Looking for Southern Illinois players for any AA near belleville, IL or within an hour travel.
San Francisco Bay Area Players
Cool man, “Death from above” and I will be there to cheer you on. Let me know if you end up walking over to the OAM for the Aces symposium in 2 weeks.
Looks like we got a fairly large group here. Maybe we should rent some floor space and do an SF AA Global tourney some weekend.
If there is any interest we could set up a meet and greet at some coffee shop or bar some weekend. Any interest?
I’d be interested and I am sure hkytown1 would be also.
Yea sounds good, DFA and I are going to Pacifcon to meet Variable but we should all meet before labor day and set something up. Navel miniatures has been my vise lately but I think maybe a game of the new 1942 would be cool, I have it on pre-order from coolstuff.
Yea sounds good, DFA and I are going to Pacifcon to meet Variable but we should all meet before labor day and set something up. Navel miniatures has been my vise lately but I think maybe a game of the new 1942 would be cool, I have it on pre-order from coolstuff.
If you two sign up for the Midway game at the same time, it would be fun to watch you guys blow each other out of the water!
As for a game before hand… I have DJensen’s copies of 41 and 42-2 right now. He mentioned he’d like to get a game in soon after his schedule calms down sometime after this week. Maybe we could get together on that… Dave?
Is that played like AA mike? I have never played that one before.
It’s most similar to Guadalcanal.
I’m up for a meet up for a game of the new 42 or 41. Although playing global so much on the forums has got my mind bent a little on those rules, so I may be easy prey.
I wouldn’t trust him guys… He has a membership in the communist party!
Share the wealth! :lol:
I’ll bring Levi’s for Karl, that should distract him for a few hours. I think we should at leadt play a game of 41 and see how fast it really is. I’m free weekends.
Any of you guys other then myself, variable, and death from above going to pacificon?
where is Pacific con?
Santa Clara Marriott.
Hey Variable, Is HBG going to be selling stuff at Pacificon?
Hey Variable, Is HBG going to be selling stuff at Pacificon?
No, but I will have a few free prizes for those that try out Midway… I will bring my stuff for you to look at in person if you like.
Yea cool. We will be there sat so we will come by for sure.
Hey guys, don’t think I’ll make down to the conference. But still any interest in meeting up at bar or something?
I propose Shields Tavern right off market on Montgomery. Bart/Muni is right there.
Website: http://www.thehouseofshields.com/
Any interest, say at like 7pm some night? Lets brake the ice and then start meeting up for some games. I hate to think those Canadians at Dicetruction have all the fun….
House of Shields!
Alternatively, I can talk to Ron at ThirstyBear to see if there are any nights that don’t have the upstairs booked and maybe he’ll let us have the space for free.
There’s also somebody at SFSU who said they can reserve a conference room in the library. I think a pub would be much more fun tho.