A&A Naval Game–-The Solomons Campaign
Discussion Topic–-General Discussions
First off, WELCOME to the “discussion group” of a new Naval A&A game. I envite you to PLEASE contribute any and all ideas/opinions you might have that you think might assist us in our quest to improve our gaming experience. We are especially glad to welcome your experience in rules, etc. Variable has started on the rules and I’m sure your help/suggestions will be welcome.
Map size/scale
I’m glad you’re in agreement with a large map representing (in a more detailed way) only one campaign/battle area. This in itself would allow more types of operations and give a much more in-depth experience to our games. Couple this with the (proposed) new units becoming available and I think this undoubtably spells more FUN!
The Solomons Campaign game
As you no doubt have already read, we are at the moment discussing a particular
map/game, The Solomons Campaign. I’m hoping that we can end up with a SERIES of maps/games that could be played TOGETHER in series. The reason I say in series is it would show the progression of technical upgrades through TIME,…just as in the real war.
Tech Improvements through Time
For example,…you wouldn’t expect to see B-29s and Atomic Bombs in the early war campaign battles.
But you could expect to start out the first campaign with: P-40 warhawks, F-4 wildcats, Stuart Tanks, “Old” Battleships, etc.
Then, after a certain length of TIME(turn #) have the capability to purchase IMPROVED weapon types like: P-38 lightnings, F-6 hellcats, F-4U corsairs, Sherman Tanks, “Iowa” class Battleships, etc., etc., etc.
Results Transfer
Also I think it would be really cool to be able to “TRANSFER” to the next map/game
a certain amount of the results you attained in the previous map/game. Thus you could actually fight the entire war through all of it’s battles/campaigns,…and to a certain degree your END RESULT would depend the results you attained from EACH map/game. This could be done through a sort of “grading” of results;…Absolute Victory, Victory, Stalemate, Loss, Extreme Loss, etc. and the associated effects. I imagine a LOT of discussion will take place on this aspect.
I realize each of the above topics just mentioned can and should be discussed thoroughly. I could amplify EACH with MANY pages of well thought-out views,…but I want EVERYBODY else to become INVOLVED so as to make this OUR game instead of just MY game.
Ship Types
Yes, I agree that the “Alaska” class is a BC BattleCruiser and listed it as such. I’m glad you spoke of the “Montana” class as a SBB Super Battleship as I had the same thought and also thought of the “Old” Battleships as OBBs. Possibly even dividing these further to differentiate between 12" and 14" guns. Maybe OBB-12s and
Everyone Get Involved
Like I said, I’m very glad YOU brought it up as I’d really like to involve more people in this project and see it exposed to all of the “gray matter” available here on this forum. There are a lot of inteligent, experienced A&A players as well as game designers, rules gurus, and just plain fans that can ALL add something to the discussion so we’ll end up with a much-improved gaming experience.
As the old expression goes,…What do Ya’ll Think???
“Tall Paul”