Okay, I understand it a little better now. So every 6 hit points is an automatic hit against enemy units (2 tanks, 3 def inf, 6 att inf, etc.). Then any numbers under 6 you still roll dice for. Say you attack with 7 tanks. This would give you an automatic 3 hits and you would roll dice for tank #7, right?
So in your example of 2 inf, 1 ftr attacking 1 inf, you just roll 1 dice for the attackers and try to get a 5 or less? Instead of rolling 2 dice for a “1” and 1 dice for a “3”. And the 1 defending inf simply rolls 1 dice for a “2”. This doesn’t seem fair to the defender. It’s much easier to get a 5 or less with 1 dice than it is to get a 1 rolling 2 dice or a 3 or less with 1 dice.
I do understand what you are saying about this method taking some of the “chance” out of it. So you say this will help you observe and test out strategies better? I guess I can see that now. Like maybe you want to check out different scenarios for Sealion or Barbarossa to see which tactic would likely be more successful in terms of buildup, what round to attack, what units to commit, etc.
I think this would be good if you were simply testing out strategies but when you decide to sit down and really play a game with people, I still think regular dice rolling for each unit is better. Instead of 3 hits and 1 dice roll for those 7 tanks, see if you can get 6 or 7 hits. OR, see if your opponent with the 7 tanks rolls and gets 1 hit. More exciting that way.
One thing that we do to save a little time and wear and tear on the dice is when there is a huge overpowering force attacking a relatively small defense force (1-3 units or so), we just decide the defenders are going to get hit and just roll for them to see if they take any attackers with them. In fact, we just had something like that in our current game. A large US force of tanks, 10-12 or so, attacked Poland which was defended by 1 German tank. We just rolled for the German. Poor guy didn’t even get a hit.
I think I will try a game of low luck very soon. I am very curious about it. So every 6 is a hit (6, 12, 18, 24, etc) and you only have to roll for the leftover, right? If there is 5 left over, you just roll 1 dice for 5 or less, right? Should make things go a little quicker.