I think they should have really looked at something like 1812 the invasion of canada to see how you can stream line something but still keep the theme/personality of the conflict.
So long as the white-house gets burned down, I’m game.
ironically neither the columbia games or academy games version of the war involved that territory .
Curious if either of those games were designed by Canadians or Brits. Surely if they were there would be a DC and a token for a flaming White House.
As to 41. My hard core group plays, at best, twice a month. I’m hoping to to play at least once a week with my kid with this new game.
academy games one is designed by canadians, columbia games has at least 1 american but gamma 2 games the original was a canadian company.
Having played both they play in less then 2 hours and the columbia games one can be finished in as quick as 30 minutes if the game goes sour for another player. The key is that they are quick to set up and each tiny move is a month and after each year/winter you check for Victory points/conditions to declare a winner, I don’t know if that is possible with axis and allies/ww2 but I think they should have tinkered with the formula more to lower the playing time because 3hours on the short end is still a long time.