A&A Naval Game–-The Solomons Campaign
Discussion Topic–-Naval units—Specialised Rules
Let me first start out by saying that I’ve never thoroughly read the rules for the A&A-Guadalcanal game. I guess I will do so now to have a more complete understanding.
Also, I agree that we have a lot of units here.
But other than the “Atlanta” class anti-aircraft Light Cruiser (which would have a greater defense against AIRCRAFT) I can’t think of ANY of the ships that would require “specialized” attack/defense rules. I may be wrong here, but I don’t think so. PLEASE advise me of any situations that I may have overlooked or not contemplated occurring. Consider ALL of the differrent Naval. Air, and Land units,…and ALL of the varying ways in which they may conduct combat, and then we’ll discuss your findings. This is a “forum” exactly for the purpose of exploring, discussing, and deciding all of the attributes of this new naval game(s).
Also I think it would definately be an asset to keep it as “simple” as possible and avoid ending up with the “Monster Game” I had previously mentioned. I think SIMPLE would be preferred as long as it doesn’t deprive us of anything USEFUL or FUN.
We will have entirely enough complexity just in the availability of all of the differrent units, as well as the map being more on a tactical level. It seems to me it would be an advantage to keep this game(s) as simular to the “standard” A&A games as possible to allow any A&A player to fairly easily “step into” to it without a HUGE LEARNING CURVE.
I think a large amount of new rules might tend to discourage a lot of potential players.
Just remember all of the “new” things we will be introducing/expanding here already:
Mine warfare, PT boat offensive/defensive warfare, Convoys and their attack or defense, Recon through the Seaplane tender and PBYs, Amphibious Raids or large Invasions, Logistics(?)-Supply and Fuel, and multiple levels of most every ship,…
DE or DD,…CL, CLAA, or CA,…“Old” BBs, “Iowa” BBs, “Montana” BBs.
I’m almost tempted to classify the the “Montana” class Battleships as BBBB, standing for “Big Beautiful Battleship Boys”,…haha.
I think that we should try to make this game(s), with all of the improvements and expansions of things already done, with all of the new units available, to be played on a more “tactical” level map as SIMPLE and EASY to learn/play as possible. If we could do that I think it would be to ALL of our benefit. This game(s) is already verging on being “Overwhelming” and I think that is important to keep in mind.
I am VERY interested in your and other peoples’ opinions and think in cases such as this that a group effort can bring out the best ideas/methods.
I have a lot of ideas and opinions and certainly don’t want myself, or anyone else, to be overbearing. The entire objective here is a vastly improved A&A gaming experience.
Again,…What do ya’ll think???
“Tall Paul”