• Customizer


    Well when you do the UK set, have Canadian and Indian colonial troops to placate a few people.

    I’m quite fond of this idea. Personally I’d prefer an Aussie over an Indian. I mean we already have the OOB Far East British infantry in shorts and the new AAP40.2 ANZAC infantry is freakishly big compared to the other nations.

  • Customizer

    Yeah, I thought the ANZAC infantry looked a little big when I was lining them up the other night. I didn’t think of putting them next to infantry from the other countries. Now that you have, they really look weird. I’m tempted to just keep using the British soldier in ANZAC color for ANZAC’s infantry.
    Another strange thing is the rulebook says the ANZAC cruiser is the same as the UK cruiser, but it looks different to me.

    On a good point, have any of you noticed the color of the US pieces from the 1940 2E games? They are a somewhat duller olive drab color now (they were a brighter olive color in previous versions). The great thing is they match HBG’s US Olive drab pieces almost perfectly now. Now your HBG US supplement and Marine pieces will look right at home next to your US OOB pieces. I’m thinking about getting rid of my old bright olive US OOB pieces and creating a whole new set with the newer pieces.

  • @knp7765:

    I didn’t think of putting them next to infantry from the other countries. Now that you have, they really look weird. […] On a good point, have any of you noticed the color of the US pieces from the 1940 2E games?

    When I was going through my sculpts to prepare the lineup photo which Bob reposted here (the original is in the Global 1940 section), I noticed that the American troop sculpts are in a noticeably different shade from the American equipment sculpts.  Or more precisely they looked that way under the fluorescent lighting I was using at the time. I haven’t yet had the chance to look at them closely under daylight conditions. Green is a tricky colour because it looks different under different lighting.

  • Customizer

    Yeah, that’s kind of been a constant with the US pieces in just about all versions of Axis & Allies. The Infantry piece has always been a different shade from the rest of the US equipment. In some games the difference was pretty drastic, in others only slight. In fact, I would bet that is why WOTC went with the bright olive color for US equipment in the last couple of games or so. I think they were trying to make the rest of the US equipment match the color of the Infantry.
    Personally, I like that they have made the US stuff a darker shade of olive drab now. Like I mentioned before, now it matches HBG’s US stuff almost perfectly. I don’t even mind if just the Infantry is still a little lighter.
    You know, while most of the other nations seem to have the infantry in pretty much the same shade as the rest of the equipment, Italy is also a little off. The Infantry is a little lighter brown than the rest of the equipment, although I don’t think it is quite as noticeable as the US.

  • I was looking for somewhere to put this sentiment, without opening a new thread…

    I would love to see an eventual Commonwealth Infantry pack. Some of the following have been mentioned, but here’s my thought:

    – Indian Infantry (with turban)
    – Gurkha Rifles (as a Raj Spec Forces unit)
    – ANZAC Digger (to replace WOTC’s abomination)
    – Askari Infantry (this sculpt might be used not only for UK variety, but in other colors for colonial Italians, Turks, and French)
    – Canadian Infantry isn’t as important to me (I would use ANZACs from Pacific 2010), but that is certainly another popular request.

  • Oh, and an irregular unit (in knee-down position, like the Fortress America partisan unit), usable as Mujahadeen/Mahdist/Touareg/Berber.

  • Gentlemen,

    ive been out of commission for awhile dealing with some medical issues.

    Here is my suggestions for a Commonwealth/UK set from Coach.

    Battleship:  HMS King George V or HMS Nelson both would be iconic.
    Battle Cruiser: HMS Renown she survied the war.
    Carrier:  HMS Eagle early war, HMS Implacable for late war.
    Cruiser: HMS Belfast you can actually tour her in the Thames river in London.
    Light Cruiser: HMS Dido AA cruiser.
    Destroyer: HMS Towne Class.
    Fighter: Hawker Hurricane
    Tac Bomber: Typhoon with rockets
    Heavy Bomber: Sterling
    Transport: Horsa Glider
    Torpedo Bomber, Swordfish
    Early Tank: Crusader II or III
    Mid War: Churchill III or IV
    Heavy Tank: Comet, Black Prince or Centurion
    Artillery: 5.5 Inch Howitzer or 7 Inch Howitzer,  UK used a bunch of them.
    Anti-Tank Gun: 6 lb or 7 lb guns
    SPA: Archer.
    Infantry Red Devil Para sculpt.
    Royal Marine Commando sculpt.
    Truck: Bedford 6 x 4
    Mech: Bren carrier.
    AA gun: Bofor 40mm

    If a Chinese set is done here is my suggestions.

