Hi again Black. Half the fun is learning the best strategies by trying things out. Certainly more fun than reading long complex exposition on this forum! :-o However, a couple of clarifications:
You wrote:
G’s opening deployment on the eastern front, however, affords R some short term opportunities and patience may be required to consolidate an unstoppable drive on Moscow.
Pretty cryptic (unless I’m extremely obtuse); this is one puzzle we’re trying to unravel. We’ll work on it!
Depending on R1’s moves, G may need to pull back slightly. For example if R sends everything to West Russia then any force G can get into Karelia, Caucasus or Ukraine is at R’s mercy. It may be best for G to wait a turn and simply put everything it can into East Europe.
Thanks again. German air support in North Africa will certainly help slow down the Allied invasion! Looking forward to trying it.
Sorry - I did not mean air in North Africa - which would be a serious distraction from the Russian front. I meant sufficient air in range of whatever fleet the allies can deploy. Examples (from memory) being that fighters in France can get to the North Africa sea zone and a bomber in Norway can slow US attempts to stage naval and ground units via Canada. Initially, such placements can often be made while still being in range of the Russians. As Germany moves towards Moscow it won’t want its fighters to remain in France, but any delay in allied landings across the Atlantic is worth having.