Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread

  • Use this to ask questions regarding rules…

  • Lots of questions regarding minor powers. What happens to the Colonies of Minor Powers (Belgium, Portugal and Spain) when they get invaded or when the capital territory gets invaded? Do

    their other territories automatically get turned over to their allies control or do their allies still have to send a unit to said territory? Also if a true neutral gets invaded do they automatically

    go into their allies economy? For example:Germany invades Holland, Allies decide Britain gets to be their ally so Dutch Army is represented with British pieces but the Dutch kill all the German

    units in the same move. Does Holland’s IPC value now count toward Britain’s economy and if so does this also apply to pre-allied neutrals such as Serbia and Belgium? If an allied neutral

    gets conquered then liberated by a different player of the same alliance does that neutral go back to its original ally’s control or does it go to the new liberator? Example: Austria-Hungary

    conquers Serbia on its first turn but Italy liberates it on Italy’s second turn with the Albanian army. Does Serbia now count towards Italy’s economy, does it go back to Russia or does

    something else happen?

  • Customizer

    Is someone with an official rule book available to answer these questions?

  • Customizer

    From my previous list:

    Is there a naval battle board?

    Can attacking ships retreat from a naval battle, or do they stay in what is now a contested SZ when they break off the attack?

    Where can Battleships repair, and for what cost?

    Do damaged BBs fire & move accordingly, i.e. at 2 rather than 4 (always liked this rule).

    The UK report appears to contradict the Russian version that stated ships can only be built in original home naval bases; does this in fact extend to captured bases?

    What happens to mines adjacent to a naval base that is captured, or whose original owner is knocked out of the game?

    Are submarines able to contest an amphibious assault if the incoming transports have no combat ships escorting them?

    Is there a limit on the number of Commonwealth units that can be placed in Bombay every turn?

    If the Allies control SZ 20 do they have free access through the straits from SZs 21 to 19/17 regardless of Turkey still holding Constantinople?

    Similarly, does control of Egypt block movement between SZs 19 & 28?

    Does SZ 30 have any function?

    Can ships carry units of their allies?

    Can fighters fly over neutral tt?

    Can fighters make an attack on their own (without ground forces?)

    Can fighters of an allied power join in air combat in a an attack within a contested tt?

    Does, in fact, at least one infantry always have to be involved in any attack on a land territory?

    Are the Allies permitted to invade non-aligned neutrals? I foresee big problems for the CP if they can, particularly in regard to Persia and Norway being used to feed U.K. units into Russia (I assume the western Allies are allowed on Russian soil).

    What happens to units of all players in Russia when the revolution occurs?

    If Russia is out of the game, can the other Allies take control of Serbia & Romania as if they were non-aligned neutrals?

    Similarly, if Russia had been given control of, say, Holland, does this tt now have an invisible force field preventing CP attacks, or does control transfer to one of the “active” allies?

    Do minor Allied (Belgium & Portugal) and Spanish colonies have forces, and if so how and when do they come into play?

    Are the conditions of a power whose capital has been lost the same as in previous Axis and Allies games, i.e. the occupier gets the player’s saved money, the defeated power cannot build new units nor collect money unless liberated, but can still fight with surviving units?

    Are submarines vulnerable to mines in the same way that surface ships are?

  • Kreighund probably wont answer these before the game come out, so it might be a little wait.

  • Kind of frustrating.  I mean, the game is released in 12 days, the game should have been in production months ago.  The rulebook isn’t gonna change.  Why not generate more hype about the game by releasing more details?

  • Customizer

    I was thinking about djensen, actually; or has he given up trying to make sense of the rule book?


    Kreighund probably wont answer these before the game come out, so it might be a little wait.

  • Why not generate more hype about the game by releasing more details?

    There are probably rules regarding disclosure of such details till after the game comes out, and yes this is a stupid concept and goes against potential sales ( or does it?).

