13L G40 Boldfresh vs. Jeff28 (Allies +11)

  • '12

    oh, make that 3 games that are deep deep into the action, forgot about
    Axisplaya i think it’s in 20+.

  • @Boldfresh:

    got about 4 hotly contested league games going, two with over 6000 TUV on the board, and the XDAP semifinal game.  pretty nuts.  but i’d play you when a spot opens up  :-)

    That is impressive.  A lot more than I could handle.

  • @Boldfresh:

    oh and of course the point is, tripleA allows combat to be conducted in any order (except that it requires fleet wars to occur before a land battle involving an amphibious assault).

    but STILL tripleA is invaluable.  i should think that many of these issues would be very easy to implement as well.  another thing you didn’t mention that tripleA doesn’t do correctly is it does not distinguish what fighters are on what acc when there are mixed powers.  one would think this would be no different than the transport function where the transports keep track of exactly what is on each.

    Excellent points.  Yes, TripleA is invaluable, because you could not possibly be playing 4 hotly contested games at the same time without it.

    The fighters on carriers is a problem, because it does matter.  I dread the day it becomes an issue in one of my games.  Chances are, it will cause a problem for you before it does me, because of volume of exposure  :-)

  • TripleA

    When Boldfresh plays the axis, he does not know how to attack Moscow or London. He skips that shit to make a 30 round game.

  • '12

    Youre right cow.  :wink:

  • '12


    Youre right cow.   :wink:

    If I had cow dice I would just rush in headlong  :lol:

  • TripleA

    As far as edits go. You have a friendly game or you don’t. There is no in between. Edit for bugs only or casual.

    Still there are general guidelines. 1) no edit after another country took his turn. 2) no edit after combat stuff, none of that “I forgot to take this island now that I see your fleet is sunk.”

    Sometimes rule clarifications or disputes come in and people make exceptions.

  • TripleA

    Does china have an infantry cap or something? not sure why that is not spent… would totally have moved in on the burma road, that is not closed off from China.

    This is such a strange game.

    The only way you could lose this is if the axis took london, east usa, or russia. Yet I do not see that emphasis. With a 1k tuv and an income advantage you don’t have to hoard transports or other units.

    Plus you should have had the other usa fleet at least at union, not like Japan would back to the pacific… he ran from the pacific, going back to die would not accomplish anything for him.

    For this turn, I would have cut my losses, just block japan in at 91 with 3 dd 3 carrier 4 fighter or something… shove everything in london. You could hold out for a long time. Especially if you can pick up from 106 and dump truck on london later on.

    you should move those aa guns from west usa to east usa… that attack might come.

  • TripleA

    As it stands, even if Jeff loses uk, this might turn into a stalemate. Provided he acts quickly or gets some lucky dice.

  • TripleA

    Remember Jeff28 to always anticipate, rotate, and pray. That is my secret to allied victory. The most important is rotating, because without the rotation you don’t get to pray.

  • @Cow:

    Does china have an infantry cap or something? not sure why that is not spent… would totally have moved in on the burma road, that is not closed off from China.

    Saving money with China is a very good strategy if you are waiting to drop a ton of Chinamen on a territory right after the USA takes it.

    Didn’t look at the map, and didn’t read the rest of your comments yet, but I thought I could shed some light on that question  :-)

  • @Cow:

    This is such a strange game.

    You shouldn’t be surprised, with Bold.  He’s got plenty of eccentric mad scientist in him.  Always an interesting watch.  Not always so fun to play against him.

  • '12

    Cow once again you are commenting on strategy in a game still in progress.  A league game in which we have both invested a lot of time and effort.  Can you please refrain from further comment?  You arent doing jeff any favors he will learn best if he has to do it on his own.  Maybe a general comment or two is even ok but outlining an entire strategy?  Really uncool dude.

  • @Boldfresh:

    now, to me, the honorable thing to do here is to take your medicine like a man

    This is an ironic statement coming from you. Perhaps you should browse back a few pages where you begged and guilt tripped me into an re-do I didn’t want to make.

    You then won’t allow me the same courtesy a few turns later?

    If you aren’t allowing me an edit, then the game should be reset to the Italian turn as it was originally played.

    Then YOU can “take it like a man”.

    What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

  • '12

    i’m not going to bicker with you jeff.  it’s obvious you never saw this attack coming.  and it’s obvious to everyone that has looked at the game that the two situations are completely different.  as i said, a fair trade would be to remove the aircraft NOW from the board, not go back however many rounds.

    jeff, you made a huge STRATEGY mistake.  if you cannot accept that, then feel free to submit this to the moderators for a ruling.


  • '12

    and if you didn’t want to allow the redo, you did not have to.  but the WORST thing you could possibly do is to allow it and then try to use it later as a get out of jail free card in a situation that is not even REMOTELY similar.  i would certainly be open to allowing you to redo a turn if you did something illegal, for sure.  but to allow you to redo a turn where you made a massive strategic error??  sorry jeff, it don’t work that way.

  • '12

    you are goinng to lose your entire atlantic fleet, and the following turn, you are going to lose London.  and you think it is equitable to ask to redo your turn in light of a couple italian bombers many turns ago, in a move that was essentially inconsequential unless the italians had cleared NW persia?  my max losses were a tank and 2 bombers.  come on jeff, think it through.

  • From those bombers you took Spain and put 20 ipcs of damage at least on London.

    Inconsequential, yes sure.

  • In the matter of a couple turns you can argue both sides of a case. Amazing hypocrisy.

    I would have never allowed you edit had I known your true colors.

  • '12


    In the matter of a couple turns you can argue both sides of a case. Amazing hypocrisy.

    I would have never allowed you edit had I known your true colors.

    Jeff, i asked for a re-do of that italian move ONLY because it involved an illegal move.  you will never find me asking for a re-do in any other situation, i am hugely opposed to a re-do of any move and would ONLY consider it if the move involved something illegal and was handled promptly before the game continued.

    Now this situation where you are asking to go back and redo things because you now know i can wipe out your fleet, is just not right to ask at all, and especially not right to ask as though i owe it to you when the situations could not be any more clearly different.  i am sorry you feel as though i am being a hypocrite, but to me this could not be ANY MORE clear.  what you are in essence asking is “hey, i let you re-do an illegal move a few turns back, so now can you give me the win?”

    because Jeff, if i don’t make the attacks i have been setting up, this game is a definite loss for me.  it may STILL be a loss, even if the attacks go as planned.  so Jeff, please reconsider the entire situation and if you still feel the same way, i am more than willing to go to third party mediation and they will of course take into account what happened in the entire game.


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