• I’m new at Axis and Allies Europe but a sesond veteran in the orginal. I’ve decided to play USSR and I could use a basic strategy/opening. Thanks



    Seriously, make the German pay dearly to chew through all your infantry by keeping it fighting at the full 2-or-less dice strength. Counterattack only where you can savage his tanks or have a huge numerical advantage. Be very stingy with using your own armor – you’ll need it for the final counterattacks around Moscow.

    Above all, get your Allies to send in air power that you can convert to Red ftrs & bmrs. Even if they retain ownership, the Brits can help by parking their ftrs where they can bolster your defense.

    SOMETIMES – maybe – a German player will leave a big hole in his front line. You can cause trouble & distract him by rushing in some units. But keep it simple, keep it infantry, and MAKE HIM PAY!!

    Also: keep your AA mobile, as you can wear down his air force here and there.

    If all else fails, spike his sauerkraut with rancid cabbage!!

  • So do I let him just take Leningrad, and Stalingrad or do I fall back to those places?

  • The point is to make the German PAY to take these places. Leningrad is the more critical point – as it allows FTRs from UK to land, which you can bring into the Red air force. If Germany takes Leningrad on turn one, you can easily re-take. Then station plenty INF there, and remember: even a UK FTR sitting there will help defend, hitting Germans at 4-or-less rolls. Leningrad can be the site of see-saw battles, because the German knows you need it (or Vyborg) to land Allied FTRs coming to your aid. But he generally doesn’t devote sufficient troops to HOLD it, at least in the first few turns.

    KEY: Keep Germans 2-territories-away from Moscow as long as possible.

    Let’s say he takes Stalingrad, and can blitz through Turkestan to hit Moscow, avoiding your main force in Belorussia. You must: place 1 or 2 INF in Turkestan as “speed bumps” to gain TIME.

  • Whatever you do don’t necessarily do the belorussian stack… I got wiped out once for attempeting to hold it all there. But ZimZaxZeo is correct fall back and make him (germany) suffer alot for it… the other thing make sure that your allied players understand that they need to supply you with fighters…You cannot hold out long without there help. they sometimes say it’s to much to supply you but it’s not true because there goals are still attainable just not as fast. it simple if you fall… BYE BYE ALLIES

  • Thanks so much for your help. I played a game yesterday and the allies won. I ended up doing the bellorossa stack and let him take Stalingrad and then Leningrad. When he took Turkestan I attacked his force with everything I had and massacred him. Then he took Bellorassa and then I attacked again with everything I had. By this point I was taking some of his tanks and all his infantry were mostly wiped from the board. US and UK started Landing on the west coast of europe and moscow was saved.

  • Those poor misguided Wehrmacht zombies!
    (What the heck were they doing in Turkestan, anyway?! End-running around Belorussia??)

  • Yeah, they went into Turkestan hoping that I would reteart back to Moscow.

  • It is quite simple actully. Pool all your troops into Belerussia and make a stand there. And build all tanks every turn. These tanks will give you a very good counterattcking force when the germans have attacked all your whole army in belerussia.

  • Umm. Are you sure it’s a good idea to buy tanks. I thinks It would be better to by Infantry

  • I made a mistake, i ment to say to buy tanks the first couple of turns. Buying tanks the whole game would be foolish of me.

  • Although expensive, FTRs are more maneuverable than tanks – they don’t have to park in territories they help take (in fact they are forbidden to), so they always “live to fight another day” making them less likely than tanks to get eradicated. Plus, they have supreme defensive value! Find a way to add on a FTR here and there – you are bound to lose some, and even though your Allies may supply a few more, you will find they come in very, very handy.

  • this was regurgitated on another post.
    my opinion is here:

  • @cystic:

    this was regurgitated on another post.
    my opinion is here:

    Eww. Regurgitated arguments. You know, maybe we evolved from ants – that’s how they keep their ground forces going: pass along the nutrition via regurgitation. I think this calls for a new thread under the “Other Games” forum, namely a discussion of the game that started the whole SIMS crop of interactive world-construction: Sim Ant. (see you at “Other Games”)

  • saw a stratgy, that almost worked with USSR
    keep buying canons and your only objective is moscow
    in ± round 3, if Germanys tanks are parked at moscow, attack them heavily
    never let germanys tanks attack you

  • I guess just do what everyone else is saying and make the Germans pay for every territory. So just hold on till the US can get into the game.  Hang onto stalingarad and Lenningrad as long as possible.  Linnengrad so you can get fighters from UK and beacasue if the Germans get it they can place units there (only one but hey even a little helps).  Stalingrad beacase it is the gatway to the middle east and that could seriouly hurt the Allies money wise. Good luck!!  :-D

  • I don’t see how the Russians can hold onto Leningrad, just no way!

    The Germans will take it if they are determined to take it,

    is there a fool proof way for the Russians to hold it?

  • Well just keep dumping guys there.  That generally works on top of fighter support from UK.

  • I  doubt that can work indefinitely for the Russians.

    When I play the Germans and the Russians try to take back Leningrad, I just relish that.

    If Russia wants to try to take back and hold and keep Leningrad and destroy their limited units in such a futile attempt, please Russia go ahead!

    I just don’t see that happening unless I am missing some Russian double secret strategy?  :?

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