• Customizer

    I didn’t place yet.  I wanted feedback as to where the fleet would go.  I’m thinking a blocker in sz94 is prudent.  I like the idea of Italy suiciding into sz92, but doubt they would.  And a weakened UK fleet could still hit the German fleet in sz91 and win.

    If there is nothing to add, then go with this map and add the 9 inf.

    Go ahead and post a map.


  • Do you sink 110 with just planes then?
    Because using navy would make the transports in 111 easily destroyed by what planes are left in London.  Even if you left a part of your navy.

    Alternatively if you put the German Navy in 111, you could still take 110 with the sacrifice of a couple planes.  Just curious.

    If we’re not hitting 110 on G1, what are others’ thoughts on this G1 lay-out?  Just thought it improved on a couple of the plane/troop distributions.

    With this spread, both Normandy and France have much higher win %‘s, and therefore more force gets preserved for later turns.
    The naval battles are still fairly assured.
    Just wondering what others’ thoughts were on this.

    G1 potential.AAM

  • Customizer

    Let’s go with one at a time.

  • Right right, I agree.  Just curious.

  • Also Jim, I had an idea on the UK side.

    If in this situation, in which there is 1 sub in 106 and 1 in 91, could UK:

    send the 109 DD to 106, clearing that zone (hopefully)
    send the 109 TT to 106 in non-com, to get that Inf/Arm
    use the 110 CA to block in 104

    Sure it’s a bit pricier in naval units, but it replaces a UK2 inf with an arm.  Seems like a positive exchange for UK’s defense.

  • Customizer


    Also Jim, I had an idea on the UK side.

    If in this situation, in which there is 1 sub in 106 and 1 in 91, could UK:

    send the 109 DD to 106, clearing that zone (hopefully)
    send the 109 TT to 106 in non-com, to get that Inf/Arm
    use the 110 CA to block in 104

    Sure it’s a bit pricier in naval units, but it replaces a UK2 inf with an arm.  Seems like a positive exchange for UK’s defense.

    It is a little riskier, but the extra tank could make a difference in the hit and fade on Scotland UK 3

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Not sure if it would be beneficial or not.  The idea of hitting the British fleet is more to kill planes than to kill boats.  The decision on the German fleet can be made at that time.  Or, as I said, the British fleet can be ignored as it is immaterial to Operation Sea Lion. (Just sail to SZ 109 and ignore it.)

  • I don’t mean to interrupt the thread, but I have to agree with Stalingradski. Barbarossa is a better strategy.

    #1 It’s a more reliable strategy
    #2 It’s far more fun to recreate the Eastern Front!
    #3 If you do Sea-lion, you risk being set back on the Eastern Front

    On number three, don’t you realize that if you do a G4 sea-lion, Russia can take the three German border territories for a gain of 17 IPCs to use for more turtling later, I don’t care if you have 100 IPCs, you don’t have anyone on the front! And if Japan builds a Major IC in Korea, then the US knows it doesn’t need to pay that much attention to Japan, so America joins the Europe theater!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I realize this, I just don’t care.

    With 6 Mechanized Infantry, 4 Armor headed into Russia per round from Japan and a 60 IPC Germany the Russians, even with 60 IPC themselves, won’t hold out long.  If I have Italy suicide out to weaken the British, I can also use 20 IPC a round for them to help bolster my attacks.

    Nice thing: Italy takes a plot of land, Germany can stack and land on it.  Makes the front easier. They can do this regardless, but without England to worry about, Germany only has a 1 front war for a long time.

  • Well, If Japan pours that much money into its one factory, they are easy pickings for the US.

  • I don’t think UK should block the Italian fleet, all things considered having Italy suicide their fleet is a positive, any way you slice it for UK, especially since it won’t cost aircraft.

    What ground units did UK bring over to Gib?  What are they planning on bringing to UK via the trn?  Considering Germany cannot capture Gib, I don’t think they will try to do more than block with a CA off Gib and possibly a BB in sz104.  Its going to be hard for UK to still get to London then.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    1 Infantry, 1 Artillery and 3 Fighters were declared for Gibraltar.


    Well, If Japan pours that much money into its one factory, they are easy pickings for the US.

    They already are.

  • Customizer

    Rather than wait, here are the propoesed Italian moves.


  • Customizer

    No input on Italy?

    Here is Italy’s final move.


  • Customizer

    Go ahead, Jenn.

    What’s your G2 look like?

  • Jim and Jen,

    Could you two please post a link to the odds calculator you each are using?

  • Customizer

    There is an app for the iphone.

  • Ah, then you must mean you are using this one, http://www.dskelly.com/misc/aa/aasim.html ?

  • I think building FTR for ITaly is going to give the most help to the London attack, Perhaps he will be needed to clear blockers on I2 or even as a defensive unit after the capture on I3.

    I think Germ should send both the CA and BB to block and build a dd or perhaps 2.  It might be necessary then to put the fleet with CV in sz113 to stay safe from Allied air.  Germany’s objective is to block the relief of England, UK’s objective is to sink those TRNS!

    Also, based on the results, provided UK can safeguard sz 106, wouldn’t it be better to build 1 trn in Canada, then he can bring 9ipcs of units over the next round.  Who cares if he dies at that point, he has increased your def of Britain.  Basically spending 7ipcs to bring in an inf/Arm.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I think Italy leaving units in France to clear SZ 110 is a good idea.  I am not sure if blocking the British is necessary, however.  What can they realistically accomplish?

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