around 30+ Ipcs total round 2 and buys 2 tanks and like 7 men and moves all the men from Southern Italy to northern Italy

    Germany R3:

    Attacks England with 12 transports!
    12 infantry 3 Artiliary and 9 tanks! I conquered it with 1 Artiliary left and all 9 tanks! I lost all 12 infantry 2 Artiliary and 2 fighters due to AA!

    I bought 9 tanks which I placed in Germany! Germany has around 15 -20 infantry and now 9 tanks at the end of its round 3!

    Russia R3:

    So Russia rush’s in but only takes over Poland, Slovakia and Romania! And leaves 1 man in each teratory?! Has 2 army’s army group north and South!

    Japan R3!

    Takes all it’s ships from seazone 6 attacks western Canada in sea zone 1! Drops off 6 transports worth if mixed troops in western canada and 1 in Alaska! Takes over Philliapines with the ships and units from Caroline Islands aswell!

    Buys 2 SB’s 1 industrial Complex and some men! And pulls back the other half of its Airforce to Japan also!

    America R3:

    Dosnt know what to do has 12 men sitting in Canada and the Japanese navy in seazone one buys as many men it can to hold SF!

    Consolidates it’s navy in the pacific to seazone 10 and braces it self

    England R3: done and gone some minor movements in Africa but the rest is history!

    Italy: R3

    now Italy need to shine with what it can! It starts pushing some of the sovs out of Slovakia and Romania! Can’t reach Poland that’s fine moves the bulk of its army to Yugoslavia!
    Buys more men and dose it’s best in Africa but it’s lost at this point and a side show!

    Germany R4:

    Now has another horde of cash and buys 22 Infantry! Moves 7 tanks to Germany leaving England with 1 art 3 tanks!
    Germany takes back Poland but leaves 1 infantry there and Consolidates all it’s men from Germany to Slovakia with some Italian forces and also lands all 6 TB’s there plus 3 AA since the Bulk of the Russian Army is in Baltic states it can’t reach me and I have all my Orignal country’s back again!

    To make this long ass story short cause I dunno. If you guys enjoy reading it this way, but Japan took SF with out losing more then 3 men or so it lost half it’s Airforce as fodder cause I didn’t want to be pushed out of SF! I brought over the rest of my planes and landed in Western canada!

    America attacks my navy and destroys it but it canceled each other out no biggie!
    It buys men for Central US and some for East coast.

    Russia dose the same exact thing again and leaves a guy behind Italy pushs them out of German and consolidates it’s force in with mine in Slovakia.

    All the minor world world powers grew but Calcuta became a small thorn but it was a joke and it was only half of its former self. China grew big and liberated it self down around Round 7 or so but it’s moot if Japan is now in Central Us…

    Anzac is a joke and it’s economy is so small and so far away by the time it makes enough ships men planes etc it’s to late in the game.

    Germany eventaly matached and passed Russia with the aid of Ilitay constantly punching a hole in the Russian gap and since America is pressed deep and England is gone I can focus 100% of my income into russia and made it a 1v1 game eventualy My army ad the Russian army passed and I had around 25 tanks or so… It pushed for Germany and I went for Moscow

    I ended up gettin to Moscow before he got to Berlin and took over Moscow
    But in his next turn he attacked me in Berlin I needed all my. Planes infantry and even some Italians to Germany to hold him off ! I basicaly won with 2 fighters left but he had I think 15 men more then me but I had mostly tanks cause in was building up base defense and had the income. He had like 40men 20art and some 10 tanks and 4 TBs I had around 15 tanks 6 fighters including the Italans  20 men and 6 TB’s also on defense and like 5 AA some Italan and German. I basicaly won with 2 fighters left and had London under my
    Boot and Now Moscow!

    It took till round 8 America to kick out Japan but by then Germany had grown into a monster and no one would stop them

    But by Japan keeping America locked down 100% America couldn’t free England! And with England and America not bothering Germany catch up with Russia in troops with the coffers of France and London raided! All and all a amazing and unconvential game and it was great!

    I’m sorry for the massive wall of text but it’s funny how we had the same Idea ( allmost ) :)!!

    Concerning your R1 Germany buys. How does Germany buy 2 subs 1 transport and 1 bomber with only 30 IPC’s?

  • You know I played two games that day! And it was over a week ago I suppose it was 1 sub 1 transport and 1 bomber and I pocketed the money. My mistake! Lol

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