I like the faster pace, with the ODD pause, which you can setup in your events controls (IE for historical events your choice/splash-screen comes up and pauses until you decide).
I start the first month at the lowest speed, and spend about a half our setting everything I want up, like supplies etc. Other than that I like to move at a month every 3 to 5 minutes, depending on the campaign I’m playing. That way you’re not waiting around for NOTHING to happen, and you get that action/desperate reaction you need to feel like you’re fighting an actual opponent.
UNLESS I really want to get into the political side, coup the united states, and have the Confederate U.S. as my axis ally.
This gets alot easier too, if you step away from a major power, and just play as a small one, like Finland, and do everything you can to stay alive/in-power/win.
There’s nothing like beating the Germans to Moscow, after annexing Norway, and Sweden. Or liberating the tertiary lithuanian states…