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Painting my 1942 set
Hey, i am currently painting my 1942 set, if you want, and if theres an interest i could post some pictures of what i have painted this far.
If so, how do i post images here? Im a total noob when it comes to these kinda things.
Here is a link to some that i have painted. As i said, if theres an interest i will upload more :)
Hey - those are really sweet, nicely done! I especially like the Yorktown - and the slight alterations to separate the Japanese aircraft carriers. 8-)
What alterations? :P I put up the original paint scheme next to my pieces that i painted. Not exactly, but close enough ^^
Yes, I’m very interested in your pieces! I am a painter myself (as is Viracocha).
To post pictures on the site, you right click on the picture and “copy image location”. then you hit the “insert image” button on the reply box on this site, and paste the text in. Then preview, and it should show up.
How long have you been painting?
What alterations? :P I put up the original paint scheme next to my pieces that i painted. Not exactly, but close enough ^^
Ok… replace “alterations” with “differentiations”… though I believe the former is more apt then the latter. I meant the fact that each of your Japanese carriers are altered enough to resemble the historical equivalent, as all of them are different from each other.
Ok thanks. This is first time i try to paint anything like this, i have painted some airplane models before, but not much. I saw a painting thread here and got inspired so i found my old humbrol colors and started to paint. I wanted to paint them kinda accurate, historical and with difference between the countries. So i chose the 1944 color scheme for the americans and the baltic camo for the germans. I will try to post the real color scheme next to the piece so you can compare :)
I have also painted some ships that were sunk in 1942, but who want to play a ww2 game without Bismarck?
I have chosen to paint real ships, not just a class. So for the germans i have painted Bismarck, Tirpitz, Admiral Hipper, Blücher, Prinz Eugen, Seydlitz and Graf Zeppelin.
For the americans Iowa, New Jersey, Missouri, Wisconsin, Hornet, Enterprise, Yorktown and Intrepid.
For the Japanese Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, Hiryu and Yamato.I also have painted some fighters and bombers. I will soon start with american cruisers.
Tips and ideas for british ships are welcome!
Hey, those are great!! I agree with Viracocha, the individual differences make them have more character and make them interesting. I try to do the same with ground forces or planes as well (squadron markings, division insignia)
where are you getting your pictures of the ships themselves? I’m always looking for resources to draw on.
For the British ships there is also a disrupted camo. If you want a great site for some ideas, check out this painters work terms of techniques, I have a thread stickied over at the Global thread if you want to check that out. It contains some pictures of pieces, but mostly it’s a painting technique resource as well as an FAQ.
Hey Swedo, I got a lot of ideas for my units from here:
Yeah, that’s an awesome site, especially for planes!
the sites i have used are:
Ship camo from ww2, all US ships.
Alot of German ships.
Japanese carriers at midway: -
I cant find any insert image button :/ and i cant post liks anyways…
I have uploaded some fighters and Bismarck, Tirpitz, Admiral Hipper and Prinz eugen if you want to see. -
It’s the button with the picture/postcard looking thing above the frowny face. And the link button is above the :-o
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Bf-109s!! They look fantastic! Are those decals on your planes and ships?
i dont think we have the same buttons, i only have the insert quote button.
yes, i made the decals in paint ^^ 3x3 mm big, and the swastikas are little smaller. i bought a decal sheet for my printer and made some in paint, i cant do US decals that small, and they get blurry if i shrink them in gimp :/ so those i paint on.
i only posted 1 plane each, the rest looks almost the same, just different camo pattern on UK and German fighters.
These are awesome, i did lots of research looking for camouflage patterns before painting, you obviously found much better sources than me, well done. To add pictures here, click on additional options, get your pic through the browse button.
Oh now i got more options :) i post my pictures here instead. I got a new job so i dont have time to paint that much, but i can upload new pictures some day.
Some fighters and Japanese Carriers
Enterprise and Yorktown
Missouri and Intrepid. (must be easier way to upload images here? only 2/post is little slow :S)
Bismarck and Prinz Eugen
Tirpitz and Admiral Hipper
Excellent Paint Jobs! Keep up the good work. I’m glad you shared your work with us.
“Tall Paul”