This time Ottoman Empire has a much more powerful ally, especially in the naval department. Unfortunately it is quite far away(4 turns for any reinforcements for land/air units to arrive), if the Allies can blockade them in the North Sea, it would be tough for the Ottoman to hold out for help from Germany. GE. invading United Kingdom to lessen the pressure off the Ottomans, with aid eventually arriving to Africa & Mid-East, if possible.
British Empire & U.S.A. versus German and Ottoman Empires.
Round One: German Empire builds 2 BB & transport. Trooper from Kamerun & from Togoland take over undefended Nigeria & Gold Coast.
Off Canada 2 subs. from mid-Atlantic attack Canadian C & transport. Only one GE. sub. survives. Meanwhile a pair of subs. North Atlantic & Home fleet of BB & 2 C, enter British Home Waters, with no mine lost, versus British BB, 2 C, &, transport. Only damaged GE. BB survives. Fighter flies to Kiel from Berlin.
British Empire builds fighter for India, &, 2 BB. Reposition land forces in home islands, in case of any sea landings.
S. Africa forces of trooper & gun, invades GE. SW. Africa defended by same. All forces are lost. Brits. E. Africa trooper invades & takes out defending trooper of GE. E. Africa, colony falls! Rhodesia trooper moves to Sudan, while Sudan trooper moves to Egypt. C off Egypt joined by C from India, &, Egyptian transport heads for India.
Indian BB & transport(2 troopers) arrive off Jordan. Shelling takes out a Ottoman trooper, &, defending gun scores no hit. Also Egyptian garrison invades Jordan, total 7 troopers & 2 guns, versus, Axis trooper & gun. Losses Allies 2 troopers, &, Axis all, Jordan falls!
Ottoman Empire builds sub., trooper, &, fighter. Moves from capital to Smyrna 4 troopers & gun. Ankara garrison, sans trooper, enters Syria, while previous forces from Smyrna & Syria enter Jordan. Seven troopers & gun, versus, Brits. 6 troopers & 2 guns. Losses 4 troopers each side.
At sea 2C from home waters, attack Brits. 2C off Egypt, all ships are lost!
U.S.A. builds transport, sub., &, fighter. Moves BB to off Canada, takes out GE. sub., BB damaged(while C heads for Egypt).
Round Two: GE. builds fighter, transport, sub., &, 2 BB. Two BB & transport(trooper & gun) into British Home Waters(no mine damage), joins damaged BB, versus, 2 Brits. BB. Losses Axis BB(other 2 are damaged) & Allies 2 BB.
Both BB shell & take out two Brits. defending troopers in Scotland, GE. trooper & gun landed, Scotland falls!
British Empire builds C, sub., 3 troopers, &, for India 2 troopers. Trooper leaves GE. E. Africa to British E. Africa, another trooper leaves S. Africa for undefended GE. S. W. Africa(colony falls!). Moves another 2 troopers from Egypt to Jordan.
From Red Sea 2 transports go back to India, while fighter flies in from India to Egypt.
From capital to Yorkshire 2 troopers & gun move there, also from Wales a trooper moves to London. Finally 3 troopers & gun move into Scotland, versus, GE. trooper & gun. Losses Allies none, &, all Axis, Scotland freed!
BB enters Home Waters(no mine lost), versus, submarine. Losses British Empire BB damaged, &, Ottoman Empire sub. lost.
Ottoman Empire builds 2 troopers, gun, submarine. Move 3 troopers from Syria to Mesopotamia, &, a gun from Syria to Smyrna. Also a trooper from capital sent to Smyrna, while from Smyrna 4 troopers & a gun are sent to Jordan.
Battle with fighter flow in from capital, 7 troopers & 2 guns, versus, British 3 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Axis 3 troopers & Allies only a trooper & gun left, Jordan is contested.
U.S.A. builds C, sub., &. transport. Submarine goes from East Coast to Sea Zone #7. BB off Canada to Wales, &, C going to Egypt, turned around & goes to Wales also. Fighter flies from East Coast to Ireland, while Transport with trooper & gun, heads for Egypt.
Round Three: GE. builds 2 BB & 2 transports. Fighter flies in from capital to Kiel, sea battle again, in Brits. Home waters. Empty transport returns to Kiel, from British Home Water. Also entering BHW 2 BB(both damaged by combat), sub.(destroyed by mines), &, transport, join 2 damaged BB in British Home Waters, versus, Brits. C & sub.(latter lost).
