How many of ya’ll play ‘Fortress America?’ I play this game which was released with Axis and Allies in the game master series and is quite popular. It was printed extensively in the 1980’s and reprinted in 2012. If any of you want to see the added section under other games upvote and/or comment, thanks.
What are your favorite games to play with xbox live
I play Resident Evil 5 70%
Other games 30%. -
Monopoly from time to time…
I play a lot of Gears of War on Live, but I still suck at it. I love the Gears series, but Epic’s server setup for online play is marginal at best. I can count on one hand the number of times I have made it past wave 10 on Horde mode with a full five players, and most of those times was using a split-screen with my brother. Host migrations and disconnects are poorly handled and run rampant.
Most ultimat X-Box game
that is a great arcade game
They really have some good arcade games on Live. My personal favorites are Geometry Wars and Castle Crashers. If you are prone to seizures, I recommend avoiding Geometry Wars. lol
They really have some good arcade games on Live. My personal favorites are Geometry Wars and Castle Crashers. If you are prone to seizures, I recommend avoiding Geometry Wars. lol
Castle Crashers is completely worth the money even though it came out like 3-4 years ago. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game is awesome and has a fantastic soundtrack.
I’m thiiiiis close to getting minecraft for the 360 after playing with it on the ipad.
Best Arcade game hands down is Battlefield 1942 FPS on arcade, WoW :-o $15
Best Arcade game hands down is Battlefield 1942 FPS on arcade, WoW :-o $15
Oh yeah, another good one. I’ve played the hell out of that. If you ever want to meet up in a game, I’m down. My GT is the same as my username here.
My mind changed……