• Customizer

    So you think that you start US at 15 and after the first round automatically move them up 2? Well, I understand what you are getting at, but that wasn’t anywhere in the rulebook either. If they are going to do something like that, it should be laid out in the rulebook. After all, this is supposed to be a beginner level game and people just starting out with this kind of game will get confused if it isn’t laid out nice and simple in the rules.

    By the way, played my first game today. Axis won everything in 7 rounds, although by the rules (2 capitals) they actually won in 5 rounds. Germany captured Moscow round 2 and London round 5.

    It seems as though the game is Axis slanted, but would have to play more to be sure. England really seems to have gotten the short end of the stick. England is only worth 3 IPCs and therefore can only place 3 new units per turn. In this game more than any other, once the Royal Navy is taken out, England is almost defensless.
    For example: Germany attempted Sealion with 2 inf, 2 tanks, 1 fighter and 1 bomber. England had 4 infantry plus 1 US fighter. Both sides were wiped out. However, Germany still had it’s transports, a brand new bomber purchased this round, another fighter brought back from Russia plus 2 more inf and 2 more tanks waiting for another assault. On England’s turn, they could only place 3 new units on England. That’s the limit. Unfortunately, the US didn’t have another fighter to send. So, next German round, of course England falls.  I know this sometimes happens even in Global 40, just with more units on both sides, but it just seemed so weak and almost easy for Germany.

    I will say the extra UK factories in India and Australia gave Japan some trouble. The actual unit limitations sure told itself. At one point I needed a 3rd UK destroyer but the game only comes with 2. I was able to use one from my regular A&A pieces but if someone only had this game, they would have to write UK Destroyer on a piece of paper and put it on the board. I also came very close to running out of German inf and tanks even though I was using chips everywhere I could. Personally, I would prefer to buy 2 of this game, one simply for extra pieces, then the game could be played properly.

    Overall, I think this is a pretty cool game. While I’ve gotten used to Global 40, it’s refreshing to play a much simpler game once in a while. No SBRs, No AA guns, No shore bombardment. Yes, this is a very simple version, but still fun and not so time consuming as a game of Global or even 1942. This game took us roughly 3 1/2 to 4 hours, and that was with a couple of breaks in play and playing the game in a very leisurely pace. I would guess it was more like 3 hours of strict gameplay time. You have to keep track of IPCs on a sheet of paper, but that’s not so bad. I have designed some simple worksheets for just that purpose. I will try to attach one.

    IPC chart 1941 page 1.xls

  • Customizer

    Well, I tried attaching one of my IPC worksheets but couldn’t get it to work. I designed them using Microsoft Works Spreadsheet. So far, I only know how to attach pictures which are “jpeg” and these worksheets don’t have that ending part. I can’t figure out how to attach one of these spreadsheets so you guys can see it. Oh well, not a big deal. I’m sure most of you will figure out your own way.

  • Thanks KNP for the game session report!  I am looking forward to playing for certain.  I agree that the 15/17 IPC thing is a problem. It must be either a typo (should be 17 starting income USA, etc.) or they left out a note explaining that USA starts with two less than their base income.

  • TripleA '12


    Order status: Shipped

    Delivery Estimate: Wednesday July 18, 2012

    Get in!  :-D

  • Great. But how? Amazon US you said and for 54$.
    I tried and only said July 27th. Not earlier. Oh well!

  • TripleA '12

    I don’t know how it all works, I just placed my order on Friday morning (GMT) and got the despatch email today this afternoon. The pre-shipping delivery estimate was something like July 22nd - 29th. And now the actual delivery estimate is 18 July exactly. Weird but there you go.

  • @wittman:

    Great. But how? Amazon US you said and for 54$.
    I tried and only said July 27th. Not earlier. Oh well!

    I think the key might be that there is more than one entry for it under Amazon.  I saw the same thing at first and then looked around and found one that purported to be able to ship immediately… I then followed K’s lead and sprung for the one-day shipping, thinking “this is probably a mistake, I want them to get it out to me before they realize it!”