    Cruiser: Light only they had 6 till the Japanese destroyed or captured them in 1937.
    Tanks: Renault FT-17s, Vickers 6 Ton,  T-26 Light Tanks, 88 received from the Russians.
    Med Tanks: M4- Sherman at least 812 where sent to China by the USA.
    AA 88mm Flak 18 they used 20 provided by Germany at the start of the war until the IJA captured them 1937.
    Mech: Russian BA-10 and BA-20 Armoured Cars.
    Truck: Carden Lyold Carriers.
    Infantry in German helment.
    Artillery: Russian 76mm
    Fighter: P-40 Warhawk to rep the Flying Tigers They wanted 650 received a total of 369 aircraft.
    Bomber: Hudson was going to provided to them by the USA before Pear Harbor.

    If Coach does his own Iconic Italian set here are some suggestions.

    Battleship: Andrea Doria Class or Conte di Cavour Class
    Heavy Cruiser: Zara class
    Light Cruiser: Montecuccoli class
    Infantry: Italian Black Shirts
    Infantry: Italian Alpani Mountain troops
    Infantry: Bersaglieri
    Infantry: Folgore Italian Paratroopers
    Artillery: 100mm Howitzer, 149mm Howitzer
    Ant-Tank gun: 47mm or 75mm
    SPA: Semovente M42 da 75/18 or Semovente M41M da 90/53
    Mech: Autoblinda AB41
    Truck: Breda 32 or Dovunque SPA 41
    Light Tank: Carro Armato M11/39
    Med Tank:  Carro Armato M15/42
    Heavy Tank: Carro Armato Pesante 26/40 ???
    AA:  88 mm or 102mm
    SP ATG: Semovente M42T da 75/46


  • I would advocate no Italian set. How many Italian sets are people going to buy both HBG and FMG?

    It is much better to work on FIRST sets not out, rather than set number 2 of this or that.

    This means Japan, Then UK, Then France, Then Soviet naval.

    Perhaps after that Germany 2, Canada, ANZAC, whatever.

  • I’d buy new Italian pieces if I could get them in a color other than FMG brown or OOB brown.

  • Customizer

    Are you suggesting Coach make an Italian set but have it available in all the Axis Minor colors? That would be interesting. It would certainly add a lot more variety to the Axis Minor countries’ forces.


    Bomber: Hudson was going to provided to them by the USA before Pear Harbor.

    PEAR HARBOR?!? Oh yeah, I forgot that besides being a naval base, it’s a main source of pears for the US. HA HA HA HA HA!
    Sorry, couldn’t resist.

  • '12

    I personally agree with IL. First all the nations and then second sets for each nation.

  • this might have beem mention but why not make a simple set of free French by just making regular A&A or an orginal scupt Inantry, US Shemans, 105 Howitzers and/or M-7 Priest, M-3 Half tracks and Brit Spitfires and Maquitoes all in light blue.  nice and simple. The Free French were mostly US made equipment anyway and HBG dosn’t make these in this color.

  • @Red:

    this might have beem mention but why not make a simple set of free French by just making regular A&A or an orginal scupt Inantry, US Shemans, 105 Howitzers and/or M-7 Priest, M-3 Half tracks and Brit Spitfires and Maquitoes all in light blue.  nice and simple. The Free French were mostly US made equipment anyway and HBG dosn’t make these in this color.

    HBG has available its Allies Supplement set in Light Blue (http://www.historicalboardgaming.com/HBG-Battle-Pieces–Allies-Supplement-set-Light-Blue_p_1132.html), and I think it’s also planning to produce the same set in OOB French dark blue in the near future.

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