I’d just like a standard map for this version of the game thats not modded or has any personalization and thats not too big a file -I’ve seen some pdfs that scroll very slowly and thats not very useful.
Does anyone know the rationale for changing the price on AA Guns? I mean, they were 5 IPCs for 24 years, now they are 6 IPCs? What for?
I’m all for changes when changes make sense, but don’t get the reasoning here.
Quite simply, they were overpowered at 5 IPCs, especially considering that the rules were changed so that they targeted specific air unit types.
OK I can see that… thanks
I think they should still cost 5. The Wizards.com FAQ for revised (2004 edition) says AA guns can target fighters or bombers separately. So the AA guns are no stronger in AA50. They are actually weaker because they no longer fire on planes passing over-head like they did in revised.