    The one that announces it as a preorder is actually fulfilled by Funagain Games, a well-known game distributor (and they are offering at a solid discount, btw.)  Looks like the one that I pulled the trigger  on is fulfilled by Amazon itself, and I’m guessing someone in their bureaucracy screwed up and missed that they’re not supposed to be shipping them yet!  So jump in before they catch their mistake!

  • Customizer


    I think the key might be that there is more than one entry for it under Amazon.  I saw the same thing at first and then looked around and found one that purported to be able to ship immediately… I then followed K’s lead and sprung for the one-day shipping, thinking “this is probably a mistake, I want them to get it out to me before they realize it!”

    The one that announces it as a preorder is actually fulfilled by Funagain Games, a well-known game distributor (and they are offering at a solid discount, btw.)  Looks like the one that I pulled the trigger  on is fulfilled by Amazon itself, and I’m guessing someone in their bureaucracy screwed up and missed that they’re not supposed to be shipping them yet!  So jump in before they catch their mistake!

    Oh, I am betting it is NOT a mistake. One possibility is the people at Amazon got ahold of this game and realized that everyone else isn’t shipping until the 27th and figured “Hey, let’s get a jump on all these other sellers”. Plus, they are offering it for the full $29.99 while most of the pre-order sellers are offering the game for significantly less (some as low as $19.25 ea) so Amazon is actually getting some of us to pay them MORE money for the same game.
    Another possibility is the reason they can ship it now is BECAUSE they are charging the $29.99 price. All the other sellers offering the game on pre-order for the lower prices is because they are getting the same kind of price break from WOTC. Perhaps Amazon actually had to pay a little more for these games so that they could sell and deliver them now.

  • Customizer

    By the way everyone. Me and my buddy have played a couple more games now. So far, Axis wins every time, in fact they seem to take a pretty big lead early. Some of it might be due to his and my playing styles, but I’m still going to say this game is definitely Axis favored. Maybe they start out too strong, just not sure.

    Our last game actually took quite a long time – 14 rounds. Not sure about the time, but I would guess roughly 5 hours or so. It was technically an Axis victory, but you would really call it a Japan victory because the last combat consisted of two battles: one for Berlin and one for London. Yes, England ended up being the last Allied power left.
    Germany took Moscow. USA went mostly Atlantic and got a force in Western Europe and Southern Europe. Germany took back Western Europe, but then the Brits took it again. The US force in S Europe took a chance and attacked Germany, and won. Germany got their capital back, but then UK took Berlin. Germany got it back again, just to have UK take it again. This time there wasn’t any German forces that could retake the capital so UK kept it.
    Meanwhile, Japan managed to build up a large enough force to hit W USA. Japan and US exchanged Western US 3 or 4 times before Japan finally held on to it. Next round they attacked Eastern US and took it. Now, except for a few warships, USA was pretty much out of the game.
    UK liberated Moscow but Japan had already sent stuff across Russia and up from India so they took it back. Now with control of the Americas plus factories in Russia, it was only a matter of time before Japan hemmed UK in and wiped them out. Plus, Japan was making almost twice as much as UK by this time. (about 32 per round for Japan vs 15-17 per round for UK).
    Two main mistakes were made in this game. First was Germany liberating their capital twice just to end up giving the money over to England twice. Second was UK liberating Moscow without enough men and tanks to keep it from Japan. Under German control, it did nothing but once Japan got it, they could use those factories.
    I look forward to seeing when some of you guys try it out and see if you think it is Axis favored or not.

  • @knp7765:

    Me and my buddy have played a couple more games now. So far, Axis wins every time, in fact they seem to take a pretty big lead early. Some of it might be due to his and my playing styles, but I’m still going to say this game is definitely Axis favored. Maybe they start out too strong, just not sure. […] I look forward to seeing when some of you guys try it out and see if you think it is Axis favored or not.

    Did you and your buddy switch sides during any of your games?  If the Axis wins regardless of who plays it, the rules may indeed favour the Axis.  If on the other hand the two of you always play the same side, then relative player strength may be the explanation.

