yea I don’t really know, just that league guys use it to pbf. There’s a few other people here that use it as well.
They’re separate sites. Seems like there was a little more interaction when redrum was actively developing.
Having solved the Heavy Bombers - Irritation in this thread
further dealing with this TripleA map brings up some more questions:
1. Paratroopers
In the description of the map v1.4 it is said: “PARATROOPERS- each bomber may carry 1 infantry into combat (must stop in first enemy territory it reaches)”
2009 FAQ:
“Q.Bombers carrying Paratroopers must stop moving in the first hostile territory they enter. If a tank is
blitzing through an unoccupied hostile territory, does a bomber entering that territory during the same
Combat Movement phase have to stop there, or can it keep moving?
A. Since the territory is captured as soon as the blitzing tank enters it, the territory is considered friendly at that point,
and the bomber may continue its movement. This only applies to the “blitzed” territory (the territory moved through). If
the tank ends its movement in an unoccupied enemy territory, that territory doesn’t change hands until all combat
movement is completed, as is the case with any unoccupied enemy territory moved into during combat movement.”
2010 FAQ:
“Q.Bombers carrying Paratroopers must stop moving in the first hostile territory they enter. If a
tank is blitzing through an unoccupied hostile territory, does a bomber entering that territory
during the same Combat Movement phase have to stop there, or can it keep moving?
A. It must stop. Even though the territory is captured as soon as the blitzing tank enters it, and the
territory is considered friendly at that point, all combat movement is simultaneous. This means that
the bomber and tank entered the territory at the same time, when it was still hostile.”
What rule is used in the map? According to the conversation in the above mentioned thread it should be the 2009-rule.
But I am confused because of the map description that leads my interpretation towards the 2010-rule.
2. Battleship repair
According to the rulebook, it says “If a battleship survives a combat having taken one hit, return it upright to the game board.”
That means that the Battleship is repaired immediately after the combat.
In the game options of the map I find an option
“Battleship repair at end of round” (checked by default)
and another option
“Battleship repair at beginning of round” (unchecked by default).
What is behind this? Do I have to uncheck both options to have the battleship repaired according to the rulebook?
What is the meaning of “round” here? Normally in 1941 a “round” begins with the turn of Germany and ends with the turn of USA.
Thank you :)
1. The version of the FAQ before that question was added (by the way, the person who asked that question was me, and I’ve circled it with a smiley face in my mind), the FAQ simply stated that they stop in the first territory they reach, and this does not include blitzed territories. It was changed in the middle, because Pacific came out and confused the situation by wording things differently regarding blitz.
So the timeline is this:
original: stop in blitzed
first faq: stop in blitzed
xxx faq in the middle: do not stop in blitzed
latest faq: stop in blitzed
as far as i know, triplea stops in blitzed
2. Two hitpoint units repair at the end of the round (player turn) by default. There is exactly ZERO different between a unit repairing at the end of a player’s turn, and a unit repair at the end of a player’s combat phase. This is because there is nothing that happens during noncombat move that could kill a unit.
If you prefer 2-hitpoint units to act more like Global 1940, and repair at the beginning of their Owner’s turn, then turn off the repairing at end of round, and turn on the repairing at beginning of round. This is a fun option that lets people try to counter-attack 2hp units.
Wow, that was fast.
Thank you very much.