• Pro and Strict Neutrals:
    Neutrals that are listed as Pro-Axis or Pro-Allies can be swayed to enter the war as follows: Pay three times the IPC value and roll one D6 each turn until a SIX result is obtained. However, you must control at least one adjacent land territory before and as long as you obtain this roll. The IPC value of these areas is only taken for occupation of these territories.
    Strict Neutrals always remain neutral unless attacked. If they are attacked they immediately become allied to the other side. The IPC value of these areas is only taken for occupation of these territories.
    Attacking a strict neutral only activates other strict neutrals within 2 spaces of the invaded neutral. Vichy France is a special case. It is strict neutral; however, axis units may fly over or move thru these areas without triggering any change. Also, an attack from any player results in only war with the area under attacked; all other Vichy areas still remain neutral. Vichy Naval forces in Dakar are frozen unless French West Africa is attacked by either side.

    Vichy France:
    When Paris falls, all French units are removed from play and the following areas are now considered a new pro-axis neutral entity and a new setup as follows:

    Southern France: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Naval Base
    Morocco: 1 Infantry
    Algeria: 1 Infantry
    Syria: 1 Infantry
    French West Africa: 1 Battleship, 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 1 Submarine, 1 Naval Base
    Madagaskar: 1 Infantry

    All other former French areas not listed or occupied by axis forces are automatically British controlled and they collect the IPC.

  • TOTAL WAR Victory Conditions.

    1. Axis win if they occupy 8 victory cites on the Europe map, or 6 victory cities on the Pacific map for an entire round. 
      No axis power may surrender to any foreign power under any circumstances.

    2. Communism (Soviet Union, China) wins if the Soviet union controls all originally Soviet territories, plus Warsaw, Berlin, Finland, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria for an entire round, and China also has control of Kiangsu and Manchuria.

    3. Democracy (USA, UK, ANZAC, France) wins if Berlin, Rome, and Tokyo are occupied by communist or democratic powers for an entire round, and Communism has NOT achieved its victory conditions.

    Any democratic or communist power may declare TOTAL WAR at any time. After such a declaration, the war shall be referred to as World War III and will continue until the above Axis victory conditions are met (Axis win), or until the fall of Moscow (Democracy win) or Washington (Communist win).  No side may surrender to any foreign power under any circumstances.  They will fight on until the last.

    • Unless you have a Chinese communist faction, then China isn’t part of the Comintern.

    • Why cant you sway strict neutrals?

    • IL, I never liked that tech chart of yours because it is lopsided towards air.
      Make atomic bomb a separate, special tech you can research if you have at least 2 techs in every other branch.
      And even out all the branches to 3 tiers or 4 tiers. I’m obsessive compulsive and cant handle it.

  • Here is a spin I took at tech tiers.

    Tech Map.jpg

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Even if you play with the United States, it seems like you have barely enough money (or turns) to research more than two or three times in a single game. Do you have modified rules to allow for easier access to tech research?

    I mean, I have always liked research, and I love some of the ideas put forth here, but based on experience, I cannot see even a quarter of these ideas being used in an actual game. There just isn’t enough money.

    One free research per turn for each of the 6 major powers? Ability to get more than one per turn?

  • I had an idea for tech that was a little different.

    The cost of a roll in any tier is [2x the number of the tier]
    Rolls for tier 1 techs cost 2 IPCs
    Rolls for tier 2 techs cost 4 IPCs
    Rolls for tier 3 techs cost 6 IPCs
    Rolls for tier 4 techs cost 8 IPCs

    You could roll multiple times, in multiple charts, but you could never roll more dice than your powers research capability (Number of factories you have + number of victory cities you control)

    When you get a breakthrough, its basically a coin flip of what tech you are going to get on that tier. 1-3 Tech A, 4-6 Tech B

    I wasn’t sure if you would be allowed to jump tiers or not.
    The rule was, at the time that you couldn roll for tier 4 techs (future tech) unless you had at least three other techs on that tree.
    (To roll on tier 4 air techs you would need 3 other air techs)

    Also, most powers could start off with economic techs. Especially it’s tier 1 techs and tier 3 techs, to get their economies really moving. Then, if they wanted, roll for tier 4 economic tech and get “Research Grants”. Then you would be on a roll for techs.

  • IL, I never liked that tech chart of yours because it is lopsided towards air.
    Make atomic bomb a separate, special tech you can research if you have at least 2 techs in every other branch.
    And even out all the branches to 3 tiers or 4 tiers. I’m obsessive compulsive and cant handle it.

    The only reason why i posted that was because it was easy to find. I revised that thing like 20 times in 4 years.

    I just wanted him to see the concept of tiered technology, which you employ as well.

    They are not the same and probably should not cost the same, but they should be regulated into similar sections ( e.g. heavy tanks, SPA)

  • When it comes to tech, you really have to put it all on the table, and put it all up for grabs.

    What would the war have been like if Japan researched heavy carriers?
    What would a US assault rifle have looked like?
    What if the Soviets went with a much more heavy tank design than the t-34?
    What if Germany got pretty much every tech on these charts anyway….lol
    What would a UK heavy bomber have looked like?