Fighter from Kiel, 4 BB shelling, &, transport lands trooper & gun, versus, in London, 3 troopers( already 3 troopers lost in shelling) & gun(scores no defensive hit). Losses all Axis land forces, &, none Allies. GE. needed a hit from all land forces, fighter, &, another BB to wipe out all defenders.
British Empire builds transport, sub., fighter, 2 troopers, &, gun. Trooper from Wales to London, from British East Africa to Sudan, &, trooper & gun from India to Jordan. Also fighter from Egypt, &, BB retuning from Ottoman Home Waters arriving off Jordan.
Battle in Jordan, in air duel both fighters lost, BB shelling takes out a defending trooper, while 2 defending guns take out an attacking trooper. Two troopers & 2 guns, versus, Ottoman 3 trooper & 2 guns. Losses Allies trooper & gun, Axis 2 troopers & gun.
Ottoman Empire builds fighter, trooper, &, submarine. From capital 2 troopers move to Smyrna, another trooper goes from Mesopotamia to Syria. Original Smyrna & Syria forces move into Jordan of 3 troopers & gun, versus, British trooper & gun. Losses only Allies gun.
USA builds transport & BB. Transports debarks on British Gold Coast colony a trooper & gun, versus, occupying GE. trooper. Losses Allies gun & Axis trooper, colony is freed!
From East Coast, a transport with trooper & gun, heads for Egypt, &, C & sub. heads for waters off London. Meanwhile a damaged BB, C, sub., & fighter(flying in from Ireland), arrive off London, versus, GE. damaged 5 BBs, &, transport. Losses all Allies & Axis 3 BBs.
Round Four: GE. builds 2 BB & 2 fighters. Trooper goes from Nigeria back to Togoland, to defend it. Moves transport back to Kiel from Brits. Home Waters. Moves to off London, BB & 3 transports, with 2 fighters from Kiel(no mine lost).
Battle 3 BBs(two already damaged) , 3 transports(3 troopers & 3 guns moved into Kiel from last turn), &, 2 fighters, versus, British submarine & fighter(wins air duel & lands back into London). Losses Axis 2 fighters(air battle) & damaged BB(from fighter that went to London, after the battle), &, Allies submarine.
Landed 2 troopers(one trooper already lost to defending gun) & 3 guns, with 2 BB(damaged) shelling & scoring no hits, versus, British 3 troopers & gun. Losses Axis another trooper, &, British trooper. Scotland only contested, Axis landing fizzles out!
British Empire builds trooper, sub., BB, &, for India gun, &, fighter. From capital moves trooper to Yorkshire, while transport off Wales, heads for Canada. From Yorkshire trooper & gun join forces in Scotland, battle of 3 troopers & gun, versus, GE. trooper & gun. Losses Allies trooper & Axis all, Scotland freed!
Fighter from London, attacks GE. 2 damaged BB & 3 transports. Losses Allies fighter, &, Axis a BB.
Also trooper from Sudan goes into Egypt, and, from Red Sea to India, damaged BB & 2 transports move.
Ottoman Empire builds 2 troopers , 2 guns, moving from capital to Smyrna 2 troopers & a gun. Also a trooper from Syria, &, 3 troopers & gun from Smyrna to Jordan. Along with a trooper to Syria from Mesopotamia.
Combat in Jordan 3 troopers & gun, versus, British trooper. Each side losses a trooper, Jordan retaken!
U.S.A. builds transport, gun, fighter, &, submarine. BB & transport leaves East Coast for Egypt, while a transport off Egypt lands trooper & gun, to reinforce the British. Another transport arrives of S. Africa, &, trooper from Gold Coast enters Togoland, versus, defending trooper. No losses, but, Togoland is contested.
C & sub. arrive off London, versus, GE. damaged BB & 3 transports. Losses Allies all & only for GE. 2 transports are left.
Round Five: GE. builds 2 BB & submarine. Two fighters flies into Kiel from Berlin, trooper in Togoland counterattack invading U.S. trooper(both destroyed, colony still contested).
Two BBs enter, with no mine lost, British Home Waters, versus, British BB & submarine, and, U.S.A. C. Losses all Axis & British BB is damaged, still with new replacements, Axis still have naval superiority in North Atlantic!
