No page 6 was about a week ago
It was a joke BTW.
Try being civil to each other, or hold comment
You see as usual it was him that began:
“Once again IL argues with only “common sense” against actual sources, and attacks the idea of providing sources because he knows that if he abides by procedures that reasonable people use to settle disputes, he will lose utterly. Just because you don’t want it in your game does not mean it is inappropriate for an A&A style game. Get over yourself. You are not the God of Axis & Allies.”
You see i never begin in a thread with something like this. I don’t enter discussion with dirt all over my shoes on a clean rug. He is not even in the conversation, but starts with this gibberish.
He should hold comment and stop hijacking threads. You should be yelling at him.
Sounds like a good plan anyway Wild Bill, but if the first poster actually made a post that has nothing to do with me at all, it could work. He will never learn.
Other than that…. cool story bro :-D