WARRIOR888 - I believe Shinano also had an armoured deck. The other Taiho class CV’s, on which construction never began, would also have had armoured decks.
I would like to continue the discussion of three-hit late war CV’s in the morning, but I agree that the Essex class’s lack of an armoured deck should be reflected in custom stats somehow. I would still like to see an Essex class sculpt though…
Well, I would too. Perhaps giving Essex 3 aircraft and Illustrious 3 hits and Taiho both? Shinano should probably be in the same category as Illustrious, with 3 hits but only 2 aircraft: as a BB conversion that was mostly finished when conversion started, it wasn’t a fully optimized design, though Shinano might have been capable of a larger air wing than had actually been projected for it. I’m not certain if its projected air wing size, surprisingly small for such a massive ship, may have been more of an operational decision than a result of absolute design limitations… I’d have to research more to see what its actual maximum capability MIGHT have been given alternate operational concepts. (They’d been planning to make it essentially a “reserve & refit” carrier with at least some excess capacity, so the usually-listed air wing may not have been close to its maximum possible air wing.)
Of course, I’d also love to see a Midway and an Audacious… and for that matter a Montana and a Lion or Vanguard and an Alaska and a Renown and a B65… OK, most of these had little direct impact, most not even finished, but AA Variants are all about “might-have-beens” and I’d love to see whole sets of just cool naval units and I wish there was more interest out there in these naval designs.
Certainly many designs that seem to be being given short shrift (Scharnhorst, Richelieu, North Carolina) had more demonstrable actual impact on the war than, say, a Tiger II, which FMG is insisting on doing ALONG WITH the more important Tiger I (which we’re about to get from WotC anyway…) We’re about to have 3 DIFFERENT Tiger I’s available from 3 DIFFERENT companies (not counting TWG’s or TT’s oversize units, which might actually work OK with a big board like GW 1939 or TWG.) Meanwhile, no hint yet of a Pershing or Comet to oppose all these Tigers with (though apparently an oob JSII is coming…) All the while FMG’s interminable delays go on ad infinitum. Ah, it’s all a muddle that makes my head spin! I keep thinking that maybe I should paint up a bunch more Panzersciffe pieces for the major warships, sub TT tanks for all the AFV’s and then I’d at least have a fully balanced range of pieces to use on a big board… but then I go lie down and the feeling goes away…
At least HBG seems to put out alot of pieces pretty quickly, with good quality. I’ll wait and see what he does over the next year before I get desparate and start painting again…