What it was that made James Holmes go nuts.

  • @Gargantua:

    How 3 shells bust out of a shotgun stock is beyond me…

    But great pic none the less!

    And Ironic, that Bane is killed by a cannon on the batbike…

    They are spring-loaded into a cylinder below the barrel.  Were the cylinder to break the spring loaded shells would pop right out…up to 10 of them depending on the shotgun.

  • Customizer


    Evil was at work.

    Had he wanted to end his life, he could have ended it quietly. Instead he takes the lives of others in some sick statement.

    The only encouraging things to come out of this is knowing several people took bullets for people they loved.

    Indeed. True heroes. Thank you for pointing this out.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10



    How 3 shells bust out of a shotgun stock is beyond me…

    But great pic none the less!

    And Ironic, that Bane is killed by a cannon on the batbike…

    They are spring-loaded into a cylinder below the barrel.  Were the cylinder to break the spring loaded shells would pop right out…up to 10 of them depending on the shotgun.

    Yes Crown you’re correct.  But… why the hell are the shells coming out of the STOCK!

    I’ve never heard of a spring loaded stock… have you? :P

  • @Imperious:

    IL let me get this straight, I’m influenced by Comic Books because I read them?

    Not exactly. If you read garbage your mind fixates on garbage and dumbs you down.

    If your in an advanced placement History class, you learn what they teach.

    If your in remedial History class, you learn what they teach.

    It is so freaking basic, that three jugheads can’t get it straight and waste time with profanity laced commentary to shoot down another posters opinion because they got defensive and need a shoulder to cry on.

    Don’t cry on my shoulder. Read something better.

    Wow it’s 3 on IL

    More like three zombies getting dispatched from 3 miles out with sniper rifle… not even worth the ammo.

    Obviously you have not seen the type of comics I have read, big fan of R. Crumb too, not too mention some other comics, yet I don’t smoke weed, don’t drink (well once in a blue moon) and don’t do drugs, I played D&D and AD&D and Gurps amongst other games, and yet none of them have influenced me whatsoever, so that blows a big hole in your theory.

    I repeat only the weak minded are effected and only the weak minded believe anyone can be affected.

  • @Imperious:

    I guess Stephen Hawking is a low brow lunatic…I mean, he’s been on the Simpsons multiple times, Futurama, ST:TNG, Red Dwarf, the British Comedy awards…

    Can you make more extrapolations of unconnected thoughts that offer nothing?

    Or perhaps actually understand the opinion offered and comment on that as opposed to inventing concepts that were never discussed?

    Last I checked most of the shows equate to comic book level or in comics (like ST:TNG)…if Stephen Hawking can appreiciate this form of entertainment, then that goes against your crack pipe statement about comic books dumbing down society…it’s about self discipline/understanding… Intelligent people read comics, because sometimes when they have to deal with people like you, they WANT to escape from reality…funny that you couldn’t even make some half-hearted effort about my statement before about all the crazy people prior to comic books?  Your arguement and your head share a common thread…empty space.

  • Obviously you have not seen the type of comics I have read, big fan of R. Crumb too, not too mention some other comics, yet I don’t smoke weed, don’t drink (well once in a blue moon) and don’t do drugs, I played D&D and AD&D and Gurps amongst other games, and yet none of them have influenced me whatsoever, so that blows a big hole in your theory.

    No and No. Im talking about them in general. Every population you have some who don’t, but of those who do turn out to be crazy for the most part they don’t like classics and prefer things like comic books.

    because sometimes when they have to deal with people like you, they WANT to escape from reality…

    If that were true they DO have problems. A strong willed person would never get so defensive.

    funny that you couldn’t even make some half-hearted effort about my statement before about all the crazy people prior to comic books?

    Because in those times higher reading was only available to the rich and most were illiterate. Only proving how higher reading and education reduces out criminal behavior

    To deny that being exposed to stories of violence and silly stories does not affect the individual as opposed to reading of classic or higher cultural influences shows a difference in what may become is really ignorant.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer



    I live and breath anger , this does not come from reading comic books but from having to deal with moronic people like you on a daily basis.

    But that was what the killer said, only he had anger against himself due to low self esteem. Does the irony hit home?

    Look at the subliminal messaging! � The Irony really is starting to hit home!

    Hides behind Lhoffman

    Courageously takes IL’s sniper round of kettle corn for dear old Garg  :-D

    “MAN DOWN!”  :-o

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Quick Hoffman! Do something!

    Hey man, I am on vacation in Michigan and my internet is spotty.

    Besides I have better things to do than waste my wit on IL for all our entertainment… oh, wait, did I say that?

    (Woohoo this is fun!)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    I think IL is just an elitist.

    Though I agree with his bit about reading the classics.

    I think I am an elitist.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Wow man, I had no idea you’d take a kettle corn for me.

  • @Imperious:

    Obviously you have not seen the type of comics I have read, big fan of R. Crumb too, not too mention some other comics, yet I don’t smoke weed, don’t drink (well once in a blue moon) and don’t do drugs, I played D&D and AD&D and Gurps amongst other games, and yet none of them have influenced me whatsoever, so that blows a big hole in your theory.

    No and No. Im talking about them in general. Every population you have some who don’t, but of those who do turn out to be crazy for the most part they don’t like classics and prefer things like comic books.

    Too be honest I just recently read Homer and I’m more prone to bloody mayhem after reading the Iliad and the Odyssey then after reading Omaha the Cat Dancer or Mr. Natural, hell if you look closely at some of the most heinous criminals they were very well read people who read classics over comic books, I doubt Charles Manson ever saw a comic book in his life.

    But like I have said previously, I’m not saying Comic books and such don’t affect people to cause mayhem, but they only affect the weak minded, and those who believe anyone can be affected are also weak minded.

    Also A classic that has caused people to kill millions and more is the Bible.

  • @Gargantua:

    Wow man, I had no idea you’d take a kettle corn for me.

    I wouldn’t, I’d let you take it and laugh at you  :evil:

  • If that were true they DO have problems. A strong willed person would never get so defensive.

    I guess you aren’t as strong willed as you thought.

  • Also A classic that has caused people to kill millions and more is the Bible.

    or almost any other religous book for that matter…

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    No one has EVER killed in the name of religion.  Non when compared to comic books.

  • @Mallery29:

    Also A classic that has caused people to kill millions and more is the Bible.

    or almost any other religous book for that matter…

    Most evil people will find some justification to do thier deeds, comics, a false understanding of Faith, history, lust or bad up bringing.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Someone tried to stab me once over a game of conquest of the empire.

    Not kidding…

  • Customizer

    You probably had it coming.

  • @Gargantua:

    Someone tried to stab me once over a game of conquest of the empire.

    Not kidding…

    you sure it was over the game and not just because you are you?  :evil:

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    You probably had it coming.

    LOL… most definetly…

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