  • OK.  Played on Friday night with my friends.  1 regular 1novice and 1 new.  First off I will say I agree that the Axis seems to have a big advantage.  They won on turn 6.  Russia was out on the 2nd turn and England fell on turn 6, and only because of some really bad early rolls by Germany vs England.  Otherwise I think they could have been out by turn 4 or 5 easily.  Japan had taken the east of Asia and some inslands and were at 13 or14 IPCs.  More then enough to keep the US occuppied in the Pacific to keep Germany free from worry. It was fun, but seemed almost too easy for the Axis.  But this is only based on one game.  Could be more balanced, just so happened to go that way this time.

    Now for the people playing.  The Novice player realy seemed to pick the rules up quickly and certainly seems willing to move to a game of 1942.  So that was good.  The new player liked the game but was still mind blown at first over the rules.  By the end of turn 3 or 4 they seemed to start to get it.  They said it was fun, but they weren’t real excited over the whole thing.  The good news is they are willing to play again now that they feel more comfortable with the rules.  Hopefully that will swing them.  Of course they loved rolling the dice in my FMG dice tower.  That may have saved the day when they were confused at the beginning.  The transport rules are what really was most difficult to grasp for them.  I understand that.

    All in all…a fun night and a fun game.  Hope to play some more soon.

  • Customizer

    Appreciate the report

  • Customizer

    Here’s a couple of more comparison pics. First the new fighters. It’s the tops and bottoms of each plane, first two rows are the German fighters in this order from left to right: OOB Me109, 1941 Fw190, HBG Fw190.
    The next two rows are US planes from left to right: OOB P-38, Pacific F6F Hellcat, 1941 P-40, HBG P-40, HBG P-51
    The HBG versions seem to have quite a bit more detail on them while the 1941 versions seem to look a little more like the actual plane because they are a little bigger. Now I kind of wish HBG’s planes were a little bigger.
    Next pic is all the German vehicles available to us now. The new Tiger is on the far left, followed by a mix of OOB and HBG Axis Minor units. I think all the different vehicles match up very well.

    Plane comparisons.JPG
    Vehicle comparisons.JPG

  • Customizer

    Here’s another couple of pics I just wanted to share. It’s all my German and USA vehicles all lined up. Soon I will have a large set like this for Russia as well.

    German Vehicles.JPG
    US Vehicles.JPG

  • Customizer


    Did you and your buddy switch sides during any of your games?  If the Axis wins regardless of who plays it, the rules may indeed favour the Axis.  If on the other hand the two of you always play the same side, then relative player strength may be the explanation.

    Yeah, that also occured to me. When our group gets together, we roll dice to determine who gets which country. However, I prefer to play Axis and Steve prefers to play Allies, so in our first few games of 1941 I was always Axis and he was always Allies. Hopefully next week we can get the rest of my group together to play this and take different countries to try it out and give it a more varied experiment. While we all are really into Global 1940, all of us have been very interested in 1941 since we first heard about it at the end of March.

    When I get a few more games played, particularly with different people changing Axis and Allies, I will let you guys know if there is any difference.

  • Well I just got my copy today. I was impressed with Amazon’s shipping. I ordered on July 4th (US holiday), chose the free super saver option, and got it today. So it was basically 3 day shipping.

    I busted it out, and got my wife to sit through my explanation of the rules. I’ve been trying to get her to play for a while, and this (hopefully) shorter version was the persuasion I needed. We didn’t have time to play, we’ll do that on Thursday. We were saddened to see the 15/17 IPC misprint. I feel like it really can’t be anything but a mistake, since the board seems to contradict itself.

    I’m excited to see how it goes!

  • TripleA

    holy hell they shippy before release date!

  • TripleA '12

    Order update:

    Status:  In transit

    Location: UK

    Event Details: Initiated customs clearance process

    Love it!  :-D

  • @Cow:

    holy hell they shippy before release date!

    Go to Amazon and search for the '41 game there are two of them up there. One says you have to wait till the 27th and is cheaper the other will ship today but you pay the full $30 for it plus shipping

  • TripleA

    i didn’t see the other one.

    anyway, I hope not all the boards have the misprinted money thingy. Like maybe they printed two seperate batches.  Early release has the wrong stuff and later release has it right.

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