@Jacob16 UK misses. German subs to AZO
Rd 2: Russian sub withdraws or stays? Ger has trn, 2 ftr, Bomb for rd 2
EUk2Rolls: 1@1 1@3 2@4; Total Hits: 21@1: (5)1@3: (2)2@4: (6, 1)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)
Kar - 3 FTR (Arc) FTR, 2 BMB (EUk) 6 INF, 2 ARM (BSt)
Bel - INF (EPl)
EPl - 12 INF, ART (Pol)
Pol - 9 INF, ART (Ger)
Kaz - INF (Per)
Ger - INF (Fra)
Place 2 ART (Kar)
Place SS (Z5)
Place FTR, BMB (Fra)
Place 3 INF, ART (Ger)
Collect 54, 54 on hand
Russia 9 buy 5inf save 1
2inf arm eve>>nov
art cau>>ukr
aRolls: 10@2; Total Hits: 210@2: (4, 6, 2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 4, 1, 3) d
Rolls: 10@2; Total Hits: 310@2: (4, 4, 1, 6, 3, 2, 6, 2, 4, 4)
Never fails Ukr clr, holds
aRolls: 2@1 1@3; Total Hits: 02@1: (2, 3)1@3: (4)d
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 01@3: (6)
I should have used the arm from russia so I had a good escape route shouls I screw up again
aRolls: 2@1 1@3; Total Hits: 02@1: (5, 4)1@3: (5)d
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 01@3: (4)
Rd 3
aRolls: 2@1 1@3; Total Hits: 12@1: (3, 6)1@3: (3)d
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 01@3: (5)
Nov twol
arm eve/empty cau>>rus
mobilize 5inf rus collect 14+1=15 I knew that extra dollar would come in handy.
J9 with 65, buy 7 INF, 6 ARM, 2 TP
Combat moves -
Cau - INF (Per)
Eve - 3 INF, ARM (Yak) 2 ARM (Far)
Haw - 2 INF, 2 ARM (Phi) 2 FTR (Z50)
NZe - 2 INF (Aus)
Sol - INF, ART (Aus)
Nov - 3 FTR (Per) 2 ARM (Chi) ARM (Kaz)
Rus - SBR (Nin)
Rus AARolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 01@1: (4)
Rus SBRRolling 1:
HawRolls: 2@1 4@3; Total Hits: 22@1: (3, 6)4@3: (1, 2, 6, 6)
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (1)
NovRolls: 6@3; Total Hits: 36@3: (5, 1, 6, 1, 2, 4)
Rolls: 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 12@2: (5, 4)1@3: (3)
EveRolls: 3@1 3@3; Total Hits: 13@1: (5, 3, 4)3@3: (5, 4, 1)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
Z53 - 3 SS (Z60) SS, DD, CV (Z50) 2 FTR (Haw)
Cau - 15 INF, 2 ART, 3 ARM (Per) 3 ARM (Ind)
Per - 4 ARM (Bur) INF, ART (Sum) AA (Ind) 3 FTR (Nov)
Z14 - 2 DD, CV (Z34)
Z34 - DD (Z38)
Z38 - 3 TP (Z34)
Chi - 2 INF (Nin)
Nin - 2 INF (Sui)
Ind - BMB (Rus)
Z57 - SS (Z62)
Z51 - DD (Z61)
Iwo - 2 BMB (Jpn)
Place 3 ARM (Ind)
Place 3 INF, ARM (Sum)
Place 4 INF, 2 ARM (Jpn)
Place 2 TP (Z62)
Collect 74, 74 on hand
UK 9 buy 5inf art save 4
4inf art arm UK>>arc
bmb inf sbr cau
Damage cau Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (1)
Never fails on the freebie
need to repair 1 on UK only 3 saved
ARC crusiers will bombard
aRolls: 3@1 2@2 4@3; Total Hits: 03@1: (5, 3, 2)2@2: (3, 3)4@3: (4, 5, 6, 6) d
Rolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 03@2: (5, 6, 4)
Why even bother
aRolls: 3@1 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 13@1: (3, 6, 3)2@2: (4, 2)1@3: (6)d
Rolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 23@2: (1, 4, 1)
aRolls: 1@1 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 31@1: (1)2@2: (1, 6)1@3: (1) d
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 22@2: (1, 1)
What A WASTE arc tw arm art
mobilize 5inf art uk collect 15+3=18
Looks like I’m using up all my luck on this game… :-P
I’m getting SMASHED on some of my others!
Can always count on Maxo to give me nice, soft dice…
I9 with 33, buy 3 INF, 2 TP, FTR
Combat moves -
Gib - 2 INF, ART (Ita) ARM (Alg) 2 BMB (Fra)
Rolls: 1@1 2@2 1@3 2@4; Total Hits: 21@1: (5)2@2: (4, 4)1@3: (6)2@4: (3, 2)
Rolls: 2@2 2@3; Total Hits: 32@2: (2, 5)2@3: (1, 1)
Now I wish I had brought the cruiser
Gib2Rolls: 1@3 2@4; Total Hits: 21@3: (2)2@4: (3, 5)
Rolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 02@3: (5, 6)
And then of course I come out smelling like roses
Cau - 2 BMB (Gib) FTR (Z14) FTR (Ita) 4 ARM (EPl) ARM (Bul)
EUk - INF (EPl)
Lib - 2 INF (Alg)
Egy - 2 ARM (Alg)
Z13 - DD (Z14)
Z14 - 3 CA, BB (Z16)
Bul - INF (Blk)
Collect 33, 33 on hand
I forgot 1 UK non com trn z43>>z24 I don’t think you’ll mind at this point
US 9 buy 3arm 9inf 2art save 0
bmb uk sbr kar
ss 2ftr z12>>z13
z13 watch me whiff
aRolls: 1@2 2@3; Total Hits: 21@2: (3)2@3: (3, 1) d
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)