Thanks for clearing that up…but, well the true patriot needs no flag to wave, but stays in his country and helps when the cr*p is piling up ;). Of course, he/she can warn before, but from an artist i would be disappointed if that warning was not metaphorical or otherwise creative.
You are welcome.
I enjoy artistic metaphors…Lewis Carroll comes immediately to mind.
Though here in the US the “STARS” do things like…
Steven Spielberg digitally remove the weapons, from the government officials in their decontamination suits, when he rereleased “ET” a second time. I think it odd that he did that in an anti-gun move. The idea was that they had guns so they were ‘bad guys.’
The “Charlie’s Angels” movie was made with the ‘good girls’ not carrying guns. Yet they defeat the ‘bad guys’ carrying Uzzies, etc… The original Angels were packing heat.