@AndrewAAGamer I do have fond memories of my League championship wins where I defeated superior opponents primarily through good luck, aided by some small mistakes by the opponents.
Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)
OK, Thank you.
Good catch - it does appear to be yet another ambiguous rule in the book :x
What’s ambiguous about it? It means what it says. The infantry has to be yours, but the base doesn’t necessarily have to be.
Good catch - it does appear to be yet another ambiguous rule in the book� :x
What’s ambiguous about it? It means what it says. The infantry has to be yours, but the base doesn’t necessarily have to be.
Has there ever been a tech where you could directly use an Ally’s unit/facility before this?
Normally you can’t use an Ally’s units in attacking. Since we NOW know that you can use an ally’s airbase for paratroopers, this feels like an exception.Contrast the language for air bases and naval bases with the language for paratroopers:
Air bases: “When taking off from a friendly territory or island that has an operative air base, air units gain one additional point of movement range.”
Naval bases: “Sea zones serviced by a naval base confer the benefits of that base onto all friendly sea units in those zones.”
Paratroopers: “Up to 2 of your infantry units in each territory with an air base can be moved to an enemy controlled territory…”I understand why you would question my statement that the statement is ambiguous, but I think this is partly because you know what the intent is and never had to read it from our viewpoint - (that is, people who don’t know the rules until we read the rulebook).
I’m not the only one who thought you couldn’t use an ally’s airbase for paratroopers… it feels wrong because it seems inconsistent with previous A&A rules. But if the rulebook had said “in each territory with a FRIENDLY air base”, it would be abundantly clear.And without this clarification that we now have from you, I could definitely see arguments arising between players once someone takes advantage of this rule (like launching USA infantry into Europe from the UK) much to the surprise of the defender, and a spirited argument taking place after that. The defender could argue that if you could launch paratroopers from an allied base, that the rule would have specifically said so (and note the inconsistency with airbase and naval base rules). So no, I don’t think the paratrooper rule as stated in the rulebook is clear enough! Insert the word “friendly”!
Has there ever been a tech where you could directly use an Ally’s unit/facility before this?
Normally you can’t use an Ally’s units in attacking. Â Since we NOW know that you can use an ally’s airbase for paratroopers, this feels like an exception.Not really. It’s no different than using an ally’s base to extend the range of your attacking air units. The tech applies to the infantry, not the base. The base is simply a requirement to use the tech.
However, I see your point about the consistency of language issue.
Can Allied planes land on Chinese territories if they are at war?
Can Allied planes land on Chinese territories if they are at war?
If the Ally is at war, yes!
If the Ally is at war with Japan.
If you have transports starting in a seazone that contains a surface ship belonging to a power that you are at war with, can your transports pick up units from a territory bordering that seazone for a combat move?
Some people are telling me that even though you share a seazone with a surface ship belonging to a power at which you are at war with, it doesn’t mean that the seazone is “hostile.”
Example: Uk surface ship in 36, japan has unloaded transports in 36 with units in kwangsi, japan declares war on his next turn, can japan load kwangsi into 36 and attack some place with them?
Top of page 14 in Europe 1940 Second Edition makes me think that its not possible.
Example: Uk surface ship in 36, japan has unloaded transports in 36 with units in kwangsi, japan declares war on his next turn, can japan load kwangsi into 36 and attack some some with them?
Normally, it’s not possible, but there is a one-time exception for the turn that you declare war in. Because Japan was not previously at war with the UK, Japan may declare war and load units from Kwangsi into 36 even though the UK surface ship is there.
Not going to take the time right now to show you exactly where it’s at in the rulebook, but it is definitely there. -
To add a detail, it must be a surface WARship. A lone enemy transport (or transport fleet) will never block one of your transports in the same seazone from loading. The rule about being able to load in a hostile seazone on the the turn that you declare war can be found in the blue “Declaring War” box on P.12 of the AAE40.2 book.
What about in cases where they are already at war?
What about in cases where they are already at war?
You cannot load a transport in a seazone that is hostile UNLESS it has become hostile THAT turn due to YOUR declaration of war.
A seazone is not hostile if it has only enemy subs or transports (units that are NOT surface warships)
In cases where you are already at war, you cannot load your transport if an enemy surface warship is present.
You cannot load a transport in a seazone that is hostile UNLESS it has become hostile THAT turn due to YOUR declaration of war.
…and the transport began its turn in that sea zone.
Can the Flying Tiger from China can land in Burma when Japan and the UK Pacific are not at war?
If Japan attacks the Britain, Anzac, French Indo China while France is still with its capital, does that affect USA nuetrality
American Neutrality and Japan
If Japan attacks the UK (pacific), ANZAC, or French Indo China, does that bring the US into the war
American Neutrality and Japan
If Japan attacks the UK (pacific), ANZAC, or French Indo China, does that bring the US into the war
UK or ANZAC or Dutch, yes.
FIC, no. Japan will only lose the 10 IPC NO for taking FIC, but America cannot declare war based only on FIC being taken.