This option seems even dicier than what Japan did.� Getting involved in a land war against Russia would be inadvisable.� The terrain would appear to be the opposite of what Japan was best equipped for, and Russia had the right weapons for it.� A Japanese army had already been crushed by Russia a few years earlier.�
But the bigger problem is that even if the attack on Russia was entirely successful in its aim, the objective is of questionable value.� Would Russia really be able to supply Japan after losing men and material in such a campaign?� Or would it be more likely to provide so much less than agreed that Japan would still end up oil starved?� If Germany finishes off Russia in some fashion I doubt it would open the oil spigot to Japan.� (Remember each ally is still looking out for its own interests first.)
I’ve been thinking about this, and have decided that as dicey as the above may seem, Japan’s best possible option may have been even dicier! This plan would have involved a four prong strategy.
Make peace in China. Chiang Kai-shek once said that the Japanese are a disease of the skin, and the communists a disease of the heart. Those sound like the words of a man prepared to sit down and do business–at least with the Japanese! Especially if doing so would free up his forces to fight the communists. Which a peace treaty would have. Japan would have gotten Manchuria and perhaps a few coastal cities; the Chinese Nationalists everything else. Communist forces within Japan’s share of China would have been ruthlessly repressed. Communists outside that share would have been the Nationalists’ problem.
Engage in extensive lobbying efforts within the U.S., especially among Congressmen and Senators. These lobbying efforts would have been necessary to prepare the way for
The invasion of the Dutch East Indies and British Pacific territory, while praying that the United States didn’t respond with a declaration of war. These conquests would have obtained for Japan the oil it needed.
Invade the Soviet Union in June of '41. During WWII, Japan’s army in China had about 4 million men. Assuming a force of 1.5 million men was left behind to defend Manchuria and a few coastal cities, this would have freed up 2.5 million men for use against the Soviet Union. Japan appears to have obtained a roughly 1:1 exchange ratio against the Soviet Union in some battles in the late '30s.
Suppose Japan had made war against the Soviet Union its primary military objective. The above-described 2.5 million men could have been combined with the bulk of Japan’s air power. Near coastal targets, such as the ports the Soviets absolutely had to have to continue receiving Lend-Lease Aid via the Pacific, Japan’s battleships would have proved devastating. Imagine that, in '41, Japan had killed or captured 1 million Soviet soldiers in exchange for a roughly equal number of Japanese soldiers. Going into '42, Japan would sill have 1.5 million soldiers left on that front, plus whatever replacements it had added.
After the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and Singapore in December of '41, Stalin realized that Japan would be too busy elsewhere to launch a major war against the Soviet Union. He therefore sent 100 divisions west across the Trans-Siberian railway; away from the Japanese front and toward the German front. Those divisions proved devastating to the Germans. (To put this into perspective, the entire German Army consisted of 150 divisions in the spring of '41. By the fall of '41 the Red Army consisted of 600 divisions.)
Had the Japanese launched the kind of attack I described, the Soviets would not have been able to send those divisions west. On the contrary, their eastern front would have required a steady stream of reinforcements over the coming years. Reinforcements which would have had to have been taken away from its western front.
The Japanese would have had air supremacy in '41, and (at very least) air superiority in '42. There are two reasons for this. 1) The Germans had destroyed the Red Air Force in '41. 2) The Japanese had some of the best pilots and the best aircraft in the world–at least by the standards of late '41/early '42. Japan’s superiority in the air would have allowed them to compensate for their lack of tanks and artillery pieces on the ground–at least for the first two years of this war.
Japan was obviously in no position to go for the Soviets’ jugular–or even anything remotely resembling a jugular. The Germans were. The Japanese attack would have diverted Soviet strength away from its all-important western front. German attacks would have been more likely to succeed, and Soviet counter-punches would have been weaker. Compared to what actually happened, this hypothetical scenario would have seriously diverged in the winter of '41 - ‘42, with the degree of divergence increasing in the spring and summer of ‘42. That summer was, as German military leaders recognized, the key moment of opportunity to win the war. Germany needed to strike a major blow against the Soviet Union that year, either by taking Moscow or the Caucasus oilfields. Whichever option it chose, the effects of the Japanese invasion would have made Germany’s strategy less costly, and more likely to succeed, than it otherwise would have been. (As an aside, the conquest of the Caucasus oilfields would have gained for Germany not just the vast majority of the Soviets’ oil supply. It would also have involved the conquest of a significant portion of the Soviets’ industry, population, and natural resources.)
Another advantage for Germany under this strategy is that the United States would presumably not declare war on anyone in '42 or '43. This would mean that Germany wouldn’t have to worry about the U.S. Army on its western front, and so could allocate a greater portion of its strength eastwards. The battles the U.S. and Britain fought in Algeria in late '42, and in Italy in '43, served to divert a portion of German military strength badly needed elsewhere.
The above-described strategy would probably have resulted in a German victory over the Soviet Union. Or, if not outright conquest, a peace treaty between the two nations very favorable to Germany. Germany would then have been faced with an unwanted air war against Britain. Germany would have to deal not just with British aircraft production; but also with the tens of thousands of military aircraft Britain was obtaining from the United States. To deal with these problems, it would build large numbers of airplanes of its own, using the industrial capacity, natural resources, and manpower it had obtained from its conquest of the Soviet Union.
With the world’s major superpowers locked into a seemingly endless war against each other, Japan would then be free to do more or less whatever it wanted. (Except that re-launching the war against China would not have been a good idea due to the weakened state of Japan’s army and the strength of Chinese resistance.) From a strategic perspective, Japan’s options would have been much better under this scenario than they would have been with an Allied victory over Germany. What did Japanese leaders imagine the Red Army would do after it had completed its conquest of Germany? Did they imagine Manchuria would be left alone, free from the threat of Soviet invasion? Did they imagine that Britain, freed from its war with Germany, would passively accept the loss of much of its Pacific empire? Japanese plans for the Asian mainland and for Pacific islands therefore required a strong Germany to succeed.