Well, well, well, I had been looking at my board and contemplating a Sealion attack, and another path on the board magically appeared to me on how the Axis can capture Moscow! This is a somewhat thought out plan, but I do not have a complete x,y,z, step-by-step instructions yet.
Without further ado….
If Germany builds a big transport fleet (something like 10+) in SZ 112 to prepare for a Sealion assault, they could instead use their three naval movements and go to SZ 127. Once there, land all units in Nenetsia. It is worth nothing, but Vologda is the only territory between Nenetsia and Russia (Moscow). Most likely, Russia will have the vast bulk of its forces as infantry and art and too far away from Russia to turn them around to either: 1.) Attack your landing forces, or 2.) Make it back to Russia before you attack.
On those transports, load all the tanks you can. Preferably every transport will have one tank. When you land in Nenetsia, Russia will know what you are doing and place some units in Vologda in order to block your movement. Here is where you can use Japan for the can opener. Japan, early in the game, can build an air field in Chahar (or similar territory). With Japanese bombers there, they can do one of two things: 1.) Clear any blocking units in Vologda so Germany can blitz it’s tanks to Moscow, and/or 2.) Bomb Russia’s major complex (five movements from Chahar) and land in Nenetsia.
Other things to consider but I don’t have completely figured out…if Germany can somehow capture Bessarabia, E. Poland or similar territory and build an air field on it, any planes it lands on that territory during the same round it captures Nenetsia will have enough movement to be included in the Moscow attack and land in Nenestia.
One negative that I could potentially see is that this is a one shot attack. Even if the bulk of Russia’s forces are too far away to beat Germany back to Moscow for defense, they most likely will have a good shot in one or two subsequent rounds to attack Moscow and try to retake it since the Moscow major IC will be downgraded to a minor IC.
Of course, Russia could always buy a destroyer at the start and move it to SZ 125 or 126 in order to block this potential move, but how many Russian players are going see this move coming?
Ok, chew on that idea!!! I’m actually pretty proud that I’m first one to have seen and posted this route to Moscow.