*Note: What your playtest group found that worked and didn’t work for your playtest group’s game. Unless you want to insist that your group was able to determine the possibility of such a system for every possible WWI A&A-style game, that has next to no bearing on what is possible for this upcoming game.
I never spoke about anything more than our experience. You really need to stop babbling.
If you don’t want a system that collapses russia before the capital falls, why have a revolution at all? How do you know that it is NOT POSSIBLE in this upcoming game that the CP be quite able to take Petrograd before your magical turn? If the CP can just bank on the Revolution happening without taking Petrograd, how does that not create a whole new set of balance issues?
I made no claims about any other game but mine. You really need to stop babbling.
You say they would have no chance to recover if it happened before turn 10. Perhaps that’s true in your game, but who cares? This game is not that game. It’s quite possible to have a game where things happen before a set turn has them happen. How do we know? Global 1940. But you can’t admit that for some psychotic reason.
If you didn’t care your post count would not have gone from 12 to 84 in one thread ( wait that’s 96 now) But who cares? We do know thankfully that Global 40 is more like our game with one side not entering before turn 4 or 3, unless the other side attacks early.
Quote from: Imperious Leader on Today at 10:13:56 am
You are good at comedy. Perhaps a world tour might be in order? � Our system allows Russian collapse on an unknown turn, but not before turn 10…so this " If powers KNOW that certain events will happen at certain times" is nonsense. The core beauty of our game is preparing for and against technological developments as they appear in the game, entire strategies are carved out of using gas for example for the first time and making it’s effect known. It’s not much different from global when Germany has to prepare for Russia and clean up the board on turns 1-2.
Please. If the allies know that the Russian Revolution CANNOT happen before turn X, that is just as exploitable, if not more so, than anything I or anyone else has posted.
This “discussion” has entered turn 10, you may now start rolling for argument collapse.
Quote from: Imperious Leader on Today at 10:13:56 am
In our games, an early Russian collapse busts the game for the CP. WE wanted both sides to have equal chances, with the Entente victories coming in the latter turns, and the CP coming in the early turns ( for the most part)
<facepalm so=“” hard=“” my=“” teeth=“” rattle=“”>Cool, but who gives a darn? Stop imposing your game’s idiosyncracies on how this game that we are talking about MUST be. Your group did not definitively discover the best possible World War I game that could ever be made that could never have any workable alternative.</facepalm>
One sec another glop of white foam from your mouth just dropped on my persian rug. If the stain does not come out, you will be charged. Can you get any more worked up into a frenzy?
Quote from: Imperious Leader on Today at 10:13:56 am
Just because it’s an idea that is different from yours doesn’t mean you should use any methods possible to shoot it down. It’s almost as if you feel that the community owes you everything and that you should get your way 100% because you had a signature saying you wanted WWI game and there is no way that a WWI game would have been made without your heroism (but that couldn’t be the case for such a wonderfully humble person as yourself. Of course not.).
But this is what you have done all along here…
No, not at all. I have given reasons why I believe my idea and the ideas similar to them are better for balance and historical reasons. You are making statements about what is POSSIBLE to have and IMPOSSIBLE to have, I am making statements about what I think is optimal. There is a major difference.
LOL. what is really going on is you are imposing these statements into neat little envelopes in your mind. You need to stop arguing with my points. I don’t argue about your points or care too.
It’s one thing if you tell people that your ideas are better for X reasons and give evidence to support X. It’s another thing to tell us that our ideas can’t possibly be implemented and that they are automatically going to ruin any WWI game and that only your ideas are the ones that can possibly be safe for the balance and fun and historical feel of the game.
Then i am calm in the world having proven that. I never told anybody that their ideas cant be implemented. What that is is you moving to new arguments ( that nobody ever brought up but you) after the others got shot down on turn 10. That would be a FIXED ARGUMENT.