• Customizer

    If the Devil invaded Denmark I can’t see Sweden or Switzerland mobilizing against him. They’d just appoint an Ambassador to Hell.

  • Can anyone see a likely scenario where Norway and Sweden are invaded? I could see the UK invading Denmark to open a third/fourth front. I can’t imagine Germany doing it, if they want a Baltic invasion they’ll go for Finland.

    My guess is the Persia, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Greece (in that order) are going to be the repeatedly invaded neutrals. The rest are just there for the warmongers who can’t help themselves. :-D

    P.S.: Don’t think for a minute I’m not gonna invade Spain, just for the hell of it.

  • @Flashman:

    If the Devil invaded Denmark I can’t see Sweden or Switzerland mobilizing against him. They’d just appoint an Ambassador to Hell.

    Are you trying to say that they don’t already have an ambassador to hell?

  • Customizer

    Depends what IPCs neutrals have. If Spain is only 1 its an easy conquest for France, with little prospect of losing it.

    Germany invading Holland R1 is supreme folly.

    Germany might rather consider Sweden or Norway as a step into a northern front against Russia.

    There are good strategic reasons for both sides in invading Persia.

  • Indeed, mobilizing Portugal on F1 and then invading Spain on F2 seems like it will be pretty standard, Germany invading Holland is frankly stupid, Switzerland is a much more viable option.

  • With Finland having the Arctic coastline, I can’t see Germany invading Sweden or Norway as they can’t quickly strike at Karelia. Each Central Power has only one neutral they should try to conquer.
    Germany: Switzerland. That army in Bavaria, or whatever the hell it’s called, can’t reach the Western front without rails anyway, so why not open an extra front against both the French and Italians?
    Austria-Hungary: Greece. The Allies are eventually going to land in Greece anyway, so the Austrians may as well try to forestall these landings once they and the Ottomans have won in the Balkans.
    Ottoman Turkey: Persia. If both the British and Russians haven’t yet invaded and Turkey has sufficient force to strike eastwards and cover Mesopotamia, then a Turkish assault on Persia will level a threat against both Eastern Russia and India and force the Allies to divert troops to defend against it.

  • Customizer

    Austria has to be doing pretty well to attack Greece; adding 4 units to the enemy ranks in a tt it’ll be very difficult to hold onto could open the door for the Allies.

    Albania is already an open door - invading here should be standard, but again Austrian plans are upset by that damned stupid Serbian attack.

    With Russia and Britain moving before it, Turkey will be doing well to hold onto Mesopotamia and even get a look at Persia.

    If the Allies are cooperating properly, the Turquish fleet shouldn’t get the chance to sail, leaving the Allies with the freedom to land anywhere in the Balkans. The Russian Black Sea, and French and British Med fleets all move before Turkey, with the Italians to follow up (Austria can wait).

    Note: not certain Finland does have an Arctic coastline, it certainly shouldn’t have in 1914. Might be another 4 cornered job.

  • If any Central tries to invade Greece it should be Ottomans with their Bulgarian troops…that said neither they should probably just wait for the Allies to invade and then attack the weakend allied force.

  • Customizer

    Let’s take a step back. Why didn’t major powers invade so-called ‘strict neutrals’ in the war? Was it because it wasn’t worth the effort, or because there were repercussions for doing it? I think whatever rules are put in place should be as historical as possible.

  • @ossel:

    Let’s take a step back. Why didn’t major powers invade so-called ‘strict neutrals’ in the war? Was it because it wasn’t worth the effort, or because there were repercussions for doing it? I think whatever rules are put in place should be as historical as possible.

    It wasn’t worth the effort mostly, who wants to invade switzerland? It’s full of old ladies with guns and really tall mountains.

  • Customizer

    It wasn’t gentlemanly. That’s why the invasion of Belgium caused such outrage.

    Other than that, there are very few examples; Portugal, Romania and Bulgaria all joined in voluntarily to grab tt; Persia was already considered a “protectorate” by the UK & Russia; Greece invited the Allies in; Albania was in a state of anarchy and scarcely had a government to overthrow; Austria and Serbia each accused each other of starting the whole thing.

    The other neutrals pretty much minded their own business and made a quiet profit from the war.
    By and large, not giving the defending forces to the enemy should be enough to discourage attacks in a game which should be finely balanced between existing units.

  • Ooh, Flash… I see what you did with that minefield off Britain’s east coast…  :-o :-D

  • Here’s the map with the setup guys!…. :mrgreen:


  • How… where… when… did… you… get… that… ::droollll::

  • Strange that the territory labeled ‘Mesopotamia’ is not in ‘Mesopotamia.’

  • The pic looks like its from Facebook. I saw a similar one there

  • Where did you get this? Was the game delivered early?

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