    Djensen is probably busy, and they haven’t yet sent anything to him but the rulebook. I think they might not even send a complete game to him which is a total injustice. All he does is promote these games and it would figure if WOTC didn’t understand this.

  • Customizer

    If a German ship enters SZ 1 does the USA roll for mines? If so, does this trigger the war as it is a conflict of sorts?

    Conversely, when sculking off the European coast on turn 3 can the American fleet ignore Allied mines, but must face rolls for those of the CPs?

  • @Flashman:

    If a German ship enters SZ 1 does the USA roll for mines? If so, does this trigger the war as it is a conflict of sorts?

    Yes of course, when a german warship enter a neutral port for no good purpose, even if it do so just for fun, that is equal to a declaration of war

  • Customizer

    Warships entered neutral ports all the time, without incident. My question is, is America treated as an ally even before it joins the war for the purposes of naval mines, or is it treated as a neutral whose ships can pass through a mined sea zone, and whose own minefields are only activated when it goes to war itself?

  • @Flashman:

    Warships entered neutral ports all the time, without incident. My question is, is America treated as an ally even before it joins the war for the purposes of naval mines, or is it treated as a neutral whose ships can pass through a mined sea zone, and whose own minefields are only activated when it goes to war itself?

    The US will join the Entente w/o a doubt. We know that if the Germans declare unlimited sub warfare on the English, it brings the US into the war. It is possible that if the Germans move into a sz w/US port that it would trigger the mines (they really have no business being there other then to cause trouble).

    I have to ask though being that it appears that US ships can roam free before they enter the war, I think it’s possible for the US to enter a CP mined sz which could cause an early DOW if indeed they would be subject to mines. I haven’t mapped it out but the US does start with a cruiser that can move 3 spaces, so I’m pretty sure it could get to a CP sz w/NB (mines). So with that in mind I hope the play testers caught that, and if so the US as a Neutral Power might not be subject to the mines of their future enemies, but their own mines might still be considered active to keep the Germans off the US coastline. For simplicity sake (kiss rule) it would probably be yes to both, or no to both and no would probably prevail as a neutral IMO.

    Edit: I re-read the political rules for the US that DJ posted. It says that one of the triggers bringing the US into the war would be from loss of income from a German sub attack. I’m not sure what that means, but maybe the US home port (which would be mined) is also like a convoy zone. It could also be that the sub warfare thing efects both the UK & US though?

    _The United States starts the game neutral with Allied sympathies. The United States may not

    Attack sea units of a Central Power
       Move land or air units into Central Power�s territories
       Move land or air units into Central Power contested territories

    The United States will enter the war if one of the following occurs:

    Units are attacked by the Central Powers
       Loses income to a German submarine attack
       The start of the 4th turn (unless one of the above happen first)_

  • Customizer

    There’s nothing about SZ1 being subject to loss of income, though one of my possible house rules makes all mined areas subject to sub interdiction.

    So, does the US mine rolling against the German ship constitute an “attack” by the CPs?

    If the US moves sea units into a CP SZ does it roll for mines and/or combat CP ships?

    I like the idea of America being active before its DOW less and less.

  • The above quote says the US can’t attack CP ships when it is neutral, so that much we know. Not sure though if as a neutral the US could move into a sz w/CP ships in it and not perform an attack (just share it). If they are allowed to share a sz w/CP ships and if that sz is a CP home port (mined) then does it spark DOW?

    And yea I agree that the US should probably have some more movement restrictions, but I’ll wait until I get my hands on the game & full rules. Maybe there is something else we don’t know yet, and Larry’s report for the US turn (next/last in sequence) will have some more answers.

  • I sure hope the Germans can enter SZ1. The Americans let German freighter subs into their ports even after the Lusitania sank. Hell they even threw a parade for the crew of the Deutschland.

  • @Hitlers:

    I sure hope the Germans can enter SZ1. The Americans let German freighter subs into their ports even after the Lusitania sank. Hell they even threw a parade for the crew of the Deutschland.

