Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread

  • It belongs to the nation that activated it. Place a National roundel on it and change your Income accordingly. It will remain the last owner’s until captured by an enemy.

    Holland remains British, if no German ground units occupy it.
    Even if the French enter it, it remains British.

  • Official Q&A


    I am confused by the last sentence of the paragraph at page 12 regarding “mobilising a minor neutral power”. It states that “neutrality of a territory can only be violated once”. So, what does happen to a minor neutral power that was previously invaded and activated but that after some turns ends up with no units at all in it? Is the minor neutral power still controlled by the last power that had units there or does it become neutral again?

    It depends upon how the territory came to have no units in it.  If the units simply moved away, the last power to have control retains it.  If the units wiped each other out in combat, no power will assume control, and the territory will remain uncontrolled until a power moves units into it.  In either case, it is no longer neutral.


    Even more difficult: Germany invades Holland. Holland mobilises and British troops are choosen to represent the mobilised forces. However, in the following combact all units (Germans and British) are lost. So no unit remains in Holland and nobody take control of Holland.



    What does happen if the British enter Holland in their following turn?

    The British take control of it.


    And what does happen if the French enter Holland in their following turn?

    If they are the first to enter, they take control.  If the British got there first, it remains British-controlled.

  • The FAQ says that
    “Land units that begin the turn in contested territories can only be moved to territories that at the beginning of the turn were either controlled by your power or contained units belonging to your power.”

    This means that you can’t retreat units from contested territories to your ally’s territory of that allied territory contains none of your units?

    Also, can countries with captured capitals not repair their battleships?

  • You have understood correctly about retreats, Calvinhobbesliker.

    Re Battleships, that is right: they could not repair at the captured capital. However,  Battleships belonging to a nation whose capital has been captured, can repair at an ally’s port or one that has been captured by its alliance.

  • But the rulebook says that countries without their capital skip all but their Movement and Combat phases, including the Purchase and Repair phase, which means they can’t repair anything, right?

  • How can I play axis and allies 1914 online, I’ve been looking everywhere but can’t find where.

  • Calvinhobbesliker: I am sorry. I have looked and have just seen what you said.
    That is a shock. Did not think to look on page 20.
    The rule about repairing Battleships was changed though (from oy uour own comtrolled territory to an Allied one too).  Perhaps this was missed.
    Why would an ally not repair your ship at his port?
    Krieg: please tell us.

  • Also, is Ireland considered a homeland territory of the British Empire for the PTR? It’s not connected to London, but it is in the same continent and is part of the British Isles…

  • Official Q&A

    No, you can’t repair your battleships while your capital is held by the enemy, even at a friendly power’s naval base.  Repairing ships costs money, even if it is not enough to register as 1 IPC.

    Ireland is not a British homeland territory.

  • Thank you Krieghund. I had hoped it was an oversight. Calvinhobbesliker: great catch. I missed that.

  • So when a power loses its capital, it can no longer repair its battleships, even at allied naval bases. But I would assume other allied powers in control of their capital can repair their battleships at the said capital-less power’s naval base(s) since they have a purchase and repair phase?

  • I have played this game twice, and we have argued both times about if the Americans are allowed to move out of North America. So can you guys clear this up? Are US troops allowed to Ireland, Canada, or Britain or must they wait until war is declared to come Over There?

  • US land and air units can’t leave the United States territory, even to load transports. US ships, however, are free to travel the world.

  • Official Q&A


    So when a power loses its capital, it can no longer repair its battleships, even at allied naval bases. But I would assume other allied powers in control of their capital can repair their battleships at the said capital-less power’s naval base(s) since they have a purchase and repair phase?


  • Russian Revolution question - assuming the Revolution conditions have been met, but occurred at a point after Moscow had fallen (previous turn) but has now returned to a contested or liberated state - can the Revolution occur?

  • Official Q&A

    Yes (assuming it has not occurred previously and the armistice declined).

  • Taking control question… pg. 19, last sentence in next to last paragraph “If there are units belonging to more than one friendly power, they must decide between them who will take control of the territory”.

    Does this “clause” only apply if the attacking power’s units were all eliminated?  OR can the attacking power have surviving units AND give control to another friendly power that is also in the territory?

  • Official Q&A

    If the defending units are eliminated and the attacking power still has units, the attacking power always takes control.

  • @Krieghund:

    If the defending units are eliminated and the attacking power still has units, the attacking power always takes control.


  • Official Q&A

    Due to the rules on taking casualties, it’s not possible to have only fighters remaining.

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