British Empire builds 2 troopers & gun for India, &, BB, fighter, &, gun. Gun moved from London to Yorkshire, while a S. African trooper boards a US transport.
BB & 2 transports leave India for Egypt, in Red Sea debarks 3 troopers & gun, while a fighter flies in from India. Also transport leaves Canada for Egypt with trooper & gun(along with a trooper & gun leaves Canada for East Coast).
Ottoman Empire builds trooper, fighter, &, submarine. Moves from capital, trooper to Syria, and, from Syria 2 troopers & gun to Jordan. Finally Jordan garrison enters Egypt, of 7 troopers, 3 guns, &, fighter(which losses air duel), versus, Brits. 4 troopers, gun, &, fighter(which won air duel), and, U.S. trooper & 2 guns. Losses Axis 4 troopers, &, Allies 3 troopers, Egypt contested.
Sub. leaves home waters, goes to Central Med. Sea, sinks US transport, but, is sunk by British fighter.
U.S. builds 2 transports, sub., &, trooper. From East Coast to London, a submarine and fighter leave(latter flies to Ireland first).
Transport arrives off Nigeria with British trooper, on board, while a BB & transport arrives off Egypt, landing 2 troopers.
Round Six: GE. builds fighter, BB, C, &, submarine. Fleet with transport heads for British Home Waters.
Combat 2 BB & sub.(no mine lost) & transport & 2 fighters enter British Home waters, versus, USN C and British 2 BB & sub. & fighter. In dog fight, each side losses a fighter, Axis all lost, &, Allies only a submarine. So much lost, for so little.
British Empire builds tank & fighter for India, &, BB & transport. Trooper disembarks US transport, onto undefended Nigeria, colony retaken!
Two transports leave Red Sea for India, there boards 3 troopers & gun, while another transport from Canada, arrives off Egypt & disembarks trooper and gun.
BB(no mine lost) & fighter(wins air duel) enter Ottoman Home Waters, versus, Ottoman submarine. Allies no lost & Axis submarine, Allies dominate the Med. Sea!
Two BB(no mine damage) Home Fleet, enter GE. Home Waters, versus, GE. BB, C, &, submarine. Losses Allies damaged BB, & Axis all lost, the Allies control North Sea!
Ottoman Empire builds sub., 2 troopers, &, gun. From capital 2 troopers & gun, and, 1 trooper from Ankara moves into Smyrna. Also moves trooper from Syria & Smyrna into Jordan, while Jordan garrison marches into Egypt.
Battle 6 troopers & 4 guns, versus, British Empire 2 troopers, 2 guns, &, fighter, and, U.S. 2 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Axis 5 troopers, &, Allies 3 troopers & 3 guns. Egypt is contested!
U.S.A. builds tank, fighter, &, transport. Moves BB & transport to Egypt, debarks trooper & gun, while returning transport, heads back to East Coast. While another transport off Nigeria heads for India. Off Egypt BB shells & scores a hit, while defending guns score a hit. Remaining trooper scores a hit, destroying a gun, but, trooper is destroyed also.
From Ireland a fighter arrives in London, along with a submarine. Another 2 transport leaves East coast(3 troopers & gun) & sub., heads for Egypt.
PEACE breaks out!
Ottoman Empire knows another round or two the Allies will overrun the empire. GE. failure to break out of the North Sea, much less permanent conquest of part of the British Islands is not working out(especially after the naval disasters of round 5-6). Allies rule the seas, &, have also air superiority.
Minor to moderate victory for the Allies!, Ottoman Empire leaves contested Egypt, if the Allies leave contested Togoland. GE. loses 2 colonies, split tween the three Allies(USA does what it likes, &, makes a new country). Ottoman comps. Germany by giving them some oil leases.
IPCs losses Axis & Allies 29 troopers each side, guns 13 & 8, fighter 7 & 4, transport 4 & 2, sub. 10 & 5, C 6 & 7, BBs 12 & 4.
This scenario is the last of 2 Axis powers versus 2 Allied powers, theses 2 versus 2 games were played out of sync by accident, with the next two series of games. Those games are 2 Axis versus 3 Allied powers, &, 2 Axis versus 4 Allied powers, of course the former games will include and the latter will not have Axis Turkey.