    You Americans are so easy to bribe, just send a freighter sub with a lot of sausages, wienerwurst, bratwurst, sauerkraut etc, and you forgett Fritz sank Lusitiania last week, with many women and kids lost in the sea, and you actually deal with this warmongers, and give them a lot of stuff so they can keep on making weapons to kill nice people. The only Americans that never sell out are the game designers at WOTC, its one week to release and they havent said a kvit, its so silent you should think A&A 1914 was a secret military prosject.

  • @Razor:


    I sure hope the Germans can enter SZ1. The Americans let German freighter subs into their ports even after the Lusitania sank. Hell they even threw a parade for the crew of the Deutschland.

    You Americans are so easy to bribe, just send a freighter sub with a lot of sausages, wienerwurst, bratwurst, sauerkraut etc, and you forgett Fritz sank Lusitiania last week, with many women and kids lost in the sea, and you actually deal with this warmongers, and give them a lot of stuff so they can keep on making weapons to kill nice people. The only Americans that never sell out are the game designers at WOTC, its one week to release and they havent said a kvit, its so silent you should think A&A 1914 was a secret military prosject.

    Ladys and Gentleman, here it is, the final frontier of historical retardation

  • Hello, my name is David Irvine

  • @Razor:

    Hello, my name is David Irvine

    Good for you, sir.

  • Customizer

    To answer my own questions now I have the official rules:

    From my previous list:

    Is there a naval battle board?


    Can attacking ships retreat from a naval battle, or do they stay in what is now a contested SZ when they break off the attack?

    They stay in a contested SZ = sitting ducks.

    Where can Battleships repair, and for what cost?

    In a SZ containing a NB you control, no cost.

    Do damaged BBs fire & move accordingly, i.e. at 2 rather than 4 (always liked this rule).


    The UK report appears to contradict the Russian version that stated ships can only be built in original home naval bases; does this in fact extend to captured bases?

    No, original NBs only, the tt concerned must be controlled or contested.

    What happens to mines adjacent to a naval base that is captured, or whose original owner is knocked out of the game?

    They are neutralized.

    Are submarines able to contest an amphibious assault if the incoming transports have no combat ships escorting them?


    Is there a limit on the number of Commonwealth units that can be placed in Bombay every turn?

    No, just no navy.

    If the Allies control SZ 20 do they have free access through the straits from SZs 21 to 19/17 regardless of Turkey still holding Constantinople?

    Rules don’t seem to say.

    Similarly, does control of Egypt block movement between SZs 19 & 28?


    Does SZ 30 have any function?

    No comment, Sir.

    Can ships carry units of their allies?


    Can fighters fly over neutral tt?

    They can fly over any tt.

    Can fighters make an attack on their own (without ground forces?)


    Can fighters of an allied power join in air combat in an attack within a contested tt?


    Does, in fact, at least one infantry always have to be involved in any attack on a land territory?


    Are the Allies permitted to invade non-aligned neutrals? I foresee big problems for the CP if they can, particularly in regard to Persia and Norway being used to feed U.K. units into Russia (I assume the western Allies are allowed on Russian soil).


    _What happens to units of all players in Russia when the revolution occurs?

    If Russia is out of the game, can the other Allies take control of Serbia & Romania as if they were non-aligned neutrals?

    Similarly, if Russia had been given control of, say, Holland, does this tt now have an invisible force field preventing CP attacks, or does control transfer to one of the “active” allies?_

    RR rules need a complete rewrite.

    Do minor Allied (Belgium & Portugal) and Spanish colonies have forces, and if so how and when do they come into play?


    Are the conditions of a power whose capital has been lost the same as in previous Axis and Allies games, i.e. the occupier gets the player’s saved money, the defeated power cannot build new units nor collect money unless liberated, but can still fight with surviving units?


    Are submarines vulnerable to mines in the same way that surface ships are?


    I’ll see if I can find the answer to the Constantinople Conundrum.

    Time to draw a bath…

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