  • I actually just really like the pictures I put on my chart. Some of the techs may be out of balance, but putting it on something you can print out and put control markers on is really helpful.

    I just wish I had a little more photoshop skills and put it together as something a little more flashy.

    Like if the background was more like a schematic or blueprint.

  • Sponsor

    For the research phase, I’ve decided to use a variation of the “research center” house rule, however, if anyone has any good modifications to it…. I’m open.


    Any nation who is at war, who holds their own capital, and has an eligible territory, may purchase “research facilities” for $15 each during the “purchase new units phase”. During the “place new units phase” new research facilities must be placed on originally owned territories (only one per territory) with an IPC value of 3 or more.

    During the “research and development phase”, each operational research facility may roll 1d6 for an opportunity to roll a 6 (only operational research facilities that are on the board during the “research and development phase” may make research rolls). If a facility rolls a 6 during research, they have made a technological breakthrough (regardless of how many facilities roll 6s, a nation may only make 1 breakthrough per round).

    During a strategic bombing raid, research facilities follow all the same rules as air and naval bases, including built in AA guns, interceptor protection, and damage. However, research facilities are vulnerable to strategic bombers only.

    If a research facility is captured by an enemy nation, the facility must be removed from the board. However, the invading nation may roll one research dice before destroying the facility.

  • 1 question about the tech ¨Super Carriers¨

    Can they hold only 1 strategic bomber, or more?

  • My super carriers can hold 1 bomber, or 3 fighters/tacs

    If you also have the heavy carriers tech, your carriers defend on 3 and can hold one plane while damaged (any plane they are capable of holding)

    AND if you have the Nuclear propulsion tech your carriers are: 0/3/3 “can hold 3 planes, or one bomber, and can hold one plane while damaged, and can repair itself it it doesn’t move this turn”

    So combining techs can make for some really unique units.

  • all i have to say is:  :evil:

  • @oztea:

    Here is a spin I took at tech tiers.

    Great stuff. I especially like adding National Objectives as a tech development; very innovative! Also liked the anti-tank, tank destroyer, and heavy tanks developments. Nice, clean rules that capture complex concepts with concision.

    Is there any way that you could post it as a word document instead of a PDF? If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to use it as a template for sharing some techs of my own…

  • @Young:

    For the research phase, I’ve decided to use a variation of the “research center” house rule, however, if anyone has any good modifications to it…. I’m open.


    Any nation who is at war, who holds their own capital, and has an eligible territory, may purchase “research facilities” for $15 each during the “purchase new units phase”. During the “place new units phase” new research facilities must be placed on originally owned territories (only one per territory) with an IPC value of 3 or more.

    During the “research and development phase”, each operational research facility may roll 1d6 for an opportunity to roll a 6 (only operational research facilities that are on the board during the “research and development phase” may make research rolls). If a facility rolls a 6 during research, they have made a technological breakthrough (regardless of how may 6s are rolled, a nation may only make 1 breakthrough per round).

    During a strategic bombing raid, research facilities follow all the same rules as air and naval bases, including built in AA guns, interceptor protection, and damage. However, research facilities are vulnerable to strategic bombers only.

    This sounds good, and only a wealthy power will afford $15 so it makes sense.  Not sure about the capturing facilities part.  Maybe they should be destroyed just like when China lerates a territory with a japanese IC?

  • Sponsor

    I will take that advice because I want to make it more simple, but the invading nation will still roll 1 research die for a chance to find some unshreded documents, before destroying the facility.

    *rule has been edited.

  • Yeah that sounds pretty cool.  makes taking the lab extra juicy

  • If you guys are interested.

    You could take a look at the “Total World War: December 1941” a game for Triple A.

    There are research facilities (producing 3 tech. tokens per turn), which are eligible Strat. Bombing targets.

    And there are 60-ish Techs available to all teams broken up into 4 categories: Land warfare, Air warfare, Naval warfare and production.

    Also lots of other unique game features.


    And while its not a board game yet… it may be developed into one sooner or later.

  • Sponsor

    I looked at the neutral negotiation thread and I liked it a lot, but felt that it needed to be simpler. How about this?

    During the purchase new units phase, you may spend $5 to negotiate with a strict neutral by rolling 2d6. Add the territory value + the standing army value -1 per adjacent territory controlled = the # to roll over in order to turn the neutral.

    That’s it, thoughts?

  • Customizer

    Hey Grasshopper,
    That neutral negotiation idea seems pretty cool. Let me see if I have this right. Let’s use Sweeden as an example:
    Territory value = 3
    Standing army = 6
    TOTAL = 9.
    Germany controls Norway and Finland so that would be -2.
    So Germany would have to roll a “7” or higher to turn Sweeden into a Pro-Axis neutral, right?
    If successful, can they move into Sweeden in the NCM of that same turn?
    If they fail, is there any penalty, like Sweeden turning Pro-Allied? Or do they simply stay strict neutral and Germany can try again next round?

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