You have checked the map of what China claims I hope? There are areas well over 1000 miles from China’s coastline and yet less than 100 miles from somebody else’s coastline that China claims. There is no logic to that. It’s not like they are basing it on a 200 mile limit from a contested island.
Ok, but you do know that America controls Samoa, and Guam and both of those places are well over 4,000 miles from the US coastline, and very close the the coast lines of other countries as well right? Under that logic the US would have to give up those territories as well as Hawaii which is over 2,000 miles from the the US mainland. There is also the British position in the Falkland islands as well to think about.
Or we could sit back and let a bully take and say “……peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And now I recommend you to go home and sleep quietly in your beds.”
I’m sorry but as you yourself said earlier China is NOT Germany in 1938, China is a very different animal altogether and the global conditions and geo-political setting is a far cry from that of the Munich agreement, it’s not a fair comparison in the least.
Honestly, all things aside, do you think what China is claiming is fair to others?
Honestly, I couldn’t care less about it, in reality the Chinese claiming these islands are nothing new as the KMT claimed it in 1947 and the PRC have done so since 1949. I find it interesting that when they originally made that claim Vietnam, then only North Vietnam, recognized and supported the Chinese claims but now have changed their tune. How is China’s claim any different from the claims of Indonesia or the Vietnam? The truth is they aren’t, but because China has the economic, military, and diplomatic ability to assert their claims (finally) people get all bent out of shape. I think that this is an issue that is best left alone by the Western world and it should be left